
Moving to winter-time.

Israelis gain an hour as they set the clock back

At 2am on Sunday, clocks around Israel will turn back and give people an extra hour; change will last until March 25, 2016.

The clock will be moving back one hour on the night between Saturday and Sunday. On 2am Sunday, the time will officially become 1am again, giving Israelis an extra hour of sleep. This will last until March 25, 2016, when the clock moves forward again.



For 212 days, Israelis experienced more daylight hours. The expansion of summer-time hours was done while former minister of the interior Gideon Sa'ar was still in office. The Ministry's director general at the time, Shuki Amrani, claimed that the switch to summer-time saves the Israeli economy about NIS 300 million a year.


Turning back the clock.
Turning back the clock.


Traditionally, the main opponents for the extension of summer-time are the religious and Ultra-Orthodox Jewish political parties. A common misconception links this to Yom Kippur, according to which it is in religious people's interest to finish fasting at an early hour.


According to head of Tzohar (a rabbinical organization in Israel), Rabbi David Stav, this isn't a significant consideration, and is psychological rather than religious. In a case like this, Yom Kippur would also start an hour earlier, and the fast would last just as long: About 25 hours.





פרסום ראשון: 10.24.15, 21:18
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