'How many Jews did mama kill?'
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 14.03.07, 20:54
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Scott   (03.15.07)
32. Apocalyps
Dr.Joji Cherian ,   Aluva India   (03.15.07)
It is apocalyps for Jews.They have brought it up on themselves by their arrogance.Israel could have peace along with Palestenions. But Israel wanted peace for itself only.With Palestenions totaly subdued.Now Jews will have neither peace nor homeland
33. BottomLine::"Do you want to go to mama?" "Yes," she replied!
KMR ,   Middle East   (03.15.07)
This is what Hamas all about.
34. #28 your comments do not justify the teaching of hatred
Moral Compass ,   USA   (03.15.07)
Negro slaves brought to this country 300 years ago still had enough morality not to condone the killing of innocents. Were they not also stripped of their lands, their rights, and their freedom? 6,000,000 Jews were murdered by European Nazis during World War 2, yet how many Jews have strapped on a suicide belt and blown up German schools or Polish Cafes? Were they not also stripped of their rights, their freedom, and their property? I can think of countless other people's of the Earth with similar tales of persecution who have nevertheless not allowed their hardships to change fundamentally their sense of right and wrong. But what I want to know is this: Where do Muslim people like you get off trying to argue that having your rights violated justifies teaching children that there is a moral imperative to murder innocent non-combatant civilians? It is no wonder that with the current trends in the collective attitudes of Muslims in the Middle East there is so much revenge killing, retribution, bloody violence, political instability, and civil strife. You have no one but yourselves to blame for the wrong moral choices you make. If you refuse to take responsibility for breeding a culture of immorality among your children, I can state with certitude that your succeeding generations are on a path to murder each other out of existence.
35. Dose Mama has right for 72 virgins or only the male has righ
e.m ,   s.f   (03.15.07)
36. no:10
may ,   lebanon   (03.15.07)
Arabs were not the WTC bombers!!!! 'Monkey says.......monkey believes!!!!!' With all due respect!!!! but if it makes you satisfied to believe so.....then let it be!
37. I think these people are possessed by satan himself
Lyn ,   USA   (03.15.07)
I would rather DIE than worship a god that turns children into crazy, insane people. I feel so sorry for these dear children. These people are unbelievable. I have NEVER seen such barbaric behaviour and pure evil in my whole life. When I was a child, my dear, beautiful mama taught me respect, and to show kindness and love for everyone, to strive to be a good person, if someone is hungry, feed them, if some needs help, help them and she meant help EVERYONE regardless of religion or skin color. I remember one time she told me that we are all G-d's children and of all different colors. She told me that people who look down on another because of their skin color was just pure simple mindeness. I remember her saying how creative G-d was when he created us all. When I read a story like this one and then read these words at the end " "In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate," it just sounds completely crazy. If he is such a compassionate god then why are the people who worship him so full of hate and think it's such a great, noble thing to kill people? They are crazy.
38. Two camps
Ram ,   london   (03.15.07)
There are two camps posting here. One camp wants to use logic, history, intelligence and compromise to bridge the difference with the other while.... the other camp has been instilled from the cradle with hate, violence and the desire to spill blood even if the cost is life itself. People have to stop deluding themselves and accept this reality.
39. To Ram 38. You are right Ram
Palestinian   (03.15.07)
Your logic is correct. But applies to both sides and not only one. If you have a look at most of those posting at Ynet. they simply have no respect to the Palestinians. They talk about them as if they are talking about tigers in a jungle. This is has to stop. No mutual understanding if mentalities like these persist. For every thing, there is a reason behind it. Israeli Jews do not admit that they are an occupation force. You can simply see that from most postings even at Ynet here. Instead of that, they are stealing others Land, culture and History. Why should a Jews just simply because his faith is Jewish immigrate and live in Palestine when the Palestinians who are native to this land as far as you want to go back to history. Todays Palestinians did not come from the moon. They are the descendents of all the populations who inhabited this piece of land since the early days of History. Some people here only read the history of this region thru the Bible. Well, the Bible was written in two specific time incidents. This does not make whole Palestine Jewish. Quran itself talked about the Israelites living in Arabia. This did not make Arabia Israelite. Arabs have inhabited Palestine since the early days of history. From the Canaanites, thru the Nabateans, thru the Islamic consquest in the 7th century. Arabs were there, and the idea of having Palestine only for Jews and exclusively for Jews is racism itself. When Jews stop chanting 'Mavet le Aravim', when they recognise their mistakes and atrocities, only then I can stand by you and blame a Palestinian who sacrificed himself for his land.
