
Israelis have the 8th highest life expectancy

Israel has 8th highest life expectancy in the world

A new life expectancy survey has come out for the first time since 2000; despite wars and threatening neighbors, Israelis have the 8th highest life expectancy in the world, higher than both France and the US.

The World Health Organization has come out with a new report which recorded an overall increase in life expectancy worldwide.



According to the report, humans are living an average of five years longer than they were when the last report was compiled in 2000.


In 2015, the average world wide life expectancy at birth was 71.


The country with the highest life expectancy is Japan, with an overall average lifespan of 86.8 years. Meanwhile, Switzerland has the highest male life expectancy rate at 81.3 years.



Israelis are living longer (Photo: Ido Erez)
Israelis are living longer (Photo: Ido Erez)


By contrast, the shortest life expectancy in the world is in Sierra Leone, where women on average only live to about 51 years of age, and men to about 59.


Meanwhile, Israel has the eighth highest life expectancy rate in the world, with an average life expectancy of 80.6 for men and 84.3 for women.


In the United States by comparison, males have an average lifespan of 77 years, and women usually live for 81.6.


Other notable countries were Canada (80.2 for men and 84.1 for women), France (79.4 for men and 85.4 for women), and Russia (64.7 for men and 76.3 for women).


Another interesting figure was the life expectancy gap in Syria. There, the average age for men is 60, while the average age for women is 70 – possibly as a result of the ongoing civil war in that country.


פרסום ראשון: 05.19.16, 21:42
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