Abbas at Fatah congress: Jerusalem promised to us
Ali Waked
Published: 04.08.09, 10:39
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61. to Nour from Sayid
Sayid ,   Jaffa   (08.04.09)
As I said , Israel's far from perfect but I'd by far prefer to live under an Israeli regime, than that of any other arab regime, Tell me one arab regime , that gives the freedom of speech as the Israelis do. You complain about the Israeli military, go throw a rock at a syrian soldier and see what happens to your village, or whole kurdish communties gassed to death by Saddam, the christian slaughter in sabra and shatila , the torture commited by the egyptian police, the denial of human rights in Iran, the stoning to death of homosexualls under sharia law . These are real attrocities which are state policy and not done by an individual madman, when an arab kills a jew one shouts Allah Wakaba, but when a jew injures an arab he's arrested (rightky so ) and investigated to see if the foce used was justified . When Israel attacked Gaza and everone screamed cause of civilian injuries and deaths, where were the same voices over the past few years when Hamas TARGETED civilan areas I was born in Israel and have family rotting away in Lebanese camps, because they listned to Haj Amin Husseni and his cronnies say, Run from the jews, they'll kill your babies, They'll rape your daughters etc etc Most of my family stayed, were educated here like any other jew, receive the same health and welfare. Every society has it's biggots and there are quite a few arab haters even in this forum, but they are few among the many. I hope my kids will also be proud Israeli arabs
62.  # 4 Nour
Nahid ,   US   (08.04.09)
Al Aqsa al Yahud- the hole of the Jews the Jewish Temple is not your al aqsa which when Mohd died was the furtherst temp in Arabia a few miles out of Mecca. There were no moslems in Jewish Israel until around 100 years after Mohd's dath. It is you and your history that is so wrong ...and deceitful and perhaps intentionally "ignorant "
63. What a loser you are, Nour!
JB ,   CANADA   (08.04.09)
The jews waited 2000 years and we're back and not going anywhere! Your "prophet and his ravings can claim anything but actions speak louder than words. For all those centuries you Muslims left Jerusalem as a pathetic backwater. It isn't even mentioned in the Q'ran. and now that the Jews have restored it and continue to do so, you and your ilk.\, like spoilt brats cry, "Its mine, its mine boo hoo hoo!" The only thing that's internationally sanctioned is the bullshit coming out of your mouth. Anyway, Nour I'm very optimistic! I know, based on history that you will find a way to kill each other, the rest will emigrate. I'm sure Obama is waiting with open arms.
64. To: No. 54
Sarah B ,   New York City, USA   (08.04.09)
You are the delusional one. Palestine was never a country. So any one living there had, at best, squatter's rights -- which are no rights at all. Arabs are your quintessential nomads -- use up the resources of a particular place and then move on. On the other hand, the Jews who came in the First and Second Aliyahs purchased land from the rightful owners -- the Ottoman Turks. You cannot escape that. And Jews have maintained a constant presence in present-day Israel for over 5,000 years. Killed, expelled, killed again, killed yet again -- Jews always came back. Look at the ancient Jewish community in Safed. Or Modi'in. Or the Meyuchas family, who have resided in Jerusalem for thousands of years. There are others, too. The Arabs are the interlopers -- not the Jews. Finally, I remind you that a two state solution has been proferred to the Palestinians no fewer than three separate occasions; rejected each time. They want the whole thing; and that is why they will always have nothing. Six wars; sixty-one years of unrelenting terror has to count for something. The Arabs were vanquished. They don't get to set the terms; Israel does. Like it or not; that's just the way it is.
65. When does enough become too much?
Sarah B ,   New York City, USA   (08.04.09)
Here is the crux of the issue: The United Nations proferred a two state solution in 1947, which was accepted by the Jews and rejected out of hand by the Arabs, who preferred to go to war instead. Which they did. They lost. And lost. And lost. And lost. Two rejected offers of a two-state solution later, here they come again, expecting the world to solve their problems. You cannot put toothpaste back into the tube. Palestinians may be victims of bad choices, but they are bad choices which they have made, and for which they must accept responsibility. Jerusalem is the unified capital of Medinat Israel. You cannot have it. Keep fussing over this, and you will be forced to leave. You have had so many bites at the apple ..... enough has now become too much. You get nothing. You deserve nothing. Your misfortune is all of your own making, and the Jews are pretty gosh-darned sick of you. Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it.
