
Photo: Yaron Brener
Deputy Minister Kara.
Photo: Yaron Brener

Deputy minister reveals secret information

During a recent statement, Deputy Minister for Regional Cooperation Ayoob Kara revealed information that is under gag order; government officials responded in anger.

Deputy Minister for Regional Cooperation Ayoob Kara once again raised the ire of Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials recently, when he discussed in an official statement details of a matter that is under gag order.



"Kara's words regarding the earthquake in Italy being punishment for the UNESCO vote against the Israeli connection to Jerusalem, and his damaging publication from today, prove that he is conducting himself with irresponsibility that is causing diplomatic damage and a risk to human lives. The prime minister must call him to order," said a senior government official.


Deputy minister Ayoob Kara. "I'm a public figure before I am a government man."
Deputy minister Ayoob Kara. "I'm a public figure before I am a government man."


Deputy Minister Kara responded, saying, "I didn't know there was a gag order. I don't need to know. I'm a public figure. People contact me, I have to take care of them. When I heard there was a gag order the morning after we sent out the statement – we immediately issued a correction and I said reach out to the censor. What, every civilian who contacts me, I have to check if there's a gag order? I am a public representative who is serving the public. I don't need to check up on court orders. I'm a public figure before I am a government man."


In a later response, Kara wrote, "The origins of the affair in question are civilian. Kara operated responsibly as a public representative in light of human circumstances presented to him, (and did so) with humanitarian concerns only. The publication was due to requests by those involved in the matter, and at the time of the publication there was no gag order. Any attempts to besmirch Kara is a figment of the imagination of reporters and anonymous 'state' sources."




פרסום ראשון: 11.15.16, 11:03
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