
Ariel family lay their daughter to rest

Netanyahu and Lieberman pay visit to Ariel family

PM and defense minister visit Hallel Ariel's family to express their condolences after the brutal murder of their 13-year-old daughter; Victims mother; 'I call upon him to strengthen construction. The national home is on the brink of ruin.'

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman visited the family on Friday morning of Hallel Yafa Ariel, who was stabbed to death by a terrorist as she slept in her bed in kiryat Arba on Thursday morning.



During the hour-long meeting, the prime minister promised to “strengthen this place. I will return with the defense minister and we will decide how to strengthen the town.”


Prime Minister Netanyahu visits Ariel family in Kiryat Arba (Photo: Amos Ben Gershom/GPO)
Prime Minister Netanyahu visits Ariel family in Kiryat Arba (Photo: Amos Ben Gershom/GPO)


At the end of the visit, Netanyahu reflected on seeing Hallel's bedroom: “To see the bedroom of Hallel, to see the blood stains next to the bed, the books and clothes of a young girl, is awful. It reminds us once again who we are facing. They want to uproot us but we will plant the roots deeper. They will not remove us from here,” he declared


“I was impressed by this wonderful family. (The terrorists) will not break the family’s spirit or our sprit,” he continued. 


Photo: (Photo: Hatzalah)
Photo: (Photo: Hatzalah)


Following the meeting, Rina, Hallel’s mother said, "It is important to us that construction is increased and the residents are strengthened. We spoke about something that is is burning in our souls. The national home is on the brink of ruin. The Temple Mount must be opened to Jews.”


“We would have prefered for him to come at a happier time. We would have shown him the vineyards, the beautiful women, but he came at this tragic time," she continued. "We educate peace and love. He saw the bed with blood stains on it. He didn’t promise anything but I am sure that as a father and a grandfather, as well as a member of a bereaved family, he was moved in his heart.” She then called for the government to approve the legality of her family home.


Rina told Netanyahu that she believed there was a direct connection between the murders and the closure of the Temple Mount to Jews.


Hallel Ariel )Photo: Amichai Ma'atuf)
Hallel Ariel )Photo: Amichai Ma'atuf)


She went on to describe how one of her younger daughters had asked that one of the small blood stains on the bed be left since that is the only thing left of her older sister. Netanyahu was also told that the four-year-old daughter, Kanna, asked, "When is the next Arab coming?" Snapping at the prime minister, Rina said, “A young girl should not living with these kind of anxieties and asking a question like this.” 


Hallel is survived by two younger sisters—Shira, 10, and Kanna, 4. She was in the 8th grade and attended the middle school in Kiryat Arba. Rina said that her daughter was a vegetarian and “never wanted to hurt any creature. We, the Jews, go the the synagogue on fast days and we never stop praying and asking for forgiveness from God. And what do you Arabs do on your fast days? Murder, murder, murder.”



פרסום ראשון: 07.01.16, 12:40
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