66. Guess what?
Julia ,   USA   (08.04.09)
The Qu'ran was wrote after both Judaism and Christianity exsisted by a bitter man. The ancient text of the Torah shows who really belongs in Israel not some made up religion. Who can really care what barbarians who treat women like dogs, blow themselves up despite having children, and who use schools as shields and headquarters have to say? Not me.... Unfortunately, muslims who know the truth in their hearts and convert to more peaceful loving religions get murdered by muslims. Muslims, your holy text makes you an enemy of the rest of the world with your silly jihad plans. Maybe you should convert to a religion where you won't be stoned to death for a false adultery and won't feel compelled to strap bombs to yourself leaving children behind wondering what happened to their parent. How anyone could live everyday with hate in their heart around a bunch of other people with hate in their heart is beyond me.
68. #61
Nour ,   Palestine   (08.04.09)
"Wallahu Wakaba" ?? I knew you were not an Arab. Turns out you're an imposter spreading propaganda!
69. #5
JB ,   CANADA   (08.04.09)
Thanks for the tour of creative ravings by your "prophet". JERUSALEM WAS NEVER MENTIONED EVEN ONCE IN THE Q'RAN! You can read into it anything you like. As for his account of riding of into the stars on his noble steed Buraq (barak) yeah right. That was probably in one of his epileptic nightmares. I thought buraq meant horse's ass. Oh maybe that was the rider?? Or maybe it's Barak (as in Obama) that means "horse's ass"
70. Yo Nour-It's nice, you can't answer any questions
The Dude   (08.04.09)
But can still make some more criticisms... "Excuse me? Have you got a grandfather burried in Palestine? A great-grandfather? Try a great-great-grandfather? " Actually my Grandfather is Burried in Israel, one in Haifa, one in Tel-Aviv. My grandfather from Haifa, actually built numerous buildings in that city and helped in it's process of urbanization. My great-grandfather was driven out in the Arab riots from his home in Samaria, and my Great-great-grandfather, to be I got no clue where he is or who he was. But my family was and is very connected to this land, as I am also a direct descendant of King David, so trust me, my family roots go far back longer than any of your family, until the Romans tried to throw us out, but as you can see even an empire as mighty as that couldn't keep us away. "Did (sic) your ancestors cultivate the land, season after season, for centuries? The answer is a "no" - so don't you dare tell us we are not natives. " Actually FALSE on both accounts, from the Peel commision report of 1937 "The shortage of land is due less to purchase by Jews than to the increase in the Arab population. The Arab claims that the Jews have obtained too large a proportion of good land cannot be maintained. Much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamps and uncultivated when it was bought. " The fact was that most of the Mandate was BARREN, until Jews came along. Most of the mandate was empty and backwater, these can be noted in the writings of Mark Twain in his visit to the region. The fact was that until mass Jewish immigration and investment, did this lead to mass Arab immigration in search of a better economic situation... "Your're lies have long been exposed to the world - you're utterly naked with absolutely no argument. You hope that with the passage of time we'd forget our past and rights, as if we're animals. " Really, so why am I the only able to give arguments and more importantly counter-arguments, while you avoid responding to any of my points? Generally liars don't have many facts to continue an argument, they just have to keep repeating same lies...
71. To Be or not To Be; in Jerusalem
Felix   (08.04.09)
Stop this nonsense. All this meaningless writing for nothing.Lets stick to facts as they are TODAY. ---Fatah : we have the right to launch an armed resistance. ---Hamas : Our fight to regain Palestine will continue t'il our last drop of blood ( amen to this - the blood) --- Hezbollah : with our rockets ( curtesy of UNIFIL ), we are able to reach Tel Aviv now. --- Al-qaeda :our struggle to eliminate the Zionists will continue unabated. --- Iran : the "shrimp" of the new Govt.; we will erase Israel from the map. --- Lebanon : we are still at war with Israel. --- Egypt : Al quarawadi, the Dictator of religious affairs "All infidels (jews included) must submit ....or else ! --- Saudia : On our terms only will we recognise Israel; not counting Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, the Golan, The dead Sea, and the Negev. ALL the rest is Yours ........! And to you Nor, today's Star in Ynet, your fairy tale concoction of a winged horse; meetings with Abraham, Jesus, Moses and their secretary Gabriel is just part of " Arabian Nights, with Aladdin rubbing his magic lamp " ...nothing came out. To get at the bottom of this, I send an e.mail to Gabriel. His reply was " he is full of Sh..t " And to you, all the "Princes of Darkness " ( I like that -- they have never seen the light ), please return to your Casbah, shut the doors and turn off the lights. Almost forgot Nour; the reason Jerusalem is never mentioned in your Quran ... . They couldn't spell it.
