Jewish Scene
Rabbi: Don’t name your kids ‘Herzl’
Neta Sela
Published: 22.06.07, 19:34
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113 Talkbacks for this article
61. #10 We are all indepted to your Great-Grandfather
Esther ,   Ofarim, Israel   (06.24.07)
His memory deserves honor and respect for all he did for the Jewish people. I am grateful to him.
62. Have a heart
Lenny ,   USA/Israel   (06.24.07)
Herzl just means little heart in Yiddish, was also name of the writer of HaTiqwa the national anthem. Obadia Yosef is not always one to carefully consider statements prior to uttering them.
63. To Meir #45
Lenny   (06.24.07)
Let's take over Uganda, IN ADDITION to Israel, I hear it's a beautiful land and I'm sure the people would be thrilled to be living in the future Switzerland of Africa
64.  Our Dilemma
Avraham ben Adam ,   usa   (06.24.07)
Herzl sidetracked the universalism and humanism of Judaism for the sake of Jewish statehood. He bypassed Jewish inclusiveness. Because we love Israel, we have been so blinded by it, that we have been willing to pay a terrible price for it. The Jewish people and the state should be the means, not the end in itself. The ultimate goal of the Jew is to do the right thing, to be a light unto the world.
65. Nahum , Yeroushalaim
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.24.07)
Thanks to Herzl you can live here , and not thanks to this stupid rabbi .
66. Both of my husband Iraqi uncles are named Herzl!
I like the names Herzl and Nimrod.
67. And Herzl was evil, because.........why exactly?
Suzanne   (06.24.07)
Perhaps for next time, some strong arguments would be nice, Rabbi Yosef.
68. #32 the jewish bigot
kapara al haismuk   (06.24.07)
What does "sephardic" have to do with this? Why did you feel compelled to put in this label? You owe an apology to millions of faithful proud israelis.
69. Funny...
Ari   (06.24.07)
Shas didn't seem to have any problems voting for the old-gaurd "secular-Zionist socialist" Shimon Peres, who would closely identify with such "heretical Zionists" as Hertzle. Could it be, perhaps, that for them money speaks louder than words...?
70. 60, No he wasn't !!!
S Judah ,   London   (06.24.07)
You can give him credit for some ideas, but we are not Jewish because of him. We are Jewish inspite of some his other terrible ideas. Hate to tell all of you anti religious and anti Shas comment whallas. We retain our traditions exactly because great sages from our past through today be they Rav Ovadia or Rav Eliyashiv fight for us.
71. To # 68
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.24.07)
What has sephardic to do with this ? This rabbi [ ? ] is the son of ovadia Yossef , spiritual mentor of shas . Are they not Sephardi ?
72. wait there's hope!
hanina   (06.24.07)
the chick who's about to be burned at the stake by her husband in the above mentioned picture has no reason to die. she lost her cell phone at a huge gala event but she's going to sift through the dumpster to find it.
73. # 70 S. Judah , London
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.24.07)
You are maybe not Jewish because of him , BUT WE ARE SURELY ISRAELIS THANKS TO HIM . His terrible ideas ? he was trying to find a solution to the Jewish "problem" . Regarding your "great" Shas people , better for everyone to stay silent , they still live in the dark middle ages .
74. 73 Charles - not so clear cut
S Judah ,   London   (06.24.07)
1. Shas do a lot of great social work at grass root level. They would not retain such a strong and growing base other wise. I have seen it myself at first hand in the out backs down South. A real great friendly club atmosphere. 2. Herzl's problem was in watering down being Jewish. Why? What are we ashamed of?
75. 66 Wow and I know an Iraqi named George
S Judah ,   London   (06.24.07)
Seriously after King George. But neither are Jewish names. I also know an Ashkanazi , but he is Sephardi.
76. Charles, shame on you for insulting Sephardic Jews
Suzanne Kimchi ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (06.24.07)
I have yet to hear you say that Arabs live in the 'dark ages'. You've shown your true colors and have lost all credibility on this forum. Thanks for exposing your true racist colors.
77. #54 Michael - That was in his early years.
meir elazar   (06.24.07)
Michael, Herzl was raised in a non-religous home and the idea of conversion was expressed in his early years. Once he was more mature, understood anti_semitism, and witnessed the Dreyfus affair, he altered his course. So I take it from your statements that you do not believe in Tshuva. A person is not entitled to make a mistake, learn from it, and repent. So as I understand it not only do your masquerade at being "religous" but you deny violate the very principles and prayers: "Utfila, Utshuva, Utzedaka Ma'avirim Et Ro'a Hagezera". On High Holidays we (except Michael) pray that "Prayer, Repentence, and Charity Dispel the severity of the decree." In other words, Michael, you are a hipocrit. By the way another brillian Jewish Sage, HaRav Saman Trei said: "Adif Lishtok V'lehera'ot Tipesh Mi'lifoach Peh V'lehachasir Kol Safek" - "It is better to keeps one's mouth shut and seem a fool then to open it and remove all doubt." Michael, try not to inhale any more fumes when you drive by Petrochemiya near the Check-post.
