UN: Israel cluster bomb use in Lebanon ‘outrageous’
Published: 19.09.06, 14:39
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110 Talkbacks for this article
61. to 54 (Freeman)
sk ,   USA   (09.19.06)
In truth, Freeman, I don't hate Muslims; I have contempt for their religion and culture because both seem unable to produce anything other than barbarism. However, I did indeed refer to my "hate" for shock value. Muslims, of course, do this ALL THE TIME, but they are more than just talking. You have actually stereotyped me, as I have no "blind ultra-hate" for "all non jews and zionists." In fact, my dislike is for Islam. I have no idea how a Jew could possibly want to destroy this world "to fulfill [his] stupid religious be-lie-fs." Even the most end-of-times oriented Christian wouldn't support such a thing. However, it's interesting that you insult what you think are my beliefs by calling them "lies" ("be-lie-fs"). Thus, delightully, you support the claims of others that Muslims don't play well with others, that they are full of hatred, and that they must be dealt with now rather than later.
62. Cluster Bombs
Alon Blau ,   Rannana Isr   (09.19.06)
If Hizbolla did not use Katushas, Israel would have needed to use any bombs at all. Howcome Israel is condemned for almost everything and nothing whatsoever about the creeps on the other side. It seems like the UN Dont want to lose their reputation as wankers
A Sorry Arab   (09.19.06)
64. Cluster bombs
Big Al ,   Rannana   (09.19.06)
Birds of a feather!!! It seems like the UN identify themselves with anything that has an IQ of 16 and below
65. Is this the same UN that just gave Ahmadinejad
a forum to speak before the general assembly? The UN is a useless, broken tool. Throw it away!
66. Is it just ME
Watchman777 ,   USA   (09.19.06)
or does it seem that Lebanon is so weak that they look to anyone for a "hand out", even terrorist THUGS like Hizz. who help with social needs ($$$$) Wake up Leb. stand on your own two feet and kick the plague (Hizz) out of your country. IF you will give them the chance, Israel WOULD and could be the best friend you could ever have OR as you have seen, your worst nightmare!
67. To all anti-jews/anti-israelis
Phil ,   Mtl, Canada   (09.19.06)
He! HE! HE! The Pope IS 100/% correct. Muslims =full of hate for ever
68. #63, A Sorry Arab
Alex ,   Washington, DC, USA   (09.19.06)
A. If you were calling youself a "Lebanese Arab", then you're most definitely, not a christian, as Lebanese christians call themselves phenicians, not arabs (although I disagree with them on that one)... B. If you are indeed a Lebanese muslim, you wouldn't be spewing out such garbage... That leaves me with one possibility of your true identity: A Sorry Ass Zionist pretending to be a "Lebanese Arab"...You're such a retard!!
69. Should have used more BALLBEARINGS fired into Civilian Areas
Like Hezballah ,   Alan SA   (09.19.06)
70. We need better quality control
jason white ,   afula,israel   (09.19.06)
at the factories that make cluster bombs. Actually I am embarassed that we used cluster bombs in lebanon,don't we have the neutron bomb and fuel-air concussion bomb? We need a bigger bang for the buck!
71. not finished...
