Egypt poll: Israel, Denmark, US - enemies
Published: 01.11.06, 14:38
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91. 99% of Israelis consider all Arabs their enemy.
BouSameer ,   Beirut Lebanon   (11.02.06)
Common let's be honest about it. This poll is a mirror image of the feelinf of Jews toward Arabs. And your hate for Arabs is no more justified than Arabs' hate for you. Except that some are honest about it, others pretend otherwise.
92. #4
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
i met walid shoebat (not his real name and he's under usa protection because there is a lot of jihad death warrants on his head....he said the truth about islam and arabs don't like it!) i met him and talked with him. he's wonderful.....a shining light considering all the terror plots he was involved in in jerusalem, etc...
93. #17
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
expulsion of arabs? wow! i would rather say the pogroms and murder and persecution of jews in egypt and other arab lands that made the jews leave for "palestine". the jews arrinig in palestine did not expell any of the arab tribes of that area. as a matter of fact, once the jews build infrastructure in palestine (which was not then and not presently a country) most of the arab tribes settled near the jewish settlements benefiting from their progress and the cultivated land by those jews. they worked in jewish farms and earned a living. their life style had become much better since these jewish settlers gave them medical care, food, money/salaries, etc... it was when the mufti of jerusalem, who was an ardent antisemite and anti jew began his evil death propaganda against the jews, enticing the arab tribes to committ murder upon the jewish settlers (the hebron massacre) that the arab population of that area began their different than the propaganda of most arab dictators today (ahmadinejad) or muslim clerics in every mosque against the jew and israeli. you say that the jews grabbed and stole lands from the arab population? in 1880-1920, most lands that the jews lived on, if not all these lands were BOUGHT....CASH!!!! from arab landwoners that didn't necessarily live in "palestine" , but in syria, jordan, etc.... these lands were purchased by the jews who came there and were bought by them from the arabs. read the book THE CASE FOR ISRAEL BY ALAN DERSHOWITZ and take your head out of the sand. if you make such comments, they must be based on historical fact, not revisi0nist history which most of you muslim arabs are so good at creating.
94. #20
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
because we are much more superior than rednecks like yourself. enemies? what enemies? all arab nations? i would hardly call this lots of enemies. and i don't need to go into a historical explanation as to why ONLY arab countries are our enemy because i doubt very much you have the capacity or intellect to comprehend.
95. #28
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
thanks for the invitation, but, no! no can do. it'll be too difficult to wash off the stench from nablus. peace on your terms is suicide for israel. do you get it? no land for peace. none! you got it and look what happened to us. gaza! hammas! katyoushas! bombings! thanks, but i will pass on your invitation to visit. start building your areas, start educating your people, start building your economy. the jews did this in 1880-1948 alone. without any help....only by sheer determination and blood, sweat and tears. have you ever heard of hard work, or are your people too busy by being full time terrorists? just imagine all this money for arms going into building infrastructure. would be a different story. you'll all be too busy building rather than killing.
96. #29
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
not all the world....just you arabs!
97. #30 fadi
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
are you talking about your brain?
98. #33
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
the same old synagogue you burned to the ground with jews still praying inside before the birth of israel. we were not occupiers in israel back then, but you arabs and muslims still tortured, killed and raped the jews and persecuted them even before the birth of israel. this is why most if not all jews from all arab lands became refugees and left by thousands your countries and regimes to flee to the future israel. read books, you moron. you have been fed arab lies all your life. wake up!
99. #36
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
be fair? muslims have no hate or problems with jews? who are you kidding??? if muslims had no problem with jews, then how come millions fleed from the arab countries before the birth of israel. go ask the mufti of jerusalem during hitler's rule what he thought of the eye opener for you. as for the world pitying us? you must be nuts! we stand proud. we stand with our head held very high. because compared to you and the arab muslims, the jews and israelis have given to the world gifts of literature, medicine, science, technology, communication, invention of different drugs for different diseases, invention in agriculture, physics, and everything on this planet. jews in israel are considered highly educated and their contributions to the world are limitless. so, please do not feel we seek pity from the world. we can stand on our feet strong and determined. we are not siniora, crying at the un. we are strong and will survive any obstacle you place in our path. and by the way.....what occupation? israel is a state! in case you haven't noticed lately. we left gaza, remember?
