
Nashat Melhem (left) and Amin Shaaban (right).

Families of Dizengoff terrorist, victim, make peace

The family of cab driver Amin Shaaban, one of the people killed by Nashat Melhem on January 1, 2016, recently sat down with members of Melhem's family to reconcile.

The family of Amin Shaaban, killed by Nashat Melhem on January 1, 2016, as Melhem was running from the authorities after perpetrating a shooting terror attack at a bar on Tel Aviv's Dizengoff St., sat down with members of the Melhem family and made peace on Saturday.



Melhem shot into the Simta bar in Tel Aviv, killing Alon Bakal and Shimon Ruimi; he proceeded to enter a taxi driven by Shaaban (who was not affiliated with the attack), later killing him as well. A manhunt for Melhem ensued, and a week later he was located in the Arab-Israeli town of Arara. He was then killed in a firefight with Israeli security forces.


Amin Shaaban.
Amin Shaaban.


The official peacemaking ceremony is expected to take place next Saturday and to include hundreds of guests - among them public figures and politicians. It was first requested by the Melhem family.




פרסום ראשון: 11.13.16, 12:20
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