72. Nour
Jane   (08.04.09)
Looks as though you fools are going to screw yourselves again.
73. to Nour from Sayid
sayid ,   jaffa   (08.04.09)
WHAT !? Because I (and many others) dont go along with official line , it doesent make us less arab you wrote " I really doubt you're Arab" This is proof that the palestinian society isn't ready , at present to govern itself. A country has pluralistic attitudes and opinions. Arab countries and yourself included, cant deal with opposing opinions. Just as there are jews who demonstrate for the Palestinian cause, there are (believe me) many arabs who except Israel and welcome it as a banner of democarcy in this area of Kingdoms, and one party countries By the way , noticed you didnt answer #38, that would be a tough one for you ..
74. #38
Nour ,   Palestine   (08.04.09)
There were no 2 states prior to 1948 and you know as well as I do that violence and terror was a two-way street back then. My own grandparents were terrorized by the Irgun and Hagana, prior to their escape to Lebanon. The point is, final and defined borders would fullfill both communities' needs for national development and independence.
76. # 30
Yerach ,   Jerusalem,Israel   (08.04.09)
You meet fire with fire & Nour is always rude here so I was just returning the favor. Next obviously you haven't learned Torah or you would see Jerusalem mentioned at least 500 times. Torah meaning the Tanach as well. Check your facts.
77. Abbas
Jonny Gee ,   Brookline, MA USA   (08.04.09)
When is Netanyahu going to say out loud that this idiot is full of sh*t?
78. Nour #68
Jane   (08.04.09)
You're the imposter, Nour, purporting to come from the fictious land called "Palestine". Your way of thinking explains why it is that Palestinians do not have a state. You are or have evolved into a selfish, delusional, deceitful, hateful people. Whatever sympathy I may ever have had for you has been blown into the wind.
79. to Yerach
steven ,   Tel-aviv   (08.04.09)
The tora is the tora , THE neveeim is the Neveein and the Ktuvim is the Ketuvim together they make up the tanach Once again the word JERUSALEM is not mention once in the TORA
80. #64 Sarah:
Wildmandxb ,   M.E.   (08.04.09)
Thank you for your reply but you actually haven't answered any of my questions. Anyways, this is how it will always be, none are willing to accept the otherside's point of view. I never said that there was actually a country that was a member in the UN called palestine. Our point is , Sarah, that Palestinians are tied to their land, their homes. Go on, be my guest make up whatever stories you like about husseini, balkans, jordanian arabs,bla bla bla...whatever, they won't surrender, it is their land that was taken from them. You jews don't trust anyone, well not all jews as i have some very good friends of mine who are jewish and are really open minded, they understand the whole story.. Palestinians have rejected all the offers made by your excellencies because they were all tailored towards the comfort of israel and nothing else. If the indigenous population won't be allowed to settle back into their OWN homes and lands the offers won't make any sense would they? and please don't give me that nonsense about a percentage that would have been allowed to come back, it's either all or nothing! To cap it off, this is a never ending story Sarah. I am intrigued to know why don't you live in Israel being an ardent zionist yourself? Safe yourself the explanation, this is a rhetoric question, the answer is obvious, you live in the comfort zone of your original country, this is exactly what the palestinians would like to have some day.
81. #70 Dude:
Wildmandxb ,   M.E.   (08.04.09)
what arguements? you have no arguements to start with Dude! What you call arguements are false implications of a zionist propaganda against palestinians! you guys keep refering to Mark Twain...we don't give a damn about what Mark Twain said. Go look up what the honorable Dr.Norman Finklestein has to say about the likes of Mark Twain, ofcourse people like you denounce Dr. Finklestein and we know why...Dr.Finklestein is a jew who has honor and dignity, something you won't acquire in your lifetime!
82. to Nour from Steven
steven ,   Tel-Aviv   (08.04.09)
??? How does that explain why jews were being attacked in arab countries even before modern day zionisim ?!?
