
Children who survived terror attacks lighting Hanukkah candles.

'My Hanukkah miracle is being alive'

The whole country prayed for the 13-year-old boy who was seriously wounded in a stabbing attack in Pisgat Ze'ev. A week after that, 3-year-old Tahal Sofer was also in the country's heart after being seriously hurt by a Molotov cocktail. On Tuesday both children were back on their feet and lighting Hanukkah candles.

Two children who were seriously wounded during the current wave of terror, and whose lives were in danger just a few weeks ago, on Tuesday were back on their feet and lighting Hanukkah candles.



A crowd of 3,500 people arrived to witness 3-year-old Tahal Sofer and 13-year-old Naor Ben Ezra light the candles, both of whom just a few weeks ago were in the prayers of the entire country.


Tahal Sofer and Naor Ben Ezra, survivors of terrorism, light Hanukkah candles. (Photo: Avi Hayon)
Tahal Sofer and Naor Ben Ezra, survivors of terrorism, light Hanukkah candles. (Photo: Avi Hayon)


Tahal had been injured by a Molotov cocktail that was thrown at her family's car while traveling near Beit El in the West Bank. Naor Ben Ezra was stabbed by Palestinian teenagers in a terror attack in Pisgat Ze'ev in October, and his life was in danger for several days.


The two lit the Hanukkah candles in the company of the team of doctors who treated them in the children's ward of Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem.


"My personal Hanukkah miracle is being here, being alive," said Naor, who will celebrate his bar mitzvah in a few weeks' time.


"Hadassah Hospital brought me back to life, and I am lighting the candles today with great emotion," Naor continued.


Professor Eitan Kerem, head of Hadassah's Pediatric Division, noted that the close relationship between Hadassah and Jerusalem's residents began 100 years ago, and that the medical teams decided to embrace the city's children in honor of Hanukkah.


"We are with them always, not just when they are hurt," Prof. Kerem said. "Everyone is marching together."


פרסום ראשון: 12.09.15, 23:56
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