
Photo: Gil Nachushtan
Packing up Amona
Photo: Gil Nachushtan

Amona residents return to gather belongings

Shocked and dejected residents returned to finish packing their belongings before bidding a final farewell to the outpost; 'We feel a great sense of injustice. They throw the families to the dogs. I can hardly speak.'

The last of the Amona residents returned to the outpost which they were forced to vacate between Wednesday and Thursday, to finish gathering their belongings.



“This is difficult. It is a hard blow, but I am not broken,” said Yaakov Rodik, one of the former residents who left the hilltop in accordance with an order issued by the High Court of Justice (HCJ).


Packing and removing belongings (Photo: Gil Nachushtan) (Photo: Gil Nachushtan)
Packing and removing belongings (Photo: Gil Nachushtan)


“The feelings are hard. Within the space of 2 hours, you are supposed to pack your life up in boxes. It isn’t easy. We just took off the mezuzahs now—mezuzahs, the guardians of the doors of Israel,” he added in disbelief.


Ruth Binyamin came to help her daughter pack up the rest of her stuff before bidding farewell for the last time to her former home. Her son, Rabbi Yaakov Binyamin and his wife and their six children lived in a caravan on the outpost.


Photo: Gil Nachushtan (Photo: Gil Nachushtan)
Photo: Gil Nachushtan


Photo: EPA (Photo: EPA)
Photo: EPA


“They evicted them two nights ago. It isn’t over. We will return here,” she promised. “We feel a great sense of injustice. They throw the families to the dogs. I can hardly speak.”


Residents returning to pack their belongings found that next to each home was a storage container and some contractors even left cardboard boxes and helped residents pack.


Meanwhile, commander of the Border Guard, Yaakov Shabtai, and Head of Human Resources, Gila Gaziel, visited officers wounded during the evacuation at Hadassah Hospital in Mount Scopus.


Photo: Israel Police (Photo: Israel Police)
Photo: Israel Police


Photo: Israel Police (Photo: Israel Police)
Photo: Israel Police


While wishing the wounded a speedy recovery, Shabtai told officers, “I am proud of you and all the officers that were with you during the mission. You all accomlished it in an appropriate and dignified manner and demonstrated exceptional professionalism. On the one hand, you showed sensitivity to the citizens of Israel and on the other, you showed steadfastness and determination.”


פרסום ראשון: 02.03.17, 19:16
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