

Amona residents will leave if government agreement holds

Settlers in Amona have written a letter agreeing to peacfully give up their homes should the government hold up its end of the bargain by giving them other homes to go to.

Amona residents wrote a letter to Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mendelbilt that they are voluntarily evacuating their homes, and that they are putting their struggle on hold for the time being.



However, they are only agreeing to do this as long as the Israeli government abides by its pledge to build them alternate housing on a neighboring hill.


Houses in Amona and several others in Ofra are due to be demolished due to their being built on private Palestinian land.


Amona (Photo: Gil Yohanan)
Amona (Photo: Gil Yohanan)


However, the Israeli Supreme Court is set make a judgment on the agreement between the government and the residents of Amona, following an appeal by left-wing rights group Yesh Din, which claims that the replacement housing is set to be built on privately owned Palestinian land as well.


The verdict will determine how peaceful the Amona and Ofra evacuations will be.


Yesh Din even issued their objections to the supreme court over the three plots designed to re-house the Amona residents.


Meanwhile, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the construction of 68 housing units in the West Bank settlement of Ofra to replace the nine houses that the High Court of Justice had ordered to be demolished.


פרסום ראשון: 01.29.17, 16:36
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