78. #56 Nahum - What I wrote to Michael goes for you too
Meir Elazar   (06.24.07)
79. #63 Lenny - Try to learn to read and think for once
meir elazar   (06.24.07)
Lenny, Now that you made a total fool of yourself, try reading and understanding. I said "initerim solution". Lenny don't embarass your family anymore. If you don't have anything intelligent to say, keep it zipped.
80. #56 - Hey Nachum, let these "religious authorites" quit....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (06.24.07)
acting and talking like complete BUFOONS and they wil garner respect. And if the Pope says something so DUMB out of his own mouth as this moron did, he would get the same response.
81. S judah , london
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.24.07)
Yes , they have a social work , only to attract people in their nets . The same tactics as Hamas . The great Herzl , to whom we owe our country , was searching a solution for the Jewish "problem" , He was thinking that maybe a complete assimilation would bring a solution . When he saw this antisemitism in France during the Dreyfus "trial" , he changed his mind . Nothing to do with being ashamed of being Jewish . Will you reproach a convert to Judaism , or a Baal tschuva , his past ? or his ideas before becoming or returning to Judaism ? Did'nt you change sometimes your thinking ? That's it .
82. Suzanne Kimchi
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.24.07)
I'm not insulting Sephardim . Only saying that some of them , ovadia yossef for example , is still living in this period . People who believe in curses and so are certainly not living in the 21st century . Jews have suffered enough from racism , so being a racist is nothing for me . If for short minded people my views are racist , let them think so . Why i do not say that arabs live in the dark ages ? arabs are not the subject of our discussion . You are suffering apparently from a persecution complex , you may not be criticised , sorry , your opinion of my non credibility is worthless .
83. S Judah , London , names
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.24.07)
Herzl not a Jewish , Yiddish , name ? you are wrong , it means deer or another of this family , and is used . Maybe not in the Separdi world . I know more than one Jew named Georges . You have to know that many people give a Jewish , a 100 % one , to their child , but sometimes those names are not accepted as "official" names when registering their child at the city hall .
84. Low life ?? # 6
John ,   Amsterdam, Holland   (06.24.07)
WHAT? You are an Orthodox Jew? Ehmm.. but aren't you aware of the fact, that you can't talk like this about other Jews?
85. oy there they go again at it, slandering !
Fattush   (06.25.07)
r' a. yosef isn't he rabbi yosef's freak kid....that turned chabadnik? i understand him and his father are not on talking terms. rabbi o yosef of course was the chief rabbi of israel and the kid? what to do? what to do? turned out an idiot, from the chassidic . one could have been better informed before writing. don't you think? or ist -not so- "clever" deliberate slandering?!
86. 83 Charles and Names
S Judah ,   London   (06.25.07)
No one I know recognises the name Herzl as being hebrew and nor does the hebrew dictionary I have checked in. So I am somewhat baffled by comments refering it to as deer. My fellow Iraqi who goes by the name of George was mysteriously not given a Jewish name and gets called up to the Torah reading as George ben xxxxxxx
87. 81 Charles - again
S Judah ,   London   (06.25.07)
No Charles, Shas are not Hamas, they are not developing rockets or training suicide bombers to go after you. So you don't have to duck or run screaming in panic every time you see a Religious Sephardi coming your way. The reason they are successful is because they care for those the State forgot about. The fought institutionalized discrimination. And the point that nobody but nobody outside seems to grasp, and it is this. The overwhelming majority of Sephardim be they gangsters or captains of Industry be they traditional, observant or not observant. Be they poor or wealthy. Be they whatever, they have great respect and honor for their Rabbis and Sages. And make no mistake Rav Ovadia is greatly revered by the Sephardi masses the world over. Don’t forget that it is only just over a year ago that over 300,000 people joined in the funeral of Rav Kadouri another great Sephardi Sage. It is obviously a cultural thing that you guys just don’t seem to understand.
