
Suspect hiding in refrigerator

Suspect hides in refrigerator to avoid police

Nine Palestinian illegal residents hoping to avoid detection by police hide in apartment refrigerator, kitchen cabinet, attic and closet before being discovered and arrested by police.

Nine Palestinian illegal residents who snuck into Israel were detained by police in an apartment in Karmiel on Monday.



During a search conducted by police, the nine attempted to hide throughout the apartment in spots such as the refrigerator, kitchen cupboards, the attic, closets, and behind open doors.


Photo: Israel Police (Photo: Israel Police)
Photo: Israel Police


Two additional suspects were found sitting in the apartment living room.


Photo: Israel Police (Photo: Israel Police)
Photo: Israel Police


In addition to the nine illegal suspects, police also detained a 33-year-old resident of Deir al-Asad, after it became apparent he was responsible for the apartment in which the suspects were staying.


פרסום ראשון: 07.03.17, 15:48
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