The whole world is not rooting for us: A new poll published Tuesday morning in the British newspaper The Guardian found that sixty one percent of British citizens think that Israel's military response in Lebanon is exaggerated and disproportionate.
Only 22 percent of the respondents said they believe that Israel's response to Hizbullah's attacks and kidnappings are proportionate.
According to the poll, which was performed on a representative sample of the adult population in Britain of 1,001 men and women, only 33 percent of British citizens agree with Prime Minister Tony Blair's and Washington's position not to condemn Israel.
After receiving harsh criticism on his supportive stance towards Israel, Blair made sure he emphasized his concern for the Lebanese population in a press conference on Monday. He said, "What is occurring in Lebanon at the present time is a catastrophe. Anybody with any sense of humanity wants what is happening to stop and stop now." He added: "But if it is to stop, it must stop on both sides."
The poll is the first taken in Britain since the war between Lebanon and Israel started and focuses on public opinion about the foreign policy of Blair. In regards to Britain's relationship with the US, 63 percent of voters believe that Britain's policy is too closely tied with that of the US and believe that Britain should adopt a more independent approach to the US.
The poll also found that while 63 percent of the citizens supported the war in Iraq in April 2003, today a narrow majority of 51 percent think the war is unjustified and 36 percent believe that the presence of British forces in Iraq is making the situation worse.