Lynne   (09.19.06)
Avicenna, the greatest Arab medical writer of the Middle Ages, was required study throughout Europe until the 17th century. The fundamentals of pulmonary circulation and recognition of the role of contagion in the spread of the plague were discovered by Arabs. The Arabs used anaesthetics; performed difficult surgery, particularly progressing in eye operations; and compiled medical textbooks. Centuries ago, Arab pharmacies stocked herbs and herbal remedies used in medicine today. Freud's later study of psychoanalysis had its roots in Avicenna's work. Where would the medical profession be today without this early medical progress? Arabs were pioneers in botany. In the 12th century an outstanding reference work described more than five hundred different plants and methods of grafting, soil conditioning, and curing of diseased vines and trees. The Arabs improved farming methods by rotating crops and using fertilizer. They transplanted fruits such as apricots, peaches and loquat trees in southern Europe. They grew olive trees and coffee plants. Rice, sesame, pepper, ginger, cloves, melons, shallots, dates, figs, oranges, lemons and other fruits grown by Arabs were introduced into European cuisine via the Crusaders. Where would the modern woman be without the early Arabs' love of fragrant flowers and herbs such as jasmine, pine, lavender and laurel from which they extracted perfumes? Hair dyes (henna), perfumes, eye liner (kohl), oils, body lotions and nail polish all owe their development to the Arabs. Concerning Arab contributions to engineering, one can look to the water wheel, cisterns, irrigation, water wells at fixed levels and the water clock. The Arab Book on Artifices described a hundred technical constructions. Arab exploration of optical illusions, the rainbow and the camera obscura led to the beginning of photographic instruments, laying the foundation for the later development of the microscope and the telescope. Do the Arab origins of cotton muslin, Damask linen and Shiraz wool mean anything to clothes buyers today? What about leather tanning and the use of vegetable dyes? Add to that the development of the art of crucible steel forging. Steel, hardened, polished and decorated with etchings by Arabs, produced tempered Damascene swords. Intricately cut brass chandeliers, ewers, salvers, jewel cases inlaid with gold and silver and, of course, the beautifully decorated astrolabe were all products of Arab craftsmen. Glassware, ceramics and textile weaves attest to their imagination and special skills. Many of today's intricately detailed mosaics, tiles, carvings, and paintings all harken back to Arabs. The richness of the Arabic language in poetry, literature and drama has left its mark on both East and West. Among the earliest publications of the Arabs were the translations into Arabic of the Greek and Roman. The original Romeo and Juliet (Layla and Majnun), "A Thousand and One Nights" and the first real novel came from Arabia. What would Western civilization do without the Arab contribution of the phonetic alphabet? Arabs were the first historiographers, designing methods of documentation of sources for scholars and historians. Arnold Toynbee wrote: "Ibn Khaldun has conceived and formulated a philosophy of history which is undoubtedly the greatest work of its kind that has ever yet been created by any mind in any time." The harp, lyre, zither, drum, tambourine, flute, oboe and reed instruments are today the same as those of earliest Arab civilization or variations of the Arabs' early musical instruments. The guitar and mandolin derived from the oud. Arab poetry was put to music and the subtle delicacy of minor key sequences and rhythm continues to influence ballads and folk songs today.
Lynne   (09.19.06)
"I don't hate Muslims; I have contempt for their religion and culture because both seem unable to produce anything other than barbarism." Between the 7th and 13th centuries Arab civilization made incredibly large contributions to the future of humankind - no less than any other great civilizations before or after. While the West suffered the Dark Ages, Arab culture and learning flourished in a way previously unprecedented. One of the Arabs' most valuable contributions was the preservation of Greek learning through the Middle Ages, and it is through their translations that much of what we know today about the Greeks became available. When the Muslims entered southern Spain - which they called al-Andalus - barbarians from the north had overrun much of Europe and the classical civilization of Greece and Rome had gone into eclipse. Islamic Spain then became a bridge by which the scientific, technological and philosophical legacy of the Abbasid period, along with the achievements of al-Andalus itself, passed into Europe. Thousands of Arab contributions to the arts and sciences improved the life and condition of man; and these have become an integral part of human civilization as we know it today. Think about the importance of the Arab arch to architecture, and consider the role of Arabesque style in furniture and clothing design. Contemplate the consummate artistry in Arabic calligraphy. Where would art be without the creativity of the imaginative glassware, ceramic designs and textile weaves of the Arabs? Their detailed mosaics, tiles and carvings can be found throughout the world. Potters learned their glazing techniques from the Arabs. Arab-style gold tooling and colour panels can be found in Venice and Florence today. Had it not been for Arab mathematicians, we wouldn't have the zero (sifr), the Arabic numerals we use daily, the decimal system essential to science, algebra or the highly refined trigonometry that followed, or the reformation of the calendar leaving a margin of error of one day in five thousand years. The Arabs brought algebra from ancient Babylon, Egypt and India to Europe via Italy. They took over and improved the Hindu number symbols and the idea of positional notation. These numerals (the Hindu-Arabic system of numeration) and the algorithms for operating with them were transmitted to Europe around 1200 and are in use throughout the world today. It was the Arabs who, through their invention of the astrolabe, made it possible for the establishment of latitude and longitude, and to investigate the relative speeds of sound and light. How would pilots or ship captains, even today, identify their positions without latitude and longitude, the basic tools of map making? Navigation and geography have a sizeable debt to Arab inventiveness. The possibility of the earth's rotation on its own axis, which Galileo later proved, originated with an Arab scientist. Arab astronomers significantly advanced the work of the Greeks in the development of the magnetic compass, something for which every pilot or sailor should be grateful. The Arabs prepared chemical compounds like sulphuric acid and alcohol; improved metal refining and cloth dying; and gained new knowledge about the relationship between light and vision. In the 9th century, a medical encyclopaedist was the first to diagnose smallpox and measles and to relate these to contamination and other contagious diseases. He introduced medical remedies that saved many lives as well as sutures made of animal gut to sew up wounds.
