
Clinton condemns attacks in NYC, elsewhere


NEW YORK - Hillary Clinton is condemning what she calls "apparent terrorist attacks" in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota.


Officials in New York said Sunday they were still trying to determine who was behind an explosion that rocked the Chelsea neighborhood and what the motivation was. New Jersey law enforcement would not say if a pipe bomb that exploded at a seaside community was terror-related.


Officials said an attack at a Minnesota mall in which a man stabbed nine people was being investigated as a possible act of terrorism; an ISIS-run news agency called the attacker a "soldier of the Islamic State."


In a statement Sunday, the Democratic presidential candidate said law enforcement officials in New York and New Jersey need support as they investigate.


Clinton said of the Minnesota attack, "this should steel our resolve to protect our country and defeat ISIS."


פרסום ראשון: 09.19.16, 08:44