'How many Jews did mama kill?'
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 14.03.07, 20:54
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89 Talkbacks for this article
61. but really
israeli ,   israel   (03.15.07)
See how the children are embarrassed and what to talk about kindergarten. Yet the moderator won't let them. Where is UNICEF? Where are all those bleeding heart organizations, all those bleeding heart human rights watchdogs who tell IDF troops that killing children is terrorism? And encouraging children to go join their mother is what? And they are doing it on national TV. It is SICK, FANATIC and CRIMINAL.
62. Dear kids
mama mia   (03.15.07)
We'll look after you, we're your new evil mamma. We'll nurture you and save you. Love, the Machsom witches.
63. "How many Jews did mama kill?"
T. Randell ,   North, Tx.   (03.15.07)
Poor little brainwashed children. They sound well trained and coached by the interviewer.
64. To May from Lebanon: Really why?
Anna ,   Montreal, Canada   (03.15.07)
First of all, if you saw so many times the videos of Jewish kids expressing their hate to Arabs and you can’t prove it by the material evidence, what is your blame about? Second of all, you don’t denounce the fact of child brainwashing in the video that was made as propaganda for other children and adolescences. Third, you make Jewish kids guilty before they proved innocent. You are falsifying the historical events in many of your examples; and you are claming to be objective. Then again, the last war in Lebanon. What do you want from Jews: to look how their solders are kidnapped and their cities are bombed and to pray for the mercifulness of your Allah? The fact that Israeli Government agreed to stop the war before reaching the most important goal of FREEING THE HOSTAGES APDUCTED FROM THE SUVERAIN COUNTRY’S TERITORY says about the wiliness of Israel to compromise. Well somehow it doesn’t cross your mind that Israelis don’t need really the human army in order to destroy the enemy. They are powerful enough to gain their goal using only the technology. BUT they sacrificed their solders in order to preserve human lives in Lebanon. Everybody knows IDF bombed only Hisbullah territory. I’ll better stop. But if you don’t recognize Israeli’s right to exist you will always blame Zionists=Every Jew+ Every Israeli Jew in every your fault.
65. where're the child welfare services?
Isragirl ,   Qiryat Yam, Israel   (03.15.07)
Or maybe they don't have any? Do you see what I see - kids trying to be normal and talk about kids' stuff ("I'm in the kindergarten now! I'm so proud to be a big kid now - can we talk about that?"), while the trained monkey who pretends to be a journalist is forcing them to say hateful things. Does anybody there care about the children? They live in a war-torn country. They lost their mother. DO they need to be traumatized any further? Watch the clip. It's the best display of the despicable depravity and barbarity that rules in Palestine, of their own making. Israel has nothing to do with that. It makes them look even worse that Palestinians take pride in this and show it off. We don't need to spend money on PR, we can just broadcast their TV around the world...
66. Dear Anna
Libneniyyeh ,   Lebanon   (03.15.07)
"The fact that Israeli Government agreed to stop the war before reaching the most important goal of FREEING THE HOSTAGES APDUCTED FROM THE SUVERAIN COUNTRY’S TERITORY says about the wiliness of Israel to compromise. " Compromise what, Anna? 2000 plus civilian lives? Did Israel achieve even 1% of its goals? The way you put it ur precious war machine sounds like a mad dog set loose but not allowed to finish mutilating and chomping the carcass it's attacking. "Israelis don’t need really the human army in order to destroy the enemy. They are powerful enough to gain their goal using only the technology. " Yes, they are so civilized and use such high tech weaponry that they missed not a single mark. They killed only soldiers. They never targetted ambulances, hospitals, schools, bridges, factories, food storage ware houses, non-HA areas, our 'manara" lighthouse, etc. "BUT they sacrificed their solders in order to preserve human lives in Lebanon" Come again, did u say preserve human life? Those soldiers were indeed so brave and noble. "Everybody knows IDF bombed only Hisbullah territory. " Please don't insult our intelligence.
67. #8 a losing lawyer
when someone says they gave their life for a just cause, trying to lift : "Killing, stealing, oppressing, apartheiding and humiliating people for a mere piece of land that is NOT JEWISH LAND." I think that your answer would better have been "it is Unjest cause" . Your are a losing lawyer.
68. #66
israeli ,   israel   (03.15.07)
you got one thing right - the palio cause IS a carcass. And it is stinking to high heaven already.
69. It is absolutely amazing to me that people like
Two Lebanese misfits ,   USA   (03.15.07)
May and Libeniyyeh are STILL trying to justify the psychological abuse of children by trying to compare this mad-mamas desperate actions to the Hezbollah-Israeli war last summer. The consensus on this site has CLEARLY been that murdering innocent by-standers as retribution for political gain is MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE. It is even in your beloved Quran! It boggles the mind how the two of you go on with your comparisons of a war-time situation with the murdering of civilians NOT in a war-time situation. The difference is that war is hell for everybody, but suicide bombings are political blackmail and THAT IS ALL. Teaching your kids that this is acceptable behavior from their parents is CHILD ABUSE. Shame on you both for trying to reason otherwise!