88.  Zionist Paradox
RCA ,   USA   (06.25.07)
Herzl was an athiest, who became an Israeli. Zionism says this is OK. Technically this is not Judaism, but Israeli nationalism. Zionism unites Israeli people yet separates Jews. Created is an Israeli state, not a Jewish state. Something of a paradox here. People have a God given right to believe as they wish, even atheism in Israel. This is OK. But then Israel cannot claim to be a Jewish state. The definition of the 'Jewish People' has changed. Some are included, some are excluded. Another paradox here. What the people of Israel chooses for itself, so be it. Though it cannot remain this way indefinately without continueing repercussions. The present formula generates turmoil and should be resolved.
89. #6 David - Al Ahat Kama V'Chama. How much more so?
meir elazar   (06.25.07)
We must always look at the larger picture. Do we remember Shindler as someone who collaborated and worked for the Nazis or remember him for each and every precious Jewish soul he saved along with each of their decendants? Do we disregard Wallenburg because he was a Christian Swede or remember him too for all the Jews he saved (my aunt was one) and paid with his precious live in the end? And I personally thank each and every gentile, Tzadikei Umot Ha'Olam, who risked their lives to try to save Jews during the holocaust. But they and ALL others, including those who are not observant Jews or masquerade as observant Jews while violating Jewish laws, can not be discarded prima facie. We are taught in Pirkei Avot - "Al Tistakel B'kankan Ela B'Ma Sh'Yesh B'Tocho". "Don't look at the container but see what is inside." We must also look towards the "Ikar" (main point) and not the Tafel (extraneous). David, whether you like it or not Judaism is a dynamic religion that has adapted and evolved over time. It has had its politics as well. But the orthodox latched onto a belief of "absoluteness", connect it to Mt. Sinai through Torah Sh'B'Al Peh, and then claim a monopoly for the Orthodox. In the Gemara there is a story of someone arguing with G-d and claiming that He gave us the Torah so it is no longer His and steals the Torah rights from G-d. (I can't remember whether it was Baba Kama, Baba Metziya, or Baba Myesin). Early synagogues were build with images and as the Rabbis revisited the 10 Commandments, they went around defacing the images in mosaic floor (e.g. Synagogue of Na'aran). Chickens only became considered meat with a Takana from Matityahu during the time of the Macabbees. Today the Orthodox focus on Shabbat observance according to their standards as the "acid test" for Jews and Judaism. I just encounted an Orthodox "Chozer B'Tshuva" who did not want me to do Shmira on his deceased mother and chose an orthodox woman who only prays in English because she can barely read Hebrew, has no clue about Tanakh, Talmud, Jewish History, Israel or anything else but she is "looks orthodox" and vegetates in an Orthodox synagogue. By the way I blow shofar, am an accomplished Ba'al Koreh knowledgeable of rules of Hebrew grammar from Torah through modern, read with "Ayin" "Chet", Mapiq, and bring alive the Tanakh by conveying the meaning of the Holy Text instead of blowing through it and reading it like a mechanically like a laundry list, etc.
90. #6 David - Al Ahat Kama V'Chama cont.
meir elazar   (06.25.07)
The orthodox have set up their own belief system and revised Judaism under the Prushim. On the one hand they saved Judaism by converting it to a "portable religion" but they also imposed their politics and changed it. Suprise! There never was a cruise of oil found in the Temple during the Macabean Revolt. This was a fable that was introduced hundreds of years later because the P'rushim hated the Tz'dukim. Getting back to the main point. We must focus on the core of Judaism which is the moral and ethical foundation of most of the western world. We must not get hung up with petty details (B'tel B'shishim, Mechitzot, Heter Iska, etc). We must remember Rabbi Hillel: "V'ahavta L'reacha Kamoch V'chol Ha'She'ar Hu Perush." "Love your fellow man as yourself and all the rest is explanation." Mistakes made in Herzl's early life and the suggestion of Uganda as an interim solution (which might have save millions) are no reason to detract from Herzl's greatness. Otherwise we might have to remember that Moshe was a murderer with communications impairments who has serious family issues. He also violated G-d's instructions hitting the rock. His ongoing relationship with the Jewish people during their travels was less than stellar, etc. But we remember him for speak face to face with G-d, providing the Ten Commandments, giving us the Torah, and bringing us to the doorstep of Eretz Yisra'el. The fact is that we owe an enormous debt to Theordo Herzl, whether he was religious or not, for the enormous impact he had directly by fathering Zionism, sacrificing his life to make Israel a reality bring us back to our ancient Homeland all the way from the 1890's with all his relentless efforts, and indirectly for the countless lives HERZL saved, during and after his lifetime, by providing Jews a haven when NO country would have them, before or after the holocaust. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing that Avraham Yosef has ever accomplished that would even approach the value of Theodor Herzl's toe nail - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
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