73. 68, A Sorry Alex
sk ,   USA   (09.19.06)
Alex, at least get the spelling right: it's "Phoenician" not "phenician." You're not much of a reader, it seems. Anyway, the term "Phoenician" is hardly used widely by Lebanese Christians (more precisely, Maronites). It is, instead, a term used by some Christian theorists that has managed to seep into Lebanon's coffee shop / blogger culture as a counter to the argument that Maronites are Arabs and thus as a response to Arab nationalism. Me, I've noticed that Maronite Lebanese who study in the US call themselves neither Phoenicians nor Arabs, but Lebanese. I, however, call them Phoencians to amuse them.
75. to lynne
Dr. NO ,   jerusalem   (09.20.06)
My dear, the lyre seems to be connected to Ancient Greece, you know, Orpheus and Eurydice. Young god Hermes created the first lyre using a large tortoise shell. Some other items on your list such as the harp, perfumes, eyeliner, make-up, are credited to Ancient Egypt and Messopotamia. Are you sure they were Arabs like Arabs are today? Lots of other foods such as tomatoes, potatoes, cocoa and corn come from South America. Where would we be without them today? Intricate surgery was performed in Ancient Rome and Greece. Veterinary medicine was dates back to Ancient Rome. Mathematics was a darling of the Ancient World - Pythagoras, Euclid, and before them in India. Speaking of history , the Romans and the Greeks loved to record the events occurring in their times and handed them down to history. They also wrote poetry and novels. They also contributed to architecture and the arts. Not to mention philosophy and theater. The Arabian nights? Great read. But then so are the Iliad and the Odyssey and Greek mythology. And Mahabharata and Ramayana. And Ghilgamesh. You also forgot to mention Averoes who couldn't make up his mind whether to believe Aristotle or the prophet... hmmm You credit almost every important discovery or progressive step taken by humanity to Arabs, mostly muslims. Which is not entirely true and accurate. But let's say you are right. Then how come the Arab/Muslim world has become what it is today? And that even with your petrodollars you are unable to keep up with the rest of the world and most of your people make up for the third world? How do you explain illiteracy? dogmatism? religiousn fanaticism? regressing to the Dark Ages? The best thing Iran has given the world for a painfully long time is Freddie Mercury, who was an Indian Parsi Zoroastrian by birth, and I mean no disrespect - I still am a great fan of Freddie's. Can you come up with something more intelligent than oppression at the hands of Zionists, Americans, etc.?
76. Lynne (formerly, "lynne" ?) blathers in 71, 72
sk ,   USA   (09.20.06)
Lynne, I assume you're the "lynne" who has written repeated anti-Israel harangues in the past here? Regardless, your current blatherings are very tiresome. We all know that Black Africans (pre-Arab-conquest) were responsible for all these things, not Arabs. Just kidding. I mean, of course, that women of all races and religions were responsible. Darn, still kidding. You are ignorant enough not even to distinguish between Arab and Muslim. This is unfortunate, because the Ottomans actually did some interesting things well after the Arabs returned to their habitual coma. You say, for example: "Had it not been for Arab mathematicians, we wouldn't have the zero (sifr), the Arabic numerals we use daily, the decimal system essential to science, algebra or the highly refined trigonometry that followed, or the reformation of the calendar leaving a margin of error of one day in five thousand years. The Arabs brought algebra from ancient Babylon, Egypt and India to Europe via Italy. They took over and improved the Hindu number symbols and the idea of positional notation. These numerals (the Hindu-Arabic system of numeration) and the algorithms for operating with them were transmitted to Europe around 1200 and are in use throughout the world today. " This is a combination of bull, sleight of hand, dubious conjecture, and, rarely, a kernel of truth. For example, the Arabs did NOT invent the concept of zero [example of bull], which was invented independently several times. The so-called "Arab" way of writing place-holding numbers was simply a theft from others. The second quoted paragraph hints at what really happened: the Arabs conquered more civilized people just as Germanic tribes conquered Rome. Because all groups of people have some smart members, some Arabs would inevitably do something worthwhile (although your allusion to the work that was done in algebra by an Arab is presumably to Khowarizmi, who was a PERSIAN [example of sleight-of-hand]). The idea that without Arab conquest these ideas would have been lost is pure conjecture [example of dubious conjecture]. The fact remains that, pound for pound, the Arabs specifically and the Muslims overall have underperformed, the Arabs doubly so. This is especially obvious in the last 500 years, and that is quite a long time. Today's Arab intellectual class is in crisis, and I expect a few others here might also have read books written by Arabs making this point. Arab intellectual life flourished for a short time and was flattened by the same kind of beturbaned lunatic that nowadays cuts off reporters' heads. This is TRUE Islam, and the perpetrators are glorious Arabs. --- Some cites for you: http://Yaleglobal.Yale.Edu/About/Zero.Jsp