70. Libnen, Lebonon, and Anna LOOK AT WEBSITE
Doc Holliday ,   Detroit   (03.15.07)
Libneniyyeh, Look you attacked first, you drew first blood. Then when the IDF correctly responded you went begging to the UN. Please , please make them stop!!! By any ruler you got your butts kicked. Then after Israel agreed to stop and show mercy everyone in Lebanon ran around saying they won, YOU GUYS ARE A JOKE, Anna, A woman on one of the talkbacks listed a website "" it shows the true face of Islam. It is written by Ex-Muslims who argue that Islam is a cult not a religion and offers $50,000 and removal of the site to any scholar that can prove them wrong. Needless to say it's been there for 4-5 years and will remain.
JOE ,   USA   (03.15.07)
I concur comepletey. and so do more and more people on the PLANET.
72. After what the jews do to the Arabs
can anyone blame them for not liking jews? COMEON you have kicked them OUT of their homes- tortured their sons and stolen their land.
73. 1 sane Muslim
1 sane Muslim   (03.15.07)
These people... They actually think if you kill children, if you kill women you go to heaven. This is not an ideology. It's a mental illness.--One sane Muslim
74. Islamics Seek to MURDER All Jews EVERYWHERE
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (03.15.07)
Palestinian Authority Muslims voted overwhelmingly for the Hamas platform which calls for the murder of all Jews. Hamas Charter: 'Israel, by virtue of its being Jewish and of having a Jewish population, defies Islam and the Muslims. Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.' Hizbullah terrorist organization (helped by Iranian intelligence) bombed the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires, killing 29 and injuring over 200. Hizbullah next bombed the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, killing 86 and injuring over 200. Hizbullah calls for the worldwide murder of all Jews. Hizbullah's leader, Nasarallah, in Lebanon's Daily Star, Oct. 23, 2002: "If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide." In the second Lebanon war, Iran's highly trained guerrilla army Hizbullah, equipped with the most advanced, sophisticated military equipment, fired hundreds of rockets at Israeli population centers every day, many times more than were daily fired at Britain during the Blitz. The rockets packed with thousands of metal ball bearings to maximize the suffering of Jewish victims. The Palestinian Authority teach through their mosques, media, summer camps, and public education system, that murdering Jews is a religious obligation. Human bomb killers of Jewish innocents are revered and considered heroes by PA society. The Palestinian Authority hailed as heroes the terrorists who brutally murdered defenseless 8 months pregnant Jewish Gaza mother, Tali Hatuel, and four little daughters in Gush Katif in May 2004. Israel takes great care not to harm civilians. Islamists wage war on civilian populations - thousands of PA Muslims pass out sweets and celebrate in the streets whenever Jewish innocents are murdered by human bomb killers. Effigies of burning buses are features of PA school pageants and summer camps. Schools, streets and sports teams are named after suicide bombers. Adults and children train in terrorist training camps. Terrorists have been captured at Israeli checkpoints posing as ambulance drivers, doctors and patients. Islamists have hidden explosive suicide belts under gurneys carrying sick children and in the clothing of pregnant women. Red Crescent ambulances transport terrorists, weapons and bombs. Broadcast from Gaza mosque, Oct 13 2000, Dr. Ahmad Abu Halabiya, on Palestinian Authority TV (transcribed by Memri): "Have no mercy on the Jews, no matter where they are, in any country. Fight them, wherever you are. Wherever you meet them, kill them. Wherever you are, kill those Jews and those Americans who are like them..." In 2000, leaflets were distributed in major British cities that included slogans: "The final hour will not come until the Muslims kill the Jews." Surrounded by 22 huge, hostile Arab nations, tiny Israel fights for survival in the cruel world war to bring all nations under subjugation of Muslim masters - a merciless world where human rights and freedom are utterly destroyed. On the frontlines of global jihad, Israel fights for the freedom and human rights of all nations - Israel's enemies are the enemies of the Free World. STOP the U.S. EU UN Global Islamic Terror State in the Jewish ancestral homeland of Biblical Judea and Samaria, reducing tiny Israel at mid-section to 9 miles wide indefensible Auschwitz borders - advancing global jihad's unopposed march to world conquest and Jewish annihilation. STOP Inciting Children to Kill ! Palestinian Authority society are taught murdering Jews is the highest goal in life and attains paradise:
75. get ur facts straight
Libneniyyeh ,   Lebanon   (03.15.07)
66- u missed the comparison. i was comparing the Israeli war machine to a dog unleashed on Lebanon. BUt the only thing that smells is ur injustice. 69- I want to ask you this question, Mr. nameless from the states. Did you know this woman? Did you know her children? When you talk about "brainwashing", what do you mean? Have you been to where those people live and seen them? Do you think that Allah advocates suicide? He doesn't. Has it ever crossed your mind the misery that these people are in? What I fail to understand is that, not for a minute are you or those who speak along the same lines able to put yourself in those people's shoes. Do you believe any mother would gladly leave her children behind. She felt she was dying for a cause. She had nothing to fight with against the oppressive life that she and hers have been subjected to, nothing except her own flesh. When you talk about murdering innocent bystanders, dont you see the irony in ur won words? Palestinians are dying on a daily basis my friend, and all u can say is "look how sick those people are." As I said before, those people need no brainwashing. You are all the poison and brainwashing and misery they need. You talk about child abuse??? You talk about morality??I think those are very trite issue at this point. I dont think one would worry about child abuse if their children are being abused in a far worse manner. Number 70: The world is seeing you for what you are. No matter what i say, it is u who is completely brainwashed. Justice will always be served my friend, and as there is a God who watches and sees what is happening, believe me, no crime will be unpunished. The world is turning against you, people are hating you. Its time to look at urself in the mirror.