83. To: No. 37
Sarah B ,   New York City, USA   (08.04.09)
The Arab Moslems have treated Arab Christians far worse than anything Israel may have done. And vice versa. Massacres have been commonplace; check the historical record. The international community are loud and vociferous foes of the Jewish State. It's okay; we're used to it. Finally, I live in Israel six months of the year. Any more questions?
84. #5 - Nour - Many prominent Imams disagree with you
William ,   Israel   (08.04.09)
Please - show us one place where Jerusalem is mentioned in the Koran (though you claim it's rooted there). As for the Hadith, it's conjecture not scripture handed from Allah (as you claim of the Koran). In there, it mentions ONLY that Muhammed ascended at the "distant" mosque. The rest is interpretation by the hands of man. That's why other Imams have discounted this fact, insisting the ascension occurred in Medina and that Jerusalem was endowed to the Jews, along with all Israel, according to the Koran. How dare you turn Islam on its head in order to satisfy your own racist, blood lust.
85. Nour - your human rights are not intl sanctioned
William ,   Israel   (08.04.09)
There is no human right that states the return to their original home is imparted to each person. There is no human right that allows Arabs to kill and maim those they deem different, as YOU have done for almost 90 years based on racist intentions and mere rumors. However, I am completely for instilling the right for Palestinians to return Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, and Egypt from which they illegally came in the 1930s (as a majority).
86. #11 - Stolen goods must be returned
William ,   Israel   (08.04.09)
Indeed and thank G-d that we wrested the stolen property of Israel from the hands of occupying Arabs. It's hilarious that you would bring up stolen goods.... Arabs still fight over who truly owns Shabaa Farms, Iran still holds islands from UAE illegally....and there's tons of documentation showing that most who call themselves Pals are illegal immigrants who STOLE vacant land and squatted on it. Indeed - that land must be returned to the rightful owners...and according to Intl law, that reverts to the existing State govt, Israel. Ooooh, but in this instance, Intl law doesn't work in the Pals' favor, so better to just ignore it or launch another useless intifada tirade.
87. How many times have i to repeat it
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (08.04.09)
The "palestinians" , or at least their leaders , have always REJECTED any peace proposition . The partition decision of the UNO , rejected and answered by attacking the reborn Jewish State . The arab countries ALWAYS initiated those wars against Israel , and also always lost . Now , as loosers , they want to dictate the peace conditions ? This has NEVER happened in History . The loser PAYS , cash . Jerusalem Holy to Muslims ? No Saudi ruler visited this "holy" site from 1948 to 67 , when it was occupied by Jordan . Jews always tried , even if it was very dangerous for them , to come to the Western Wall , the only historicall Jewish place of great importance for all of them .
88. To: Nour
Sarah B ,   New York City, USA   (08.04.09)
You forgot the part where Mohammed's heart is excised and washed clean. Deux ex machina .... Islam is nothing if not a fanciful religion ....
89. #17 - If you're Lebanese, how is Jerusalem your's?
William ,   Israel   (08.04.09)
Sounds like you're just another migrant Arab trying to usurp the property of another. You're siding with Palestinians? How did that work out for you in 1982?? Apparently, you are dillusional and extremely believe YOU are "right and truthful" in the face of your own Koran which cites that the Land of Israel will return to the Jews and pain will befall any who attempt to stop it. Many Imams have seen this truth and support Israel....are you saying you are more knowledgeable, more holy than an Imam?? Perhaps you are just more racist....thus, returning to the roots of Islam. If you want to, come and fight. You have tried for 90 years to destroy us and we're stronger than ever. If I were you, I'd have a little talk with "your god"....he seems to be slipping in the shadow of our G-d.
90. #27 - Nour - Your threats are empty
William ,   Israel   (08.04.09)
Israel recognized Palestine officially in 1994 after the Oslo Accords - all we got back was subversion and violence (but no peace). Israel gave Gaza back in full in order to jump start the peace process....all we got back was subversion and violence....over 10,000 rockets and a brutal terrorists group on our doorstep (but no peace). Golda Meir stated that Israel recognizes the Palestinian people....though there never was a distinct population known as Palestinians, no Palestine State, and no central government ever in history....yet, in return we got subversion and violence (no peace). So exactly what are your offering? No doubt, something you don't intend to give.
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