77. A thought that amused me (relevant to Lynne & Dr. NO).
sk ,   USA   (09.20.06)
Y'all remember the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, er, Istanbul? Now compare to the Blue Mosque and see how the Muslims just don't understand human optical properties. As some will know, the point of the BM was to be a greater technical achievement than the HS. Frankly, I don't remember whether it is bigger overall or has a higher dome. A couple things I do remember, though. (1) The grandest thing the Ottomans could do was to copy the Byzantines. (2) They copied it poorly. After studying it so long, they created a ponderous, claustraphobic interior, whereas the HS has a feeling of great airiness and distance, especially with its remarkable dome, that seems neither close nor far from the viewer, but rather hung so that one cannot determine how far away it is. All the lines of site of the HS fool the eye, with overlapping pillars of different materials, curious geometries, and so forth. The BM is, alas, "elephantine," not only in its pillars but in its overall appearance. Muslims just don't get Christianity or Judaism, though they appropriate versions of the texts. The copy a lot, but they just don't understand the essence of what they copy.
78. to Lynne- Nobel Prize Winners - I
Dr. NO ,   jerusalem   (09.20.06)
Arabs/Muslims (20% of World's Population) Literature 1988 - Najib Mahfooz 1988. * Peace 1978 - Anwar El-Sadat 1994 - Yasser Arafat** 2003 - Shirin Ebadi 2005 - Mohamed ElBaradei Chemistry 1999 - Ahmed Zewail Physics 1979 - Abdus Salam * Najib was stabbed by Egyptian Moslem fundamentalists in 1997 for supporting the Peace Process between Palestinians and Israelis. . **Norwegian Kaare Kristiansen, a member of the Nobel Committee, resigned in 1994 to protest the awarding of a Nobel "Peace Prize" to Yasser Arafat, whom he labeled a "terrorist." Note: Elias James Corey (Chemistry 1990), Peter Brian Medawar (Medicine 1960) and Ferid Mourad (Medicine 1998) are Nobel Prize winners but are Arab-Christians, not Muslims.