Scott   (03.15.07)
Even if your comments were true - which they are not! You and others forget that to destroy the Jewish state by military means will cause the immiment downfall and deaths of EVERYONE in the area. Israel will not go quietly. Its appears you are infected with the same primitive, destructive lunacy that will be the end of many of you.
41. # 21 Khalid - basic misunderstanding
Isragirl ,   Qiryat Yam, Israel   (03.15.07)
you seem to think that Israelis are guided in their actions by hate and racism, e.g. viewing Arabs as lesser, inferior creatures. That's incorrect, you're projecting your own view of the Jews. We are guided by hate, alright, but it's a hate towards a worthy, long-time adversary who is preying on the same life-sustaining resources. Take French and the Brits, the 100 years war - how was it different? Same barbaric techniques, only much better equipment. They used to despise and belittle each other, and racism is an ideological tool in to support of the struggle, but racism didn't start either of the wars. We hate each other because we kill each other, not the other way around.
42. Ah, the Religion of Peace and Tolerance (ROPAT)
Scott ,   USA   (03.15.07)
Such peace, such tolerance!
43. Does #6 know what apartheid is?
Isaac Rubin ,   Livnim Israel   (03.15.07)
Louis if you want to talk about apartheid please learn what apartheid is. Apardheid was a system used in South Africa to systematicaly seperate the different races and force each race to live amongst his own people in his own area with his own amenities.Apartheid is an Afrikaans word transalated into English means seperate development. The Palistinians would like to see Jewish "setlers leaving what they regard as their land because they are not prepaired to live side by side with people because they are Jews. Jews are expected to be dictated to or else they will be killed. The Palistinians have made their choices and as such they have to chosen the consequences. The Israelies are divided on how to seek peace but not divided on the will to seek peace. In 1948 when the Arabs had Gaza Juda Sameria the Golan and Al Kuds they were not looking for peace. So stop blamimg ocupation. I wish the Palistinians will one day find a leader with the vision of the late King Hussain and follow him instead of killing him. The Arab world has money to send arms and amunition but when it comes to money for food and health that the responcibility of the rest of the world. Michael Steiner where are you your silence speaks volumes.
44. To #29 Khalid
Korem ,   New York, USA   (03.15.07)
You fool, the term chosen people refers to the idea that Hashem chose the Jews to be the ones who must study and learn the Torah...that is all it means. it does not mean that Jews are superior to Gentiles, and you'll be hard pressed to find anyone, Israeli or otherwise, who will interpret it as such. More people attack Jews for claiming that they are the chosen ones, then there are Jews even claiming to be chosen ones. Take your BS arguments out of ynet, put them on some "anti-Zionist' forum or whatever. How about those kids who waved toy guns at IDF soldiers in an attempt to "test their vigilance"? Or Muhammed Al-Dura who turned out to have been killed by his own side in crossfire but whose death was attributed to those darn "evil Zionist soldiers?"
45. Even WORSE than SICK!
Stephen ,   Arizona, USA   (03.15.07)
Let's see..."Mama", a Muslim and decendent of Abraham killed Jews, also decendants of Abraham. So for this murder of half-siblings, some naive child, brainwashed by sick fanatics, thinks that "Mama" went to paradise? I think that for this abominable sin, paradise is not the destination.
46. Children being indoctrinated to be homicide bombers
Jesus ,   Nazerth Israel   (03.15.07)
Children being indoctrinated to become homicide bombers is deplorable! This culture of violence must stop,we are all brothers and sisters, children of Abraham, and Gd wants all to live in peace and happiness. Donot let the children continue to suffer because of the sins of their fathers. Remember what Gd wants for all of his people peace on earth and good will to all men! Amen
47. Anybody else laugh when Muslims and Christians...
Jew   (03.15.07)
...blame Jews for thinking of themselves as the "chosen people." Dear Israel bashers, your religions are based on Judaism and both proclaim their superiority over Judaism. That's why the Christians call their bible the "New" Testament and the Muslims give the Jews (and Christians) dhimmi status.
48. For those justifying suicide bombs and hateful children...
Jew   (03.15.07)
You should remember that suicide bombings are used all over the world these days. Sri Lanka, Iraq and Bali are perfect examples. That proves your point about the particular nature of this conflict as justification for this sick indoctrination of little children to be absolutely wrong.
49. People who abuse children like this are not HUMANS!
Daisy ,   USA   (03.15.07)
I'm disgusted beyond words!