76. Trips to See Mama
Ralph ,   san jose US   (03.15.07)
I think the broadcaster and producer of the show should win the the trip to see Mama first!
77. To 1 Sane Muslim: Hope there are more than 1 of U!
78. #75 WHAT ARE you talking about?
#69 rebuttal to 75 ,   USA   (03.15.07)
Do YOU know their mama? Are you even a mama yourself? (I am. That is why I cannot understand why a woman would leave her kids to kill other people's kids!) tWho abused those children? Do you have evidence that they have been abused other than by the culture in which they live? Are you implying that they are the victims of abuse other than by their own people, who use them as propaganda tools? You take generalities and make certain assumptions don't you now? Palestinians that are "dying on a daily basis" is one example of your collective blaming. Palestinians shoot each other every day because of factional violence, don't you think THAT is sick too? You see how throwing words back at someone does not further the argument or make your point clearer. If anyone is abusing children, it is the Hamas murderers who recruit fanatic mamas to leave their children to kill the children of others. You have proved by your remarks that you are incapable of seeing what is wrong with that picture. If I talk about morality it is because morality is the issue here. If a culture can't even live by its own beliefs anymore, (i.e. the Holy Quran, which prohibits both suicide and the killing of innocent women and children) , then I am sorry to say it, but that self-destructive culture is doomed.
79. Sorry kids, your jihad-fighting martyrdom-seeker
Johnson ,   USA   (03.15.07)
moma is burning in hell.
80. e.m., s.f....according to their hadith....
maria ,   p.i.   (03.16.07)
there are no women in paradise.they go to hell.who are the 72 virgins?are they men?
81. 78
Libneniyyeh ,   Lebanon   (03.16.07)
Yes 78 I am a mother. I am not supporting what this woman did. I am saying that no one ever looks at the root of the problem, and it is not the factional violence between the Palestinians. Why is it so hard to understand? Why is it so hard to show compassion? Tell me, how many Israelis in Israel actually communicate and interact with Palestinians? Separated by walls and fences, spoken to only through loudspeakers? And that is only a small, small fraction of the "big picture." Why don't you search for the reasons why the Israeli state is hated so much? Why so many in the world are moving against it, exposing it? And I am not talking about Arabs. Doesn't that tell you anything at all? I know that throwing accusations back and forth won't solve anything. But one has to be able to use criticism constructively.
82. #75 Give me a break Libneniyyeh
Lina ,   USA   (03.16.07)
This woman came from a well to do family. There's no indication she was struggling. These homicide bombings are not unique to the Palestinians. It's what brainwashed Islamists do to terrorize other people all over the world including Spain, the UK, Turkey, Argentina, Russia, India, the US etc. It's about making other people suffer and feel afraid. You should know about this Libneniyyeh. Your country is home the a terrorist cancer that threatens anyone who opposes them like a tumor destroys the life blood of its host. Look what happened to beautiful Lebanon. This bomber hoped to find love in death that did not exist her real life. I read she was having marital problems and her husband drove her to the crossing to kill herself. She was a disposable wife and mother. Such a shame so many people had to suffer because of this unbalanced woman. Now, the children she abandoned are being used as propaganda tools.
83. #81
David S ,   Philadelphia, USA   (03.16.07)
Why is it that everytime something truly inhumane is done by Arabs you jump up with all kinds of excuses. But if Jews do anything that you interpret as wrong, then there are no excuses whatsoever. Why the double standard? Those Arabs you defend are grown ups, they have normal intelligence (one hopes), they have normal feelings (again, one hopes), so why are you making so many allowances for their behavior. Every time. Not once you raise your voice in condemnation of anything. Just a little lip service, like saying, I'm not supporting such and such ..BUT..... just look at how much they suffer. Yes, they suffer. Everybody suffers. But people are responsible for their actions and they have the ability to choose. That woman choose to do what she did, and she chose to raise her children to believe it was great to do what she did and to feel proud of it.
