
Terror attacks halted, violent clashes in West Bank

Security forces halt car attacks in two incidents, while rioting occurs at various sites in the West Bank.

Two attempted vehicular terror attacks were foiled in the West Bank on Friday, while two soldiers were lightly wounded by thrown stones during rioting by dozens of Palestinians in a village near Jerusalem.



Palestinian reports claimed a young man was seriously wounded by a shot to the chest in clashes near Ramallah. Palestinian sources later said the man had died of his wounds. The IDF has also begun investigating a Palestinian claim that a protester was seriously wounded by IDF fire in a riot near Hebron. That riot involved around 100 Palestinians, who threw stones and burned tires.


Scene of attempted attack at Qalandiya (Photo: Reuters)
Scene of attempted attack at Qalandiya (Photo: Reuters)


The first attempted car attack occurred after 3 pm at the Qalandiya crossing, when a Palestinian rapidly drove towards police officers and soldiers


The terrorist was halted when he ran into a concrete pillar. He then exited the vehicle and ran towards security guards, who called on him to stop and fired warning shots. When the terrorist continued, a security officer shot and wounded him.


A Palestinian later attempted a car attack in Silwad in the West Bank during rioting. The Palestinian began driving at high speed towards Border Guard and IDF troops at the scene to handle the unrest. The troops noticed the terrorist and managed to hide behind a concrete obstacle before shooting the terrorist dead.




פרסום ראשון: 12.18.15, 20:04
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