
Germany seeks to maintain unity if US decertifies Iran nuclear deal

BERLIN - The German government on Friday vowed to work for continued global unity if US President Donald Trump announces that he will not certify Iran's compliance with a 2015 nuclear accord negotiated by world powers, as expected.


"We have a great interest in the continuation of this international unity. If ... an important country like the United States comes to a different conclusion as appears to be the case, we will work even harder with other partners to maintain this cohesion," government spokesman Steffen Seibert told reporters.


Trump is to deliver a speech at 12:45pm EDT (4:45pm GMT) to announce a confrontational new approach to US policy toward Iran. In a big shift, he is expected to say he will not certify Iran's compliance with the nuclear deal.


פרסום ראשון: 10.13.17, 13:16