
Flooding in Ashkelon

Heavy rains in Ashkelon causes flooding

In one hour, 41mm of rain falls in the southern city, leading to flooding of schools and water entering several floors of the Barzilai Medical Center.

The rain returned Thursday in full force mainly on the southern coastal plains with reports of flooding in schools, kindergardens, and the Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon.



According to the Meteorological Service, no less than 41mm of rain fell in just one hour, from 8 to 9am, at the measuring center at the port of Ashkelon. This enormous amount of rain led to flooding in the city. Overall, 50mm of rain fell in Ashkelon this morning.


Stormclouds over Ashkelon (Photo: Shmuel David)
Stormclouds over Ashkelon (Photo: Shmuel David)


Several streets in Ashkelon were closed off due to the flooding and professional teams were spread out throughout the city.


The heavy rains caused water to enter several floors of the Barzilai Medical Center. The situation was successfully dealt with by hospital staff. The hospital is functioning normally.


Flooding in Ashkelon (Photo: Barel Efraim)
Flooding in Ashkelon (Photo: Barel Efraim)


"Several locations have been flooded and pumping tools are on their way to the city," said Itamar Shimoni, Mayor of Ashkelon. "A number of school and kindergarten classes were flooded, and the students were transferred to other classes. We will assess the situation and if necessary we will announce the evacuation of the schools. Unfortunately the metrological service did not warn us about the heavy rains and therefore we were taken by surprise. We will draw the necessary conclusions."


In Ashdod, 47mm of rain fell. Rain also fell in the Gush Dan district in central Israel, the coastal plains, and the Samaria region of the West Bank, but in much smaller quantities - no more than 10mm in most areas.


Flooding in Ashdod (Photo: Ron Notkin)
Flooding in Ashdod (Photo: Ron Notkin)


Storm clouds have formed over the southern and central coastal plains on Thursday. Rain, and perhaps hail, is expected to fall on the coast and inland. There is a risk of flooding of the coastal plains and in the afternoon floods are possible in the rivers of the Judean Desert and the Dead Sea. On Friday morning it will rain was well in the same areas although it is expected to weaken in the central regions and stop.


פרסום ראשון: 12.17.15, 13:15
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