100. #50
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.02.06)
usa is benefiting israel in the same way that iran/syria is benefiting you muslim fanatics. no difference. except that usa benefits israel for self defence, while iran/syria benefits you by giving you ammos to murder and kill....big difference. also, what makes you think you deserve usa aid? israel and usa are arm in arm friends no matter what you think. we share same progressive thinknig, same democratic values, same BRAIN POWER....SUPERIOR!, same everything. what do muslim fanatics and terrorists can ever share with the usa? 9/11? sure!
101. #88...where do you get your facts???
DR ,   Florida, USA   (11.02.06)
Europe hates Israel? And yet there is open trade and tourism with almost all European countries and Isarel. Australian Prime MInister just vowed to be Isarel's ally in the war on terror and who cares about New Zealand? How many people live in NZ? You have a very disturbing view of the world. Maybe your newspapers tell you that everyone hates Israel, but the truth is that most human beings hate terror and those who support it.
102. RE: #89
Seth ,   Los Angeles, Cali   (11.02.06)
I never blamed God.. that would be ludicrous.. I am making a point of the people who do these horrible things (including Geroge Bush) in Gods name. I completely agree with you that it is the fighting brothers who are to blame.. but the fact that we all can be absolved because we are doing it because God said to is absolute ignorance. I personally believe that God is the wind that blows, the water that flows, you, me, and everything in between. Whenever someone is killed a part of God is killed. How can people filled with the love of God be filled with such hate? One thing is clear, if I lost my brother or sister at the hands of the Israeli army when they come to bulldoze my town in Palestine I'd probably not like Jewish people either, same goes for Jewish people who lose loved ones from rockets being fired into their land... its an endless circle that we create... and to do it all in Gods name is the greatest sin of all.
103. Abdul, you' re a LIAR!
Paolo Ortenzi ,   Rome, Italy   (11.02.06)
Egyt does have Islamic universities. It is one of the country where the arabic translation of "Mein Kamp" is a book hit sold in Cairo university. Eminent egyptian professor wrote popular novels where Jews plot against Islams and the Arabs with the collaboration of the Vatican (that of course will be destroyed by the Islamic hero...). As the facts that christians are respected: I had a conversation, not many years ago, with a Egyptian worker in my country. Being a Copt in Egypt is not a bed of roses: after all if you are NOT a Muslim you are a dhimmi. You' re only a LIAR.
104. Khaled from Canada...
Paolo Ortenzi ,   Rome, Italy   (11.02.06)
Khaled khaled... You miss a BIG point: after one week the Egyptian troops were NOT anymore advancing in the Sinai, and after TWO WEEKS Egyptians were going precipitously going back to Egypt. Why? Because a Israeli general, Ariel Sharon, crossed the Suez channel and arrived up to 40 km from Cairo. Read a book, learn history and try to put aside Arab propaganda, the same that tells that Arabs where winning in 1967....
105. # 104 Paolo
In 1973, Israeli troops crossed the seuz candal and reached the 101 km sign on the high way to cairo. Israeli troops posed no much strategic threat, but their tiny presence was used as a propaganda. They were not actually sieging the third army, rather they were sieged on the west bank of the seuz canal. The situation of the Egyptian army after Oct.6 was much better than it was before, when the Israeli army had been based on the east bank of the seuz canal less than 120 km from cairo!.
106. Paolo, Dhimmi is a western christian concept.
BouSameer ,   Beirut Lebanon   (11.03.06)
Read the Justinian and Theodosian codes. You will see what I mean..
107. Bousameer, Dhimmi is from Islam.
Paolo Ortenzi ,   Rome, Italy   (11.03.06)
Dhimmi concept is from the Q'uran. And to me is UNACCEPTABLE. You are free to believe in what you want, but let me believe in what I want.
108. #107 - Paolo and the Dhimmi concept..
