Attacking Sderot in America
Jacob Shrybman
Published: 30.03.09, 11:37
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97 Talkbacks for this article
61. #57 and your kind message
London Eye ,   London   (03.30.09)
Thanks for the beautiful sentiments. And yes, I personally did steal the six counties from the Republic of Ireland. RE Two-state solution. I have never used the expression "two-state solution" - as it is revanchist and retrograde khazerei. If you'd like to have a discussion about a democratic state for all the inhabitants, you are most welcome. You called ma "you fraud". That was indeed generous of you. Your crotchkassam probably is underused.
62. Jewish exclusivist superiority complexes
Roli ,   Miami Beach, Fl   (03.30.09)
Are what I have every morning when I wake up. Just as I'm about to brush my teeth and I'm wondering if the Lox are still fresh or if I'll just have a cucumber & tomato salad with som mint leaves for breakfast, It's almost as though I hear a voice in my head that tells me... "you have to love this holy/sin-reducing lifestyle that you inherited from the first bright child in the world". I dont know why Muslims or Arabs are vengeful towards one another or towards others, I'm too Jewish to be the judge of that; but I know what an open society is, and that vengence (hate mongering in this case) has no legitimacy in an open society. Communist societys are not open, neither are theocracys nor a host of others, but the Zionist society is. It was natural for Israeli's to empathise, to varying degrees, with the United States on September 11th with spontaneous displays of support, even hip-hop and blues songs, while the grandchildren of serfs and vassals of Syrian, Egyptian, and Turkish warlords celebrated in Gaza. In the USA even while you are spreading libel and slander, you can talk BS without even having a BA till it gives you bad breath or you get tired of chewing...the first amendment of the constitution. But you cannot cry fire in a crowded theatre or violate a mans civil rights, even if he does not reside here. Its up to the students, faculty, and Alumni of DePaul University to petition their own administration to expel the students and fire the faculty who disgraced them and stop the cancer of hate from spreading.
63. London Eye is Jewish!
Steve ,   Poleg   (03.30.09)
I can't stop laughing at all the talkbackers annoyed by London eye. Can't you all see he's just winding you all up. He's as Jewish as all of us! He's just haviong a laugh at your expense
64. Arabic?
Joe ,   London England   (03.30.09)
You mention the heckler spoke Arabic. Were most of the hecklers Arabs or mainstream Americans? Most anti-Jewish attackers here in the EU are Arabs or other Muslims, rarely mainstream Westerners.
65. American academe
Yossi ,   London England   (03.30.09)
Americans are forever slagging off British academe for being anti-Israel, but your exprience was at a normal US university. The university should have done more to allow you to speak in a civilized environment.
66. London Eye you hypocrite!
Korem ,   New York, USA   (03.31.09)
You mock others by saying "yeah, I personally stole 6 conties from Ireland," but you make the SAME EXACT accusations by accusing every person living in Sderot of being a "land-usurping immigrant!" No one can control where they are born. Get off your high horse you copy-and-pasting know-nothing hypocrite.
67. #53, you sure?
Danny   (03.31.09)
Most of the land wasn't owned by anyone - it was Ottoman land and the rest was owned by large landlords who a) lived abroad and b) were selling it left right and centre. So can you show Sderot was owned by people who now live in Gaza - and presumably fought in 1948?
68. American liberal Jewish groups support this unti-semitic stu
Tomas   (03.31.09)
Dear Mr. Schrybman You have to know one fact. Most of those students get schoolarship from American liberal Jewish organizations. Those Jewish organization have leadership with mental disorder.
David P.   (03.31.09)
welcome to the grim reality that's evolved thanks to Saudi oil financing the hatred of Jews & Israel in every academic university and mosque in the west
70. Mr. Shrybman, you forgot the important thing
Jerrold Cohen ,   Seal Beach, USA   (03.31.09)
The reason for all that rocket fire against Sderot is the siege of Gaza which supports the real problem, 60 years of continuing Israeli settlements in territory designated for Arabs. They gave Israel the Saudi peace initiative, and Israel didn't even spit at it. Stop bitching about Israeli PTSD syndrome when every Palestinian has it due to the Israeli occupation.
AVRUM ,   CANADA   (03.31.09)
72. London Eye - by ahistorical do you mean...
Wild Bill Returns ,   Fordham County,Texas   (03.31.09)
Describing the land Sderot was built on as ethnically cleansed? The idea that all of Israel, or "Palestine" was once chalk-full of poor, helpless "Palestinians" is the biggest farce in modern history. I guess, however, with all of your British guilt over the raping of Africa, you might adapt such an ahistorical viewpoint. Sderot, which is in the south of Israel, was nothing, until Zionist pioneers came and built it. It's not like former British colonies that were systematically cleansed of their indigenous populations to make way for the Queen's will. Read a book in English sometime, that should help
73. No. 56 John
NYC Girl   (03.31.09)
Thank you for your talkback. It was certainly enlightening to have the opportunity to read the comments of a DePaul student who was actually on the scene... and who, apparently, went there with no particular agenda.
