
New Defense Ministry chief of starr Sharon Shalom.

Lieberman's new chief of staff named

Israel’s new Defense Minister chose to appoint the man who served as his chief of staff in the Foreign Ministry.

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman has appointed Sharon Shlom to the position of Defense Ministry chief of staff. Shalom previously served as Lieberman’s chief of staff in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs between the years 2009-2015.



Lieberman’s office wrote in a statement released Monday “(Sharon) was a senior partner in outlining and implementing the State of Israel’s diplomatic and foreign relations policy, and was responsible for the totality of issues relating to Israel’s foreign relations, including his being Minister Lieberman’s senior representative in sensitive diplomatic talks and in (interior) relations with the prime minister’s office.”


Minister Lieberman and his new chief of staff, Sharon Shalom.
Minister Lieberman and his new chief of staff, Sharon Shalom.


Shalom has also served in senior management positions in the private sector, specifically in companies with an international presence.


He also served in other public-sector roles well. As an aid to the transportaiotn minister between 2003-2004, he oversaw El Al airline’s privatization. Shalom, 41, is married and has four children. Lieberman said of him that “Shalom is a man of many skills who has given much to the state of Israel in his various roles over the years, and has received high esteem from prime ministers and other senior officials for whom he worked, and he will have an important contribution as chief of staff in the Defense Ministry as well.




פרסום ראשון: 06.13.16, 22:06
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