

Two Israelis killed in California car crash

A motor vehicle accident took the lives of two Israelis, injuring a third; Comes shortly after Israeli drowned in Cuba late last week, Israeli killed in Las Vegas after being struck by a seemingly intoxicated driver.

A deadly car crash in northern California on Saturday has resulted in the deaths of two Israelis, with a third Israeli remaining in moderate-to-serious condition.



After hearing of the accident, Consulate General of Israel to the Pacific Northwest Gabi Dotan left to the city of Chico, heading toward the hospital to which the Israelis were evacuated. The crash appeared to have been caused by a head-on collision that took place on Route 70. Family members have been notified.

Archive (Photo: Firefighting and Rescue Commission)
Archive (Photo: Firefighting and Rescue Commission)


The accident followed another incident that took place on Thursday, in which an Israeli man drowned off the shores of Cuba. His body was only discovered early Friday morning. The man's family has also been notified.


Whitney Greco
Whitney Greco


Idan Cohen
Idan Cohen


Another Israeli, named Idan Cohen, was killed last week in Las Vegas when Whitney Greco, who had reportedly been drinking, hit him late in the evening and then attempted to flee the scene. She was later apprehended by the police. Cohen was pronounced dead on site.


פרסום ראשון: 07.10.16, 14:17
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