61 percent of Brits: Israel overreacting
Published: 25.07.06, 10:55
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121. 120 Gregg Smith and Faith 116
Ana ,   Spain   (07.26.06)
I see some of you people are uneasy with me staying here, since I might be a mole. I am very sorry because I consider myself a friend of Israel and not an inquisitor or a neo-nazi. Well, I'll go back to another place I have been going to so far, where there are a good number of pro-hamas&co. people and nazi-leftists, who I have strong discussions with. As a result, I am not called an anti-Semite or anything similar. Keep well
122. Tired old arguments
NIck ,   UK   (07.27.06)
It's really depressing again and again to see the apologists for Israel's killing and maiming of civilians, a third of them children, equating any criticism of Israel with anti-semitism. When jews also criticise the barbarity of Israel, these apologists resort to name calling - anything to stiffle criticism and allow Israel to get on with doing what it likes and kill as many people as possible. When Israeli army captains go on television to state that they "regret" the deaths of these innocents, and then go on to kill dozens more, it becomes obnoxious. The overwhelming majority of the world, of whatever religion, is exhorting Israel to stop, and clearly the citizens of Britain agree with the rest of the world against their government, which as usual is doing everything President Bush asks (despite Denis MacEoin's attempt at a riposte of the Independent article, he is unable to find any other nation which actually supports Israel - so the Independent was right!).
123. Israeli attitude
kevin ,   Canada   (07.28.06)
I see from the comments "why should we care what the british think" and "always been antisemetic" the true attitude of Israelis - basically that you don't care about anyone else but yourselves. I'll ask the same question of you I ask of Americans - ever wonder why people hate your country? Your arrogance. You have killed 8 Canadian civilians and a Canadian soldier, so by your reasoning, what would be a "proportianate" response to that? I have an idea. And to claim anti-sematism whenever someone critizes the Israeli government is simplistic and ignorant. The actions of the Israeli government lead to the hatred of Israel, not the fact that you are Jews, so get over it.
124. response 123. israeli attitude
Suzanne Kavanagh ,   Vancouver, BC   (05.02.07)
I'm ashamed this response came from a fellow Canadian, who obviously needs to pick up a book once in awhile instead of tuning in to schlock American newsstations. I'd even go so far as to say that "Kevin" is an unfortunate representive of Canada in his views, please excuse. As a Canadian woman of Jewish descent, I was shocked to observe in Ireland and England, while vacationing there last summer, the pro-Palestinian sentiments and utter one-sided ignornace of the actual historical facts and events of the Jewish-Palestinian problem. It's as if someone brainwashed them while simultaneously removing all unbiased reading material. The apparent reasoning behind this was an identification with the Palestians as being "occupied" by an invading force. With a largely Catholic population in the region I was visiting, it occurred to me that no one has read the Old Testament of the Bible or investigated other viewpoints than the imperialist UK version they claim to despise. Wrong-o, Ireland and England, trust me you'd rather have the Weischmann's living next to you, with their familiar Judeo-Christian values, than some fundamentalist Moslem extremists who think of you as "the infidel" and believe they will go to Paradise if they take even one of you out! Opinions are like &*#-holes, everyone has one, I just wish the ignorant "haters" would just go straight to the BULK folder like my spam emails. Courage, Israel, you are the sons of David and God's chosen people. Suzanne - Canada
125. response to 25 biased
suzanne ,   Vancouver, BC   (05.02.07)
some people watch unbiased news shows, editorials and documentaries such as those on pbs detroit public television and actually READ books and STUDY history and so realize well who is their friend and who is their natural enemy. Your jeering taunts make no dent. We know who you are, and free people of the world know what is real and what is not. Have faith, Children of Israel. I see what's coming, the whole world turning on you, rushing to replace your true friends and pacify the jackals who have hounded you since the very beginning. Courage, Sons of David.
126. response to 88.
suzanne ,   Vancouver, BC   (05.02.07)
Please excuse the comments of my French Canadian friend who has a naturally contrary attitude and really has no right to comment since they can't seem to get their head around the fact that they lost the war, and would lose any war, through 2-facedness and cowardice.
127. Who cares what the British think?
Suzanne Kavanagh ,   Vancouver, BC   (05.28.07)
Not me, or any other clear-thinking person. The British have allowed their country to be overrun by Muslim extremists and they are now in big trouble. This influence is reflected dramatically in the biased anti-Israeli reporting of the BBC, a formerly reputable news network that has lost credibility and objectivity. The righteous and just support the Sons of David. The British lost their grip a long time ago and their weakness is blatant. The pro-Palestinian reporting has taken on a definite whiney tone - no one has to look too closely to figure out where THAT attitude has come from. Their enemy is within, and they are blind.
128. maceowin
Suzanne Kavanagh ,   Vancouver, BC   (05.28.07)
Well put!
129. Response to Linda Rivera
Suzanne Kavanagh ,   Vancouver, BC   (05.29.07)
Thank you, Linda - your words have inspired me and couldn't have said better. It's encouraging in these scary times to know that there are people of clarity and intelligence who don't allow themselves to be swayed by propaganda. If it comes down to the crunch, we need to be ready to make ourselves useful, in any way that we can. Thanks!
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