50. Mama is a killer
Daniel ,   Israel   (03.15.07)
She has killed 6 people, including 2 of her own children!
51. Hamas TV airs interview with children
Daniel ,   Israel   (03.15.07)
Wow! Congratulations to Palestinians for lovely way of bringing up their children??????
52. #6 Louis
Jered   (03.15.07)
Dear Lois #6, Apart from Nazi Germany, could you point at any other culture that degraded to such point? Did Jews, Armenian, black Americans, the people of Tibet, Kurds, native Americans degrade to such point? Do you really BELIEVE that these people deserve, or are in grade of managing a sovreing state?
53. #28
Jerred   (03.15.07)
Dear may Lebanon: frustration or not, suffering or not, in plain English this is called CHILD ABUSE. A civilized nation send these people to rotten in jail !
54. #29 Khalid
Jerred   (03.15.07)
moral or not moral, what the palestinians are doing to their own children is, in plain English CHILD ABUSE. In the country I and you live, you go to jail for that
55. DID Mama left behind a ( SOP) to kill Jews
ben ,   singapore   (03.15.07)
STANDARD OPPERATION PROCEDURE ( SOP) ? Baby : Well Mama said baby should refer to the Hamas Charter and the Quran , Hadis and the madrasah kindergarten teachings .
56. from 28
may ,   lebanon   (03.15.07)
Oh?..during Isreal's attack on Lebanon...did anyone see jewish kids...children....writting messages to the lebanese on the missiles that were being dropped on lebabon? Is that defined as hate?...I have seen many video's of jewish children showing severe hate for arabs and muslim but unfortunatelly these video's are not released or even talked about....yes these jewish kids dont kill.....but someone else is doing the job for them!!!! one tells these Palestenian children to hate anyone....but when young children see this injustice ..when they see all the killings......there fathers mothes...sisters...friends...being killed...I dont think they will they will grow up showing love and peace to the ones committing these acts...people are not only shaped by their religion...but by the environment that they live can try to imagine what is happening to iraqi children..withthe killings...rapes....chaos..(from any side).....they will not be brought up to be loving peacefull adults but full of negative feelings for the nations/people (whoever they are)who caused their atrocities...I am not trying to talk political...I am just saying if u bring up children where they are with their loving family in peace..u will get a healthy adult.....can u imagine when a child is brought up in the wrong environment??...theire parents and their parents parents are only the result of what happened to them!!!!Ok the al mighty Godhas given the jews to live in the promissed land...thats nice of him...but to kill and kick out the people in it...whether they livedthere before or after the jews...then is this a MEAN SELFISH creul god?.....this is a question.....and by the way...... why do we hate each other when we are actually cousins?!!!!.....and just a few reminders...jews lived amongest muslim throughout the ages...muslims did not persucute jews...on the contrary...yet when the jews were in europe..spain germany...etc...they were persecuted.....muslim did not persecute jews ever....during the Andalus days..jews and muslim worked hand in hand for science literature etc......why is it that we hate each other so much now??
57. #6 Louis from NYC USA
chaim ,   miami beach usa   (03.15.07)
I guess that in your twisted mind the actions of the american settlers of the United States which I think were your forebearers were also just a bunch of sickos as they did all that you describe in you stupid remaek and much more to provide you with a place to live. your observation just proves that the world current countries were all established by a bunch of sick people as each coutry was only established by having the original people killed or disbursed just so they can proclaim the land yes the soil as their own to keep forever
58. the true glory of Allah
a true blessing ,   Allah paradise   (03.15.07)
may all moslems attain ther fervent hope as expressed in any opening preceeding a decleration in public!!! "In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate. When comes the help of Allah, and victory, and you see people entering the religion of Allah in troops, then celebrate the praise of your Lord, and ask his forgiveness, for he is ever ready to show mercy." May all moslems find their peace when they are all entering in unison into Allahs heaven and leave this world for humanity
59. to #'s 6, 17, 28, 29 and others
Doc Holliday ,   Detroit   (03.15.07)
Look, this is great PR for the regular folks. We get to see how brainwashed morons defend the indefensable. The same tired and untrue excuses repeated over and over again. May,from Lebanon is one of the most laughable repeating the same bias nonsense that has been refuted over and over again. Some terrorists talk about Allah, somthing they clearly no nothing about. Their only knowledge from some pervert who told them all though their youth what to think, how sad. Please keep on with childish rants, you instruct the public well in your perverse thought process. So sick it is that you remain unaware of it, that is true insanity.
60. #58
israeli ,   israel   (03.15.07)
and for ever!
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