
Hilal Al-Quds

Coach of soccer team honoring terrorist arrested for incitement

Maher Abu Sanina, the coach of Hilal Al-Quds, was arrested Sunday for incitement and support for a terrorist organization following a picture posted on social media honoring the Ammunition Hill terrorist who killed two Israelis.

On Sunday, Police arrested Maher Abu Sanina, the coach of Palestinian soccer team Hilal Al-Quds, for incitement after he was photographed with his players holding a banner praising the terrorist who carried out the Ammunition Hill shooting attack in Jerusalem.



Abu Sanina, 55 and a resident of the Old City, was brought to court where he was remanded into custody until Wednesday. He is suspected of supporting a terrorist organization and incitement.


Players with the banner in question
Players with the banner in question


Alongside a picture of Abu Sabih, a resident of the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, the banner contained the text, "The Hilal Al-Quds Club mourns the lion of al-Aqsa, the martyr, the hero Masbah Abu Sabih." The players also stood for a moment of silence in memory of the man who murdered 1st Sgt. Yossi Kirma and Levana Malihi.


Players observing a moment of silence for the terrorist
Players observing a moment of silence for the terrorist


The team's spokesman, Tamer Obaidat, said that the banner was brought in by fans who then posted the picture to Facebook. He said that the fans were outraged at Abu Sabih’s death, but they agreed to take down the photo, as it violated FIFA regulations.


פרסום ראשון: 10.16.16, 22:23
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