Chabad: Holtzberg couple killed in Mumbai
Published: 28.11.08, 21:29
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74 Talkbacks for this article
61. Nos unimos al sentimiento del pueblo judío.
N. Rico ,   Madrid   (11.29.08)
62. Thanks to all for the support
Azzoz ,   Alexandria, Egypt   (11.29.08)
I am really moved with all the kind words from many on this board. Honestly I feel that we started something here may be it the first step towards bigger and better things to come. I will say it one more time and I hope that others muslim will follow. I HATE TERRORIST AND I HATE TERROR. It is time to go back to basic human rules. we all should stand together as human aginst all savage terrorist because they are the enemy of all of us. once again thanks for all the kind words.
63. #42
Marilyn ,   USA   (11.29.08)
I posted to you, cause you mentioned our national anthem. I thought you should know the story of such. When it was written the British had set fire to our capital and the white house, the president had fled and America was in serious trouble. Then the British fleet went after Fort McHenry and bombed it for 25 hours straight and there was no defense against this. The song describes the bombing. However when the British pulled closer Americans damaged their ships and they turned back. When the British started leaving the flag was changed from the storm to the Garrison Flag. And the writer of the song who was on a different ship was perhaps amazed to see this. So while it could be part of an ethical discussion, it is still more part of our history and idea that we are an underdog. Now in the ethics of terrorism, there basically are none. It is like someone getting mad at a celebrity, and hitting the person next to them because they might possibly have a connection to a connection to a connection to them. In this case well trained and armed military men going after pretty much defenseless, innocent people. It's insane. Sympathies to the family, friends, and those affected by such.
64. #1 Azzoz , and condolences
Rina   (11.29.08)
Azzoz, thank you, you give me hope. Condolences to the families, to Chabad, and to the families of all the innocent people killed in this cowardly attack.
65. My deepest sympathy to the bereaved
Sagi ,   Israel   (11.29.08)
families of the fallen. I do however find it necessary to express my belief and indeed philosophy which is based on a long lifetime of experience and an in depth knowlege of the history of the world and of Jewish history in particular. Jews, of whatever description, have no business in settling and maintaining communities and enclaves in foreign lands. Israel is our home and here we can hold our head high and defend ourselves. Have the experiences, trials and tribulations of 2000 years not taught us this ? I make no bone about the fact that I have no fondness, to put it mildly, for the ultra othodox sectors of Judaism, but Jews they are, our brethern and here they should be and not grazing in strange pastures. I have already defended them, with my own small contribution, in four wars and would do so again. I am sure that my children and grandchildren will do the same as I have instilled them with a great love of our land and People. Come here, to home, you do not want to hold a rifle and wear proudly the uniform of our brave army, no matter, others will do it for you but the others will be your brethern and not strangers from Mumbai or any other strange place. Cast of your strange uniform and your bizarre behaviour and return to the fold. You can still keep all of the commandments and especially the one commanding you to "settle the Land". This would be true Judaism and not the false one you so ardently adhere to because with the one you would be participating in and achieving something material whereas with your version you would be experiencing only spiritual uplifting. The one is not to be weighed against the other, material outweighs spiritual by far, especially when the material is for the good of the individual. Rambam, "The commandment to settle the Land outweighs all the other commandments put together. Here you should be and not there.
66. Hey No.45, Ashwaad, try somewhere else.
Your extreme muslim ideas ain't gonna work on this blog. Go blog on your sites !
67. #49 Khan do something
Petra ,   usa   (11.29.08)
besides secretly supporting your 'Jewish brothers and sisters". Your silence is killing us. Honestly, with all the billions to murder Jews and westerners, do you think we'll tolerate thhis forever? Rethink it, sir. Muslim lives will depend on it. Do something besides flap you tongue.
68. #51 Jerome AMEN AMEN AMEN BUDDY!!!!!!!
Petra ,   usa   (11.29.08)
69. Azzoz try starting a 'protest' movement
Petra ,   usa   (11.29.08)
in Egypt. Words are cheap when thousands die due to a 'religion' that's turned into a maniacial killing machine. Why is it so many of your sons must assassinate unarmed civilians in the name of ala? Do you think the world will tolerate this forever? DO SOMETHING BESIDES MOVE YOUR LIPS TO JEWS. Cheap words of condolences does nothing to end this horror called radical Islam.
70. # 31 Johhnny Amen great post!
Petra ,   usa   (11.29.08)
In the old days in America, the cowboys would scalp the indians... Wondering if that's a proper response nowadays? Could each nation have a 'special zoo' for the mad muslims? Keep them locked us as the animals they are, forever or, until each one of these suckers is dead.
71. # 33 Ash what are you doing in America?
Petra ,   usa   (11.29.08)
wouldn't your cause be better served if YOU volunteered to fight in Iraq? Slimeball loser.
72. chabad: holtzberg couple killed in mumbai
debbie ,   israel   (11.29.08)
TO RIVKAH, You've made me very curious, where do you live, and how did you come to have such elaborate security arrangements. I've been reading your posts, about all of the places where you've lived with such high tech security. Why? Where? My heart and deep condolences to the families of the Holtzberg couple. From what I've read they were and will continue to be such a blessing and inspiration nto all who came in contact with them.
73. 72 Debbie: I answered, but YNET did not print it.
Rivkah   (12.01.08)
I have a lot of enemies from writing letters to newspapers, etc. about controversial subjects. Before that, I was hated by my family for being born. I was hated at Tucson High School for being a White who was attacked by a Mexican. I was hated in the US Navy for being a female in a mostly male profession. I was hated at the VA Hospitals I worked at because as a female, I was taking a job from males with families who needed work. I was hated for going to Israel a few times and being concerned about Ariel Sharon. I was hated for reporting children who tortured and killed a cat. The parents attacked me and still do. I was hated for telling the truth when people wanted to hear lies. But most of all, I am hated for having the seal of the Lord on my forehead that is visible only to the Lord and to angels. The devil is a fallen angel and he hates and attacks people with God's seal on their foreheads, knowing they will be with the Lord for eternity while the devil's fate is the lake of fire and torment. That is why Jews who are Jew in their hearts are hated: they have the seal of God in their foreheads that the devil hates. God can protect His own, but often lifts the hedge of protection to test their faith like with Job in the Bible.
74. 72 Debbie: One of the reasons I try to have so much
Rivkah   (12.01.08)
security is to avoid killing someone who breaks into my home. I detest courts and judges and lawyers and police because so many of them are corrupt and you cannot tell the good from the bad by looking at them. Killing someone in self defense in my home would lead to court proceedings that are corrupt and where liars prosper and truth is left in the mud. If intruders cannot get in, then they don't get killed.
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