
President Rivlin visits Habad House hit by 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks

President Reuven Rivlin visited on Monday the Habad House that was on of the sites included in the 2008 terrorist attack in Mumbai by a group of terrorists affiliated with the Muslim-Pakistani Lashkar-e-Taiba organization, which is linked to al-Qaeda.


Rivlin unveiled a momerial plaque that commemorates the six victims who were killed in the attack on Habad House, saying that terrorism is terrorism, regardless of where of whom it hits.


The victims of the attack included Habad representatives Gaby and Rivki Holzberg. Their son, Moishe, was saved by his local nanny, who hid with him in a closet when the terrorists began shooting. Moishe is being raised by his grandparents and recently celebrated his tenth birthday.


פרסום ראשון: 11.21.16, 17:53