
Tension in the north: suspect caught near Nahariya

A 28-year-old female from Taibe originally believed to have set out on a terror attack in the north, was caught and it turns out she was escaping her husband in Jerusalem.

A female Israeli Arab who was believed to have set out to commit a terror attack Monday evening in the north was caught.



Following broad searches in the Nahariya area, a 28-year-old resident of Taibe was caught. It turned out that she had a dispute with her husband in Jerusalem and was fleeing from him. 


Moment terror suspect was caught
Moment terror suspect was caught


Barriers were earlier set up in northern Israel near Nahariya due to a warning of an attack. Residents in Nahariya had reported a high level of police vehicle traffic.


A relative of the woman told Ynet: "We have not been in touch with her for almost three years. She lives in East Jerusalem with her husband. We don't  know what happened, and if she thought about carrying out an attack, we strongly condemn this. We are pleased that no one was hurt."


An acquaintance of the woman added: "She suffers from difficulties. Perhaps she announced she planned to carry out an attack in order to go to jail." 




פרסום ראשון: 01.11.16, 20:48
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