74. #70, Israel blockaded Gaza over the rocket fire
Eli ,   Jerusalem   (03.31.09)
That happened after Israel had evacuated Gaza. Apparently that was not enough?
75. Laila #44
Rina   (03.31.09)
"No whores or gays" in Arab countries? Hahahahahahahaha Thanks for the laugh, I needed that.
jacob mandelblum ,   sunny isles, USA   (03.31.09)
Unfortunately, the blame falls squarely on De Paul U. authorities, as these hecklers should ahve been dealt harshly by the police and this one that went into obscenity, summarily expelled from the university... For evil to succeed, it requires that good people don't do anything and act in classic ostrich manner with their "laissez faire, laissez passer" attitude and then, when the shit hits the fan, then the reaction is termed savage and disproportionate, which is precisely what the supersage politicians ISRAEL is plagued with, allowed in the case of the Kassams bombardment of SDEROT, ASHKELON, etc, instead of bombimg the hell out of GAZA with the same rockets "Made in Israel".... But in their infine wisdom, the morons opted for this "CAST CRAP" operation, nothing but a propaganda ploy which earned rotten KADIMA damned good results, proven by the number of seats it harvested in this joke of a Parliament, as useless as tits on a bull ISRAEL suffers... But this is the way History is written
77. London Eye
Joseph ,   London England   (03.31.09)
After W W I the Ottoman Empire was split up into nation states and the League of Nations recognised the right of Jews to their renewed national homeland. If you look at the maps of the 1916 Allied Plan for Palestine and the boundaries proposed by the British Mandate when the war ended, you will note that Gaza belonged to Israel as did the West Bank. Britain gave 77% of the Mandate to create an Arab state called Transjordan and now called the Kingdom of Jordan. Maps of the period do not have a place called Sderot.
78. Come home
Jew ,   Israel   (03.31.09)
With the Muslim population growing in the Americas and Europe and the Jewish population shrinking, this incident is just the writing on the wall. The situation will get worse. Jews, come home!!
79. Anti Israel American campi
Isaac Barr MD ,   Michigan   (03.31.09)
This detailed article reflects only the tip of the iceberg of what is going on in USA and Europe universities. Propagation of falsehoods by well financed radical Islam which is for now in bed with radical left. Pro Palestinians are actually anarchists who use Israel as a scapegoat to bash US EU governments and are not interested in peace. They oppose peace since it will take away the financing that they now enjoy and the wind out of their sails. We need urgently 1000 Jacobs. He did and is doing a wonderful job.
80. Will soon be in home, disgusted with ugly US, especially
toshav hozer   (03.31.09)
since obama took office. He and his cohorts open the floodgates of the worst and ugliest in america. See you all in Israel very soon.
81. When is a bomb falling on a city not newsworthy?
Daniel ,   District of Columbia   (03.31.09)
When a bomb lands on Sderot who hears about it? It doesn't make the smallest column on the back of the foreign news page in the USA. In Europe no one hears or reads about it. Even in israel it is often a mere blip in the news. Southern Israelis have been living with this for eight years. They are clearly traumatized. It is unconcionable that this is allowed to continue. But because it is happening to Jews the world does not care. Because Israel can not get the message out that her citizens are suffering in ways other countries would NEVER tolerate, the bombs fall on deaf ears. The author was surprised by the calls for the destruction of the Jewish State. I ask have wonder what he expected? What the world hears about is how Israel commits war crimes, kills innocent civilians, denies life saving help to injured people. Israel has failed miserably to counter this propaganda. When Israel can succeed in getting the message of babies with PTSD and missing limbs into the face of the US and European viewers, then perhaps your audience will be comprised of people other than the terrorist supporters you encountered
82. Try something that works
Daniel ,   District of Columbia   (03.31.09)
Israel needs to get the word out to the USA and Europe that her citizens are suffering. To that end, it would be fantastic if someone could create a multi-language television commercial. One that shows what is happening in Sderot and Ashkelon. Air this during the local and national news and during television shows like the Tonight Show, David Lettermen etc. But be sure to also air it on MTV and during other hit shows. By reaching the right demographic with pictures and dates the world view can be changed. It is the silence that is creating the public opinion. Therefore if the daily bombs go unnoticed in the media, Israel has an obligation to purchase air time and get the message out there to the world.
83. the palestinian truth
will edwards ,   dallas tx usa   (03.31.09)
Most people Jew or not, who've spent any length of time with the average Palestinian or Islamic hate group member realizes the rabid hatred and violence perpetrated by them. They seek to enlist the sympathy of soft hearted people through lies and public noise, but again, after one gets to know these people for who they are it is clear what their agenda is. The world is again heating up against Judaism as was foretold long ago. This time is not the time to lay down, however. This is the time of promise. Let us not combat this evil with evil in kind, but with truth and calm deliberate action. Let us expose these people at every turn and always be at the ready to defend ourselves against these irrational human malignancies. Now is the time to hone our beliefs and behavior more in tune with Ha-Shem's edicts for us so that we may be more worthy of His protection in this upcoming era of hate. Let history teach us and Ha-Shem show us how.
