
Photo: Motti Kimchi
Protestor wearing a mask of the AG
Photo: Motti Kimchi

Demonstration outside AG's house calls for resolution in PM's cases

A demonstration is taking place in Shlomo Goren Square in Petach Tikvah near the home of Attorney General Avihai Mandelblit, calling for him to exhaust all legal proceedings against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and aim for a meaningful conclusion, soon.

A demonstration is taking place in Shlomo Goren Square in Petach Tikvah near the home of Attorney General Avihai Mandelblit, calling for him to exhaust all legal proceedings against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.



In recent weeks, demonstrators have been detained for questioning in these demonstrations. The police's legal advisor ruled that the demonstrations in Goren Square were forbidden, but following the numerous and controversial arrests, Mandelblit sent a letter of clarification last week expressing support for freedom of expression—subject to police and court decisions.


Demonstrators carrying signs reading 'When you watch over him, you're not watching over us,' and 'Netanyahu, resign!' (Photo: Motti Kimchi)
Demonstrators carrying signs reading 'When you watch over him, you're not watching over us,' and 'Netanyahu, resign!' (Photo: Motti Kimchi)


Mandelblit responded in a letter to the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) saying "the only consideration that guides me and the others involved is to find the truth, and no external pressure will divert us from this consideration."


Protestor wearing a mask of the AG (Photo: Motti Kimchi)
Protestor wearing a mask of the AG (Photo: Motti Kimchi)


The Association argued that the legal advisor's decision relates to the prohibition against demonstrating in front of the homes of elected officials, but the police have no authority to prevent demonstrations that are not in front of the attorney general's house, and the decision did not give the police such authority.


Photo: Motti Kimchi
Photo: Motti Kimchi


"It is very important that you go outside, for the future of your children," said Manny Naftali, a former homeowner at the prime minister's house that is leading the demonstrations.


At the demonstration today, a number of residents of the neighborhood stood with signs reading: "Leave us alone," and "Get out of our neighborhood."


(Translated & edited by Lior Mor)


פרסום ראשון: 06.10.17, 23:46
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