
SlutWalk Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv 'SlutWalk' stresses consent

Hundreds of women, in addition to some men, took to the streets to protest a woman's right to dress as she chooses; 'no one has a right to objectify me due to what I have on,' said one of the women marching.

Roughly 500 women and several men took part in Friday's Tel Aviv SlutWalk, calling out chants that promoted a woman's right to dress how she sees fit. "I can walk around any way I like," said Dafna Morell, one of the march's organizers.



The protest march began at Rabin Square, continued to Habima Square and ended at Gan Meir, where speeches and related activities were held. The protest criticized the way the actions of sex offenders tend to be publicly justified, while the victims face criticism for supposedly dressing provocatively or acting in a promiscuous manner. The protestors held signs that read slogans such as "I may be a slut, but I decide" and "Only I decide about my body."


SlutWalk Tel Aviv (Photo: Motti Kimchi)
SlutWalk Tel Aviv (Photo: Motti Kimchi)

SlutWalk Tel Aviv (Photo:Motti Kimchi)
SlutWalk Tel Aviv (Photo:Motti Kimchi)


SlutWalk Tel Aviv (Photo:Motti Kimchi)
SlutWalk Tel Aviv (Photo:Motti Kimchi)


Morell continued by saying, "We want to create a disconnect between what I'm wearing and whether I'll be assaulted because of it. No one has the right to touch or objectify me due to what I have on. The word 'slut' is very offensive to women, it's a terrible curse, which is why we're marching—to raise awareness and to protest."


פרסום ראשון: 07.08.16, 18:55
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