BouSameer ,   Beirut Lebanon   (11.03.06)
Paolo Sure you are free to believe what you want. But when someone believes that the sun revolves around the earth, I tend to point out that this is wrong, knowing full well I'll be accused of being against freedom of speech/beliefs. Just like your case. There are no two experts who disagree that the Dhimmi laws under Islam were plagiarized from the Theodosian and justinian codes. The terrible status of the Jews, as per these codes and their subsequent versions, has been in effect up until the french revolution, although it ceased to be fully implemented in many parts of Europe by the later middle ages. Of course the dhimmi law is terrible and unacceptable. Many if not most however, would agree that the Dhimmi laws as implemented under islam, where less pronounced than their counterparts in Catholic Europe. I can list the the countless decrees of the Church related to Jews, but afraid I don;t have the time for it right now. You can decide to remain in a state of self denial, or do dome research to get a more balanced view.
109. Bousameer, issue not changed
Paolo Ortenzi ,   Rome, Italy   (11.03.06)
Let say it is like you said. This does not change the terms of the issue: is the dhimmi concept was bad for Christianity, can be good for Islam? BTW, for the Q'uran all the other religion of the book are dhimmis (Christians and Jews). The whole concept is untolerable. And the the concept you have to pay a tax to practice your religion in Islamic dominated areas. I am not a fundamentalist christian (I am not even a christian...) but I really pursue complete separation between religion and state. When Islam will drop this concept, well let's talk.
110. Paolo #109, It's already dropped,
BouSameer ,   Beirut Lebanon   (11.03.06)
Of course it can't be good for Islam. that's too obvious and does not require confirmation. This concept of Dhimmis has been dropped ages ago. The intellectual renaissance starting the latter 19th century (Art, philosophy, political science, poetry, etc..)in the arab world was predominantly carried out by Arab christians. How could they have been treated as dhimmis and create such a movement? There is no such thing as Dhimmi anymore, no one of my generation or my prents generation is familiar with that concept. It is a concept revived by extreme right wing after 9/11, the likes of robert Spencer for very political reasons. Of course the concept is intolerable. But it is no less intolerable than your practices with Jews in Europe. Let's not forget, It is in Europe that the Jews had their worst nightmares. To be fair you should criticize this concept under both its European version as well as Islamic version.
111. EGYPT
alan ,   chicago usa   (11.05.06)
112. enemies
toni ,   sabme   (11.05.06)
so does that make the egyptian people the enemy of the us absolutely not in the us were not that ignorant we have freedom of thought but i digress the world is tired of our dominance and i dont blame them its human nature to long for what you dont have so blame us for everything wrong but soon we wont be here to give u an answer good luck with your arrogant intellegence may you be as lucky as we were
113. Bousameer, as I said
Paolo Ortenzi ,   Rome, Italy   (11.06.06)
... the concept of "dhimmi", nevermind if carried from Islam or from Christians, it is untolerable. I don't knwo if you ever had a visit in concentration camps in Europe, but if you have the courage to do it, DO IT. I did, two years ago, and, as it was implicit in my words, I have the utmost hrshest condemnation of European antisemitic stance, based on both religious and politic issues. Unfortunately the target of exterminating Jews, and denying the Holocaust, in sum the WORST of the European tradition, has been taken back from some religious leaders in the Islamic word. The Arab translation of 'Mein Kampf, is a hit in book sales. If it is true what you said, you should remember that mr. Nasrallah, in your country, pursues exactely the same goals that Hitler and his comrades tried 60 years ago. This even in public and even in interviews to western newspapers. Ignoring what is daily teached in mosques in Western world, the hate against our free life style, the submission of the world to the islam, is dangerous: it is an attempt to restore the concept of "dhimmitude", when non islamic people must pay a tax to follow his/her religion. And, btw, to people like me, that do not belongs to any of "the people of the book" there is no place in the islamic world.
114. 113 Paolo Ortenzi, but of course..
BouSameer ,   Bei leb   (11.07.06)
I see no bigger danger than the spread of fundamentalism. I want to see secular liberal democracies on every inch of this planet. btw, there is not any place on earth where one has to pay taxes based on his religion. not even in Iran which is an Islamic theocracy. Unless you know something I don't That said, the concept of dhimmitude is abhorent, its tax aspect is not the worst thing about it.
115. what
ahmed ,   egypt   (05.20.10)
what are you talking about ,,israel is small nation and will keep on beeing a small nation
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