
Netanyahu wit Rwandan President Paul Kagame

PM visits Kigali Genocide Memorial as part of Africa tour

Netanyahu is in Rwanda on the third leg of his Africa tour; Lays wreath at Kigali Genocide Memorial; Netanyahu: 'My people know the pain of genocide as well, yet we both persevered... We never lost hope.'

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara landed in the Rwandan capital Kigali on Wednesday as a part of the prime minister's east Africa tour.



The Netanyahu and his wife were accompanied by the Rwandan President on a visit to the Kigali Genocide Memorial which commemorates the genocide carried out by the Hutus on the Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994.


Approximately one million people were killed in the genocide which took place over the course of 100 days.

Prime Minister Netanyahu lays a wreath at the Rwandan Genocide Memorial in Kigali (Photo: AP)
Prime Minister Netanyahu lays a wreath at the Rwandan Genocide Memorial in Kigali (Photo: AP)


They visited the memorial museum including the wing dedicated to the Rwandan genocide, the wing dedicated to genocide in other countries, and the Children's Room. Netanyahu signed the official guestbook and laid a wreath at the memorial.


Speaking about his experiences at the Memorial, Netanyahu said "My people know the pain of genocide as well, and this is a unique bond that neither one of our peoples would prefer to have. Yet we both persevered. Despite the pain and despite the horror, we survived. We never lost hope; and you never lost hope."


He continued speaking about the how powerful incitement to violence can be, saying "both our peoples have learned a valuable lesson from our tragic pasts: Genocide is preceded by incitement to mass murder. Words matter. They have the power to kill. And broadcast words, whether on the radio or now through other means, they have the power to kill even further."


"When we see leaders in Gaza calling for the murder of every Jew around the world, we all have a duty to speak out. When we hear the Supreme Leader of Iran calling for the annihilation of Israel, we have a duty to speak out. We have a duty to alert the world to the danger of these hateful words," he continued


Netanyahu meets with Rwandan President Paul Kagame in Kigali, Rwanda (Photo: Kobi Gideon LTD)
Netanyahu meets with Rwandan President Paul Kagame in Kigali, Rwanda (Photo: Kobi Gideon LTD)


Netanyahu then gave a scathing criticism of the UN and it's multiple peacekeeping failures, specifically during the Rwandan genocide.

"Mr. President," Netanyahu addressed Rwandan leader Paul Kagame, "we learned that in difficult times, we must be able to defend ourselves by ourselves. In Rwanda, UN peacekeepers failed to keep the peace. They not only failed to keep the peace, they failed to respond to urgent calls for salvation against an impending genocide. They ran away. We cannot, neither one of us, outsource our safety and our security."


Prime Minister Netanyahu and Rwandan President Kagame also held a lengthy private meeting at the President's residence. They focused on increasing bilateral cooperation in various fields such as military and security, energy, infrastructure, cyber, agriculture, and water.


Other agreements were also signed to strengthen the bi-lateral relations between the two countries, which included visa exemptions for diplomatic passport holders and a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in innovation, research and development, and encouraging tourism.


Netanyahu meets with Rwandan President Paul Kagame in Kigali, Rwanda (Photo: Kobi Gideon LTD)
Netanyahu meets with Rwandan President Paul Kagame in Kigali, Rwanda (Photo: Kobi Gideon LTD)


"I am deeply impressed with Rwanda," the prime minister said. "It's a vibrant country. It's a resolute country. And you've accomplished amazing things. And these achievements are even more impressive given the horrors that you had to overcome."


He continued, saying "Mr. President, I'm in Africa because it is a continent on the rise, and because it hasn't always gotten the attention it deserves, at least not from Israel. But it does now, and I value deeply your willingness to assist us, along with other leaders in this historic summit that we had in Uganda. I'm excited about the future of your country, the future of your continent.


'A few apartments aren't preventing peace'

Prime Minister Netanyahu then responded to a question regarding US State Department claims that Israeli building in the West Bank is "a systematic process of Palestinian land seizures."


"We are familiar with the American position. It is not new. It is also not acceptable to us."


"With all due respect," he continued, "it is neither the construction in Jerusalem nor that in Ma'aleh Adumim that make peace more remote. What prevents peace, first of all, is the constant incitement against the existence of the State of Israel within any borders, and the time has come for all the nations of the world to recognize this simple truth. There is also a second truth: The way to resolve conflicts is by direct negotiations."


The prime minister concluded by saying "We are ready at all times to hold direct negotiations without preconditions with our neighbors; however, they are not prepared to hold them with us. These are the two things that are preventing peace not a few apartments near the city of Maaleh Adumim, or several neighborhoods in Jerusalem."


According to the figures, 560 apartment units will be built in Ma'ale Adumim, 140 will be built in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramot, and another 100 will be built in the Jerusalem neighborhoods of Har Homa and Pisgat Ze'ev.


פרסום ראשון: 07.06.16, 21:11
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