
Social media rushes to define Trump's 'covfefe' tweet

WASHINGTON—A midnight tweet from President Donald Trump has social media trying to find a meaning in the mysterious term "covfefe."


Trump tweeted just after midnight Eastern time on Wednesday: "Despite the constant negative press covfefe."


The tweet immediately went viral and became one of the president's more popular posts. Trump poked fun at the typo, tweeting around 6 a.m., "Who can figure out the true meaning of "covfefe" ??? Enjoy!"


Many on Twitter have supplied tongue-in-cheek meanings. One user joked that "covfefe" is already a popular name for babies in states that voted for Trump.


Dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster checked in with an eye-rolling tweet about people looking up "covfefe" on its website. Dozens of definitions have been submitted the Urban Dictionary website, which crowdsources meanings for slang terms.


פרסום ראשון: 05.31.17, 13:42