
Suspected terror attack in Modi'in

Suspected terrorism: Palestinian attacks boss and coworker

Palestinian laborer on a building site in Modi'in strikes Jewish boss and Palestinian coworker with a hammer on Tuesday afternoon, in what police are saying looks increasingly like a terror attack.

A 39-year-old Palestinian attacked his manager and a colleague with a hammer on a Modi'in building site on Tuesday afternoon, wounding one seriously and another moderately.



The two injured were taken to Tel Hashomer hospital. According to police, there is a growing suspicion that the attack was nationalistically-motivated.


Workers at the site managed to overpower the attacker, a resident of Beit Sira in the West Bank, who was in Israel on a permit. Police said the suspect, 39, was taken in for questioning.


Suspected terror attack in Modi'in on a building site (Photo: MDA Spokesperson)
Suspected terror attack in Modi'in on a building site (Photo: MDA Spokesperson)


On Monday, eleven people were wounded in a vehicular attack next to the the Chords Bridge at the entrance to Jerusalem. The attacker was shot dead at the scene.


This is a developing story.






פרסום ראשון: 12.15.15, 15:57
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