79. to Lynne, Nobel Prize Winners - II
Dr. NO ,   jerusalem   (09.20.06)
JEWS (0.2% of the World Population) Literature 1910 - Paul Heyse 1927 - Henri Bergson 1958 - Boris Pasternak 1966 - S.Y. Agnon 1966 - Nelly Sachs 1976 - Saul Bellow 1978 - Isaac Bashevis Singer 1981 - Elias Canetti 1987 - Joseph Brodsky 1991 - Nadine Gordimer 2002 - Imre Kertesz 2005 - Harold Pinter World Peace 1911 - Alfred Fried 1911 - Tobias Asser 1968 - Rene Cassin 1973 - Henry Kissinger 1978 - Menachem Begin 1986 - Elie Wiesel 1994 - Shimon Peres 1994 - Yitzhak Rabin 1995 - Joseph Rotblat Chemistry 1905 - Adolph Von Baeyer 1906 - Henri Moissan 1910 - Otto Wallach 1915 - Richard Willstaetter 1918 - Fritz Haber 1943 - G. C. de Hevesy 1961 - Melvin Calvin 1962 - M.F. Perutz 1972 - W.H. Stein 1972 - C.B. Anfinsen 1977 - Ilya Prigogine 1979 - H.C. Brown 1980 - Paul Berg 1980 - Walter Gilbert 1981 - Ronald Hoffmann 1982 - Aaron Klug 1985 - H.A. Hauptman 1985 - Jerome Karle 1986 - D.R. Herschbach 1988 - Robert Huber 1989 - Sidney Altman 1992 - Rudolph Marcus 1998 - Walter Kohn 2000 - A.J. Heeger 2004 - Irwin Rose 2004 - Avram Hershko 2004 - Aaron Ciechanover Economics 1970 - P.A. Samuelson 1971 - Simon Kuznets 1972 - K.J. Arrow 1973 - Wassily Leontief 1975 - Leonid Kantorovich 1976 - Milton Friedman 1978 - H.A. Simon 1980 - L.R. Klein 1985 - Franco Modigliani 1987 - R.M. Solow 1990 - Harry Markowitz 1990 - Merton Miller 1992 - Gary Becker 1993 - Rober Fogel 1994 - John Harsanyi 1994 - Reinhard Selten 1997 - Robert Merton 1997 - Myron Scholes 2001 - George Akerlof 2001 - Joseph Stiglitz 2002 - Daniel Kahneman 2005 - R.J. Aumann Medicine 1908 - Elie Metchnikoff 1908 - Paul Erlich 1914 - Robert Barany 1922 - Otto Meyerhof 1930 - Karl Landsteiner 1931 - Otto Warburg 1936 - Otto Loewi 1944 - Joseph Erlanger 1944 - H.S. Gasser 1945 - E.B. Chain 1946 - H.J. Muller 1950 - Tadeus Reichstein 1952 - S.A. Waksman 1953 - Hans Krebs 1953 - F.A. Lipmann 1958 - Joshua Lederberg 1959 - Arthur Kornberg 1964 - Konrad Bloch 1965 - Francois Jacob 1965 - Andre Lwoff 1967 - George Wald 1968 - M.W. Nirenberg 1969 - Salvador Luria 1970 - Julius Axelrod 1970 - Sir Bernard Katz 1972 - G.M. Edelman 1975 - David Baltimore 1975 - H.M. Temin 1976 - B.S. Blumberg 1977 - R.S. Yalow 1977 - A.V. Schally 1978 - Daniel Nathans 1980 - Baruj Benacerraf 1984 - Cesar Milstein 1985 - M.S. Brown 1985 - J.L. Goldstein 1986 - Stanley Cohen [& Rita Levi-Montalcini] 1988 - Gertrude Elion 1989 - Harold Varmus 1991 - Erwin Neher 1991 - Bert Sakmann 1993 - R.J. Roberts 1993 - Phillip Sharp 1994 - Alfred Gilman 1994 - Martin Rodbell 1995 - E.B. Lewis 1997 - S.B. Prusiner 1998 - R.F. Furchgott 2000 - E.R. Kandel 2002 - Sydney Brenner 2002 - R.H. Horvitz Physics 1907 - A.A.Michelson 1908 - Gabriel Lippmann 1921 - Albert Einstein 1922 - Niels Bohr 1925 - James Franck 1925 - Gustav Hertz 1943 - Gustav Stern 1944 - I.I.Rabi 1945 - Wolfgang Pauli 1952 - Felix Bloch 1954 - Max Born 1958 - Igor Tamm 1958 - Il'ja Mikhailovich 1958 - Igor Yevgenyevich 1959 - Emilio Segre 1960 - D.A. Glaser 1961 - Robert Hofstadter 1962 - L.D.Landau 1963 - E.P. Wigner 1965 - R.P. Feynman 1965 - Julian Schwinger 1967 - H.A. Bethe 1969 - Murray Gell-Mann 1971 - Dennis Gabor 1972 - L.N. Cooper 1973 - B.D. Josephson 1975 - Benjamin Mottleson 1976 - Burton Richter 1978 - A.A. Penzias 1978 - P.L. Kapitza 1979 - Stephen Weinberg 1979 - Sheldon Glashow 1988 - Leon Lederman 1988 - Melvin Schwartz 1988 - Jack Steinberger 1990 - Jerome Friedman 1992 - Georges Charpak 1995 - Martin Perl 1995 - Frederick Reines 1996 - D.M. Lee 1996 - D.D. Osheroff 1997 - Claude Cohen-Tannoudji 2000 - Z.I. Alferov 2003 - Vitaly Ginsburg 2003 - Alexei Abrikosov 2004 - David Gross 2004 - H.D. Politzer 2005 - Roy Glauber 14.5 Million Jews - 169 Prizes. Over 100 times Muslims - SEVEN!including Arafat.
