
Fuad Tamimi

Terrorist's family deported to West Bank

Public Security Minister Erdan finds family of Fuad Tamimi, who stabbed two policemen in Jerusalem earlier this week, was illegally living in Israel, leading to their deportation.

The family of Fuad Abu Rajab Tamimi, the terrorist who carried out an attack against policemen in Jerusalem last Tuesday, were deported from East Jerusalem to the West Bank.



Immediately after the attack, in which Tamimi was killed after wounding two policemen - one of them seriously, Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan ordered to examine the legal status of the terrorist's family, living in Issawiya in East Jerusalem.


Tamimi's parents, it turned out, applied for family unification, but this request has not been approved, which meant the family were actually illegal aliens in Israel.


Fuad Abu Rajab Tamimi, the terrorist whos family was deported.
Fuad Abu Rajab Tamimi, the terrorist whos family was deported.


That being the case, the family's expulsion from Israel is not considered a punishment whose legality is questionable but rather the implementation of existing law, and so the action was carried out.


Erdan stated that "whoever is here illegally will be expelled. We will continue to strongly fight terrorism on all fronts."


This instance does not in any way signal the future prospect of Israel approving the deportation of terrorists' families, but does show the government's desire to carry out deportations.


A similar incident occurred last month, when Interior Minister Aryeh Deri signed an order canceling the residency permit of Riad Zwid, father of terrorist Alaa Zwid, who ran over two soldiers last October. Riad was living in Umm al-Fahm at the time.


Itamar Eichner, Yoval Karni, Roi Yanovsky and Meir Turgeman contributed to this report.


פרסום ראשון: 03.11.16, 12:21
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