
Tel Aviv Haze

Thick haze envelops Israel : Flights cancelled

Arkia and Israair cancel all domestic flight routes, while Eilat and Sde Dov airports cease operations due to weather. Environmental Protection Ministry warns against prolonged exposure to aerial pollutants.

 Severe air pollution continued to spread across most of Israel on Wednesday, as a result of the heavy haze currently enveloping the region. Pollution levels in Rehovot were 30 times the normal level, while the coastal region, Beer Sheva, and Jerusalem clocked in at 26 times the normal rates.



The Environmental Protection Ministry cautioned citizens to avoid or restrict any physical activities outdoors. The ministry placed special importance on pregnant women, the elderly, and the ill, asking them to avoid activities outdoors.


Tel Aviv in the haze this morning (Photo: Adam Evenhaim)
Tel Aviv in the haze this morning (Photo: Adam Evenhaim)


Eitan Maza, an air pollution forecaster for the ministry explained that on a normal day, the average concentrations of breathable particulates fluctuate between 50-60 parts per hour, however current levels are much higher. The heavy haze has also led to delays and cancellations in flights across Israel. Israeli carrier Arkia decided to cancel all domestic flights until 3:00PM this afternoon.


Rehovot (Photo: Rah Burla)
Rehovot (Photo: Rah Burla)



Moshav Galia (Photo: Rah Burla)
Moshav Galia (Photo: Rah Burla)


Eilat's airport was closed due to low visibility, and all flights scheduled to depart from Sde Dov were set to be operated out of Ben Gurion instead.


Beer Sheva (Photo: Herzl Yosef)
Beer Sheva (Photo: Herzl Yosef)

The Haze is only a precursor to the rain which is expected to wash the nation in the coming days, and is expected to linger in the air until Thursday.


The Israel Electric Corporation stated on Tuesday that it was preparing for damage to the power grid: "The IEC has received from the Meteorological Service a weather alert that includes strong easterly winds blowing from the north of Saudi Arabia and Jordan towards us, causing sandstorms and dust which will limit visibility. During the afternoon, clouds, thunderstorms and lightning are expected to develop. The haze is expected to continue into the night and tomorrow, especially in the north of the country."


Beer Sheva (Photo: Herzl Yosef)
Beer Sheva (Photo: Herzl Yosef)


The IEC added that the combination of dust and rain could lead to power outages. They mentioned that in the event of broken wires or damage to electric equipment, one must stay away from the area and report it to emergency phone number 103. It is also necessary to strengthen objects and accessories that can break and fly off in the wind: shutters not connected properly, lids, containers and storage tanks on roofs, flower pots and so on.





פרסום ראשון: 11.04.15, 09:01
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