80. The Sour Grapes Campaign
John ,   USA   (09.20.06)
The Israeli war in Lebanon was a premeditated event, Olmert got the green light from Bush the month before. Hezballah typically would attack IDF posts like clockwork, so it was just a matter of time before there was a pretext to attack and blame Hezballah all at the same time. Hezballah didn't stick to the script and run away, however, and got some pretty good shots off. Hezballah claims they did not attack civilian targets until four days into the war, after Israel had shelled civilian towns. Bush was trying to give Israel enough time to clean Hezballah from S. Lebanon, and that's why he didn't try to stop the conflict for so long, he wouldn't even let Tony Blair try and stop the conflict , telling Blair he would send Sec. Rice. Israel couldn't get anywhere with Hezballah, and did things like bomb the largest dairy plant in the M.E. and cause the largest oil spill ever in the E. Med, things with no strategic value. The cluster bombs are just the parting shot of a long list of the stupid and mindless things committed in the name of defending Israel. I personally would have loved to see Israel destroy Hezballah, but this was not achieved. In the process, Israel has undermined her own moral justification to legitimacy by commiting increasingly paranoid and cynical acts. I'll always refer to this war as the Sour Grapes Campaign. It kinda reminds me of the time Mike Tyson couldn't beat Hollifield in the ring, so he bit his ear off. It has the same theme. So now the ordinary Lebanese who had no love for Hezbullah since the Lebanese Civil war, now reguard them with sympathy, and hate Israel. Good going, guys.
81. 50-What restraint? They're whipped and hiding, what's left
of them that is.
82. Thanks to Dr. NO (78, 79)
sk ,   USA   (09.20.06)
I actually laughed. The lopsidedness is even more extreme than I thought.
83. Sour Grapes John
esther ,   raanana   (09.20.06)
If only Nasrallah hadn't expressed his regret over provoking Israel. If only... Unfortunately, on the very first day of the conflict Hezbos staged a cross border attack, killed eight IDF soldiers on Israeli soil, kidnapped two and started shelling rockets into Israel. He had plenty of opportunity to nip the conflict in the bud by returning the two soldiers. But he chose not to. In a videoteaped interview (you will be surprised, Sour Grapes John, but we do see these interviews on Israeli TV complete with translations and commentary) he admitted that he was taken by surprise by the Israeli response, and had he suspected the severity thereof, he would not have started the war. But he miscalculated. And perhpas some Lebanese still support him, but he is still in hiding. Care to reconsider your theory, SGJ? Or would you rather hang on to it despite the facts? It is true, Hezbos fire rockets into Israel every now and then, but cross an internationally recognized blue line and attack troops? No, that is rare even for Hezbos.
84. #71, 72 and #73, sk
Alex ,   Washington, DC, USA   (09.20.06)
Just wanted to say thank you for sharing all that information about the Arabs' contribution to civilization. I hope the Arab bashers on this and other forums will get some education about Arabs and use some honesty in their reporting, rather than spread lies to about them in order to justify their hatred of them. As far as my spelling goes, I'm usually pretty good at that, but when I write while in forums like this I don't do any spell checking as I'm too busy with many other things. This is just messaging here, we are not publishing newletters or books, and we are not in a Spelling Bee contest. *LOL* Anyway, thanks again for your contribution. I enjoyed reading what you shared with us. :)
85. Sure makes Hizboallah return slower
Josh   (09.20.06)
86. One Bomblett should have shut this idiot up
Robert Tilden ,   Sheridan, WY   (09.20.06)
Pitty we didn't get this UN bastard with one of those bombletts. Koffi Anan should have gotten a big bomb as well
87. sk.. seems like you really are a fan of my posts..