84. Libneniyyeh your very wrong on all points
Margaret   (03.16.07)
Did you know this women too? Do you know quite a few Arab children in Gaza are taught from the time their very young to hate Jews and that to kill them is highly praised by their society including teachers,religious authorites, and tragically often even their own parents? You can't tell me this isn't true, I have seen countless television/internet interviews with Arab youth not unlike the children of this woman who describe Jews as pigs and who say how much they hate Israelis and want to destroy them. There have been mosque sermons on PA television, which described Jews as the "Aid's Virus", and that when one kills Jews they are blessed and go straight to heaven. To teach people especially young, vunerable children to hate like this has nothing to do with so called desperation or oppression from a so called occupation it is nothing more than hatred and evil in it's purest form. I do believe this mother gladly left her children behind in fact,she said her dream ever since she was 12 years old was to be a martyr,and kill Jews. And if Palestinians are dying on a daily basis it is probably because their killing each other. Most of the time when Israeli soldiers kill Palestinians, it is militants who are trying to kill them,or who are about to commit terror attacks, sadly sometimes civilains are caught in the crossfire and are killed as well. Your right about one thing though justice will always win out in the end that is just one reason why I believe the Arabs have not been able to defeat the Israelis in 60 years. Even in 1948,when the Israelis had no superior weaponry and four Arab armies attacked them.The Israelis easily defeated those armies,and again in 1956 and 1967,when they defeated five Arab armies in just 4 days. God is indeed just ,and I believe He is also merciful and that is why he has preserved and protected the Israelis from being defeated by the Arabs, which I believe would have resulted in another Holocaust. Finally, maybe you should take a good look in the mirror yourself before accusing Israel or any other nation of committing crimes. No one group of people collectivelly is more violent,terror prone then the Arabs/Muslims today. Like for example the Iraqis who are killing and blowing each other up everyday just like your people the Lebanese were killing each other everyday during the civil war back in the 70's and 80's.
85. Muslims use suicide bombings everywhere...
DR ,   Florida, USA   (03.16.07)
Not just in Israel. This is their way of dealing with other cultures. If they don't like what we have to say, they want to kill us. Look at Iraq...they kill each other everyday. Is this because of oppression or becuase one group occupies anothers land??? NO, this is just their way. ANyone who continues to defend and make excuses for Terror ( suicide bombings) is just a bad, ignorant person. The corruption of the soul hapens through brainwashing and many years of cultural depravation. I guess thisis the problem with Palestinians, they corrput their children from birth.
86. Response to #81
To #80 (again) ,   USA   (03.16.07)
You ask why it is so hard to show compassion? Is it showing compassion to ask the children of a woman who was used by a terror group to kill people how glad they are to have murdered so many Jews? Do the Hamas murderers even care how these children feel to have lost their mother or do they care only to use these children to poison the minds of other kids? I think it is fair to say that this is constructive criticism. I am not accusing you of anything other than not being able to see this in a realistic fashion because of your bias toward the country of Israel. If this happened to any other people other than Israelis, would you feel the same way or would you be able to admit that these actions are immoral and against your beliefs?
87. 81 - root of the problem is out of control hate
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (03.16.07)
i know because my relatives are arabs and i have heard firsthand that hatred which is like a cancer, only this cancer is loved and nurtured like a treasure. that hate rejects peace and the idea of living side by side, and gladly chooses blood and death. that is the real root cause and nothing in the world can ever justify or excuse it in any way. if you do, you are as wicked as those who kill.
88. Palestinian # 17
charles ,   petach tikva   (03.16.07)
Years ago , our prime minister , Golda Meir , said : we can forgive Arabs for killing our children , but never shall we forgive them for obliging us to kill theirs . We are not proud when we kill an Arab . We never danced in the streets after there have been enemy victims . You are doing it . Full of joy when we received some scuds in the first Iraq war . Full of joy when a suicide bomber assassinated bus passengers , people in a restaurant or others . And now this . So tell me , who are the sick barbarians ? Don't come telling me that we killed a child , we also killed own soldiers , errors are inevitable .
89. Libneniyyeh [continued]
Margaret   (03.16.07)
I will add just one more thing to my last post, the young men who this woman killed died because they let her through a security crossing even though a metal detector went off when she passed. She cried and faked a limp said it was a "metal brace" in her leg and begged them to let her through. All you ever do is collectively condemn Israelis, yet the very humanity and compassion of these young soldiers for this woman cost them their very lives.
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