84. #44 Laila... a response
will ,   dallas tx usa   (03.31.09)
You are either remarkably ignorant, or simply a liar.
85. answer to #51
will ,   dallas tx usa   (03.31.09)
I take serious offense to your absolutely wrong assumption and wonder how you could say something so incorrect. I am an American by birth. My many American friends and I vehemently oppose the calculated assault of anything pro Israeli by a well funded Islamic propaganda machine. Do you think reasonable people actually believe these violent offensive creatures speak of peace, love, or the suffering of their brethren? When the university announces the lecture the Islamic and Palestinian groups hiding amongst us plot and plan to disrupt it trying to make it look like it is a common cross section of the university staff and student body, but it isn't. These people are biased plants by the agencies of hate and death. Perhaps you should start being a reasonable person instead of a puppet at the end of their string.
86.  #72 Bravo Wild Bill
will ,   dallas tx usa   (03.31.09)
Bravo! well said.
87. #17 Eyes have they but they see not
Debra   (03.31.09)
Israel is the ONLY land given by right and usurped by many invaders. In order to comment on the Middle East conflict you need to research into cultural perspectives from the dawn of civilizations, rather than reflect your ignorance.Your thoughts mirror your own history but projecting it on Israel is anti-semitism. You could not possibly discern it since you are immersed in it.
88. London YOU
Mikey ,   Somewhere, Over Here   (04.01.09)
"If you'd like to have a discussion about a democratic state for all the inhabitants, you are most welcome. Whoever you are, self-righteous Englishman, pseudo-progressive Jew or Arab Briton--London YOU do not have any input over OUR country. Moreover, the one democratic state for all of its citizens, "one-state solution", is a codeword for eradicating the one Jewish nation state in the world. The local Arabs residing in Eretz Yisrael have a choice--accept a state in whatever parts of Yehuda, Shomron and Gaza that the sovereign nation-state of Israel generously deigns to give them and embrace the opportunity to live in peace next to their neighbor--or leave all of Eretz Yisrael. Bear in mind too British Mandate that the Arab community in Eretz Yisrael during the time of threjected the one-state solution as well--those who cooperated with Buber, Magnes et al and the Jewish peaceniks of the Berit Shalom party were assassinated.
89. Dear London Eye
Shaul   (04.01.09)
I congratulate you on finding a receptive forum for your oratory skills. With the deepest respect for your obviously superior knowledge and moral standing, I must point out one or two issues that present a bit of dissonance. First of all, your ostensibly articulate talkbacks represent nothing but red herring to the given question. The issue at hand is the personal side of the civilians living in Sderot suffering under daily bombardments from Gaza. Your comments seem to imply that everyone should downplay or ignore this suffering because of a, b, and c... This brings me to my second point. Just as the hecklers in the audience, your comments are aimed at dehumanizing the Israeli population by denying the right to express personal suffering. Please note, I am not saying anything that downplays the suffering of the Arab population, and neither has Mr. Shrybman. The taunting, the insults, the laughter while watching people of Sderot suffer - all these are not political statements, no matter how many questionable factoids you use to defend and justify them. No, they only point to the unmitigated hatred and cruelty felt by many members of the audience. That this occurred in a US university, rather than in Gaza or W. Bank, attests to the fact that all of these hecklers do not speak from personal experience, but, rather, driven by secondary source accounts of a one-sided narrative. There is simply no excuse for the ugly behavior exhibited by these self-righteous ignoramuses, no matter the rhetorical somersaults you may attempt in their defense. Finally, your position presents a paradox. While ostensibly laying out an articulate argument, you use it to besmirch and stifle any sort of constructive discourse by denying the right of your opponents to present their own arguments. If, indeed, you are genuine in your desire for an equitable and sustainable peace in the ME, you should do some soul searching before jumping on the bandwagon that leads all sides into the abyss.
90. No. 70 - Forgetting?!?
Shaul   (04.01.09)
You say the root of all problems, including the bombardment of Sderot, is "...60 years of continuing Israeli settlements in territory designated for Arabs". I beg you, please share with us who exactly "designated" the territory that "Israeli settlements" occupy for 60 years to the Arabs? (That is 60 years, not even 42 years[!?!]) The only document "designating" anything with regards to "the territory" (the part of the Ottoman empire that became the British Mandate for Palestine after the former's demise) is the Balfour Declaration, which, in fact, designates "the territory" as future homeland of the Jewish people. Being a Cohen you should really know more about the history of your people, rather than accept the hateful narrative of those who seek to destroy us. Unless you are Naturei Carta, in which case you are beyond any hope of rationality.
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