Lynne   (09.20.06)
thank you.. if being a pro-Israeli means being anti-human then I am proudly an anti-Israeli.. sue me!! well.. most Arabs are Muslims even though not most Muslims are Arabs.. anyway.. I don't think you have the right to call me "ignorant" when you defend a logic that turns Jewish religion into a nationality.. Often, there was a practical Islamic relevance. Astronomy could be used to work out the direction of prayer. Mathematics was needed for dividing property according to the Islamic law of inheritance. al’Khwarizmi(born near Baghdad) gave a classification system for quadratics. He devotes a chapter to each chapter in his treatise and gives methods in solving each differently. Babylonians had no concept of an equation.. all solutions to Babylonian problems were positive because they were solutions to problems involving lengths. The pointed arch so characteristic of Europe's Gothic cathedrals was an invention borrowed from Islamic architecture. It was much stronger than the rounded arch used by the Romans and Normans, thus allowing the building of bigger, higher, more complex and grander buildings. Other borrowings from Muslim genius included ribbed vaulting, rose windows and dome-building techniques. Europe's castles were also adapted to copy the Islamic world's - with arrow slits, battlements, a barbican and parapets. Square towers and keeps gave way to more easily defended round ones. Henry V's castle architect was a Muslim. if you have a problem with Islamic architecture then I think the fault is within yourself.. I suggest you solve your hatred problem and then discuss the Islamic civilization..
88. Lynne's latest (87)
sk ,   USA   (09.20.06)
Lynne, it is not that I am a fan of your posts but rather that I remember things that smell bad, as your thinly veiled anti-Semitism always does. Your failure to distinguish Arab from Muslim is serious and typical of the Arab PR sources that supply the text for your Talkbacks. Arabs (specifically, Muslim Arabs) are notorious thieves and credit-grabbers of other people's work. To test my hypothesis that you are simply quoting material (without attribution) from an Arab/Muslim PR clearing house, I did a web search using one of your sentences (chosen nearly at random): " The pointed arch so characteristic of Europe's Gothic cathedrals was an invention borrowed from Islamic architecture." Here are some results containing verbatim quotes; there are many, many others. I used Google as my search engine. In 76, I showed in detail that your handling of "Arab" discoveries in mathematics (72) was completely inadequate, featuring outright error, sleight-of-hand, dubious conjecture, and so on. Now in 87 you provide more claims, including mathematical ones, without answering my 76. You also do not answer Dr. NO. The likely reason that you do not answer challenges is that you cannot, as you are borrowing your material from a PR clearing house and do not know much yourself. Evidently, even the PR types haven't figured out how to manufacture Arab (or Muslim) discoveries for the past 500 or so years. When it is realized, though, that such discoveries typically come from peoples whom the Muslims have conquered, the puzzle is solved. When Muslims did not conquer, they could not "discover." Incidentally, once your dishonesty and sloppiness are established -- and they are -- the sheer number of words you use and the claims you make become irrelevant. I don't believe a word you say, and only a fool would. I bet you are irked, though, that Jews have always outperformed Muslims. And as for my hate, all I can say is that I do not advocate or justify deliberately shooting babies in the head at point-blank range, as you and your buddies do. Sue me.
89. Alex... my pleasure..
Lynne   (09.20.06)
90. #57..Dr.NO
Lynne   (09.20.06)
The harp, lyre, zither, drum, tambourine, flute, oboe and reed instruments are today either exactly as they were used from earliest Arab civilization or variations of the Arabs’ early musical instruments. The guitar and mandolin are sisters to that plaintive, pear-shaped stringed instrument, the oud. as for perfume, eyeliner.. etc.. are Egyptians Europeans?? Americans?? .. I understand that you don't like seeing civilization associated with Arabs or Muslims but what I have mentioned are facts which the West have been trying to bury for years.. I agree with you on the fact that Arabs and Muslims now have deteriorated.. I have every right to tell you that this is due to the wars we have been through.. you insist on ignoring the fact that decades and decades of war would cause destruction, poverty and ignorance onto any part of the world.. I also believe in the theory which says that every civilisation reaches a peak and then starts to fall again.. and I believe what Arabs and Muslims are now in is the fall but I also believe that they are starting to rise.. very slowly, very quietly but there is a rise.. a big part of the blame is on the US and Zionists.. I don't think this is an "unintelligent" idea just because you don't like it.. Iran is chased and threatened for developing nuclear energy.. as for the oil money you're talking about this is mostly used up by American and European companies that invest in the ME .. plus the fact that the leaders of the Gulf region are clueless about anything beyond their castles and golden goblets..
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