
MK Yehuda Glick visits policewoman injured in stabbing attack in hospital

MK Yehuda Glick (Likud), who survived an assassination attempt in 2014, visited Shaare Zedek Medical Center—where he himself was treated—to offer support to the family of the 38-year-old policewoman who was critically injured during a terror stabbing attack on Monday morning.


“I came from the Old City on my way to the Knesset and when I heard about the incident I came here. It isn’t as if there is anything I can do. I came to offer my support to the family and pray for a full recovery of the policewoman who was injured and to say to her mother and father that miracles happen here and that they should be strong. We wish, with God’s help, that she will be strong,” Glick commented.


פרסום ראשון: 09.19.16, 12:44