

Wintry weather continues to beautify Israel

With snow in the Golan and rain all over the north and center of the country, Israel is turning into a Middle Eastern winter wonderland, including snow on the peaks and rainbows all around.

Today will be the rainiest day of an already wintery week, which has seen the coastal highway closed due to flooding and snow fall on Mt. Hermon. Snow has also begun to fall in the northern Golan Heights towns of Majdel Shams and Nimrod.



Tuesday is expected to be colder than usual, with a drop in temperatures. Thunderstorms are expected in northern and central Israel, while scattered showers are expected in the north Negev region.


Snow in the Golan (Photo: Amichai Zliger)
Snow in the Golan (Photo: Amichai Zliger)

Snow on Mt. Hermon (Photo: Hermon)
Snow on Mt. Hermon (Photo: Hermon)

Dusting of snow in Majdel Shams (Photo: Aviyahu Shapira)
Dusting of snow in Majdel Shams (Photo: Aviyahu Shapira)


Meanwhile, a 3000 year old wall which has survived since the First Temple Period collapsed due to the heavy rainfall.


3000 year old wall collapses at the Tel Dan archaeological site (Photo: Dr. Tzvikah Tzuk)
3000 year old wall collapses at the Tel Dan archaeological site (Photo: Dr. Tzvikah Tzuk)


Wintery weather in Nimrod in the Northern Golan Heights (Photo: Lilach Ashter)
Wintery weather in Nimrod in the Northern Golan Heights (Photo: Lilach Ashter)

Storm clouds over central Israel (Photo: Eli Batzri)
Storm clouds over central Israel (Photo: Eli Batzri)

Wintery weather in Tel Aviv (Photo: Gil Tauber)
Wintery weather in Tel Aviv (Photo: Gil Tauber)

Rainbow over Hod Hasharon (Photo: Sivan Bakar)
Rainbow over Hod Hasharon (Photo: Sivan Bakar)

Rainbow over Petah Tikvah (Photo: Ziv Sokolov)
Rainbow over Petah Tikvah (Photo: Ziv Sokolov)

Wintery weather at the Tel Aviv port (Photo: Daniel Kaseb)
Wintery weather at the Tel Aviv port (Photo: Daniel Kaseb)


There is a flash flood warning in effect for the coastal region and the Judean Desert region, along with the Dead Sea region and Northern Negev region.


The rain will gradually decrease in the evening.


פרסום ראשון: 12.27.16, 10:37
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