Mitchell: Mideast stagnation endangers US aid
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 08.01.10, 19:58
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61. No money for War Criminals
John ,   NYC, USA   (01.09.10)
Violate the UN Charter, invade Lebanon, and no Aid for you. Pay for your own crimes.
62. Go to Hell
63. this has got little to do w/Mitchell
AY__lamb ,   Globestan   (01.09.10)
This is continuation of Bush doctrine. Situation much worse than I originally thought. I just thought the antisemitism at the pentagon was just normal routine anti-Jew christo-american bias but, I was so wrong. This is extreme paradigm, this is detailed, meticulous and well planned. The objective is clear eliminate anything non-evangelical, they are watching very closely and fully intend to act on the first sign of what they call Jewish instigation/agitation. There really isn't much I can do, I can pray and that is about all at this point. Please be careful remember Yahel Yis'rael el Adonai
64. #34 "Dav Lev" AKA Joe the Plumber
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (01.09.10)
You are running late for your CSA/KKK meeting. Better hurry the white jesus is waiting
65. Incontrovertible proof "peace process" is poison for Israel
Chaim ,   Israel   (01.09.10)
Mitchell has accomplished one thing with his arrogant, disgusting threat against Israel. He has provided incontrovertible proof the "peace process" is anti-Israel. Nobody is ever threatened to force them to do something that is good for them. The "peace process" is poison for Israel and Mitchell (and Obama, of course) know it. Thus the need for threats. Israel must tell Mitchell and Obama, in diplomatic language, to go to hell. Israel doesn't need aid, which amounts to about 1% of our GNP. Democrats are quitting in droves because they know Obama will cause many Democrats to lose in the 2010 midterms. Obama will soon be replaced by a president far friendlier towards Israel.
66. Its About Time
Bushfatigue ,   Los Gatos, USA   (01.09.10)
AIPAC bragged about defeating the first George Bush after he pressured Israel to make peace, a lesson not lost on the pigmies that run Congress. Obama is showing guts to do this. Its about time a country no bigger than Kern County in California, with 3 million fewer people than Los Angeles county, dictate the foreign policy of the US. Israel would rather have land than peace, so let them go their own way. Our blind support for every Israeli cruelty, engenders so much hatred around the world, that our own security is in peril.
67. hameed, I laughed and laughed at your comment...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (01.09.10)
...over the years I have seen the same tripe come from many other wingnuts that you advance here. I think it is hilarious that you think you know more about US aid to Israel than does George Mitchell. Seriously, I'm quaking with laughter as I type this. Look, all the threats coming from this thread are yet another example of WHY the United States is threatening to sanction Israel. In addition to the occupations and all that they engender, do you think Washington does not have analysts reading these threads? You folks have made the most outlandish claims and threats, threats like the launch of nukes at Arab cities that is in this thread, and the threat to arrest an American Envoy, and the "profiling of every Muslim" - look, Americans have figured out that many Israelis and the "supporters" are stark raving mad. Many of us have warned for years to stop smacking US Presidents and making all these threats or face sanctions. It's only just beginning if Israel does not start making peace for once!
shrinkDave ,   Miami USA   (01.09.10)
Without the USA on Israel's back, the "situation" in Israel might find a path to resolution. Imagine if Israel didn't have to consider "what will the American's do" every time an action is considered. At the very worst, Israel will have to get more inovative to figure out how to defend itself without the USA.
69. OK Then Israel should overthrow Jordan
Joe Klien ,   USA   (01.09.10)
OK Then Israel will overthrow Jordan and put in a Palestinian government..
70. Careful what you ask for, Mr. Mitchell!
Danny ,   Vancouver, Canada   (01.09.10)
If you pull any military aid from Israel, Israel will have no choice but to use its nuclear arsenal to repel the attack all the Arab countries will launch against her. And you and all your fellow Americans will pay $20-30 at the gas pump. You'll have no one to blame but yourself for it. Be careful whose arm you twist, Mr. Mitchell.
71. american threat to israel
kenneth ,   perris usa   (01.09.10)
israel does little to help the usa. shouldn't be considered an ally. the us only cares about you if you have something they want. namely natural resources, or land that can be used in basing operations to garner these resources. israel has nothing. if more people in the us knew of the financial support the us gives to israel, there would be outrage, except for the "rapture" christians
72. The Truth about the Holy Land. Israeli Palestinian Conflict.
Marek Zielinski ,   London, UK.   (01.09.10)
In respect to the article Mitchell: Mideast stagnation endangