
President Rivlin gives Purim gift basket

Rivlins bring Purim gifts to neighbors

The Israeli President and his wife surprised three young men living across the street from the Presidential Residence by turning up with a Purim gift basket.

Three young men living in a rented apartment on the same street where the President of Israel resides were surprised on Monday when they opened their door and saw President Reuven Rivlin and his wife Nehama standing in their doorway. The two were fulfilling the custom of delivering gift baskets on the holiday of Purim.



Three friends live in the apartment: Amir Shapira, 32, David Lev Ari, 29, and Avi Shvika, 32. The three friends met while serving in the IDF Tank Corps.


The three invited their next-door neighbor, Moriah Natan, 30, originally from Kiryat Shmona, to join them in receiving the first couple.


President Reuven Rivlin gives Purim gift basket to neighbors (Photo: Mark Neiman LTD)
President Reuven Rivlin gives Purim gift basket to neighbors (Photo: Mark Neiman LTD)


“I swear Nehama, I feel like I’m back in student dorms," Rivlin said to his wife. He continued, addressing their hosts, "Even though I know that you all have your degrees already. Is it hard for you all to live across the street from us?"

President Reuven Rivlin gives Purim gift basket to neighbors (Photo: Mark Neiman LTD)
President Reuven Rivlin gives Purim gift basket to neighbors (Photo: Mark Neiman LTD)


“No, it’s fun. Everything is great. As long as we aren’t bothering you guys,” the neighbors told the President. 



President Reuven Rivlin gives Purim gift basket to neighbors (Photo: Mark Neiman LTD)
President Reuven Rivlin gives Purim gift basket to neighbors (Photo: Mark Neiman LTD)


The President asked the four how they plan on spending the holiday, and they told him that “Although the holiday begins tonight in Jerusalem, we decided to celebrate early so that we wouldn’t disrupt the Friday afternoon quiet.”  


The President and his wife gave their neighbors a Purim gift basket with wine, cookies and chocolate. Before they left, Rivlin said, “We hope to see one of you living in the Presidential Residence one day. Maybe you, Moriah, because the time (for a female president) has come."


פרסום ראשון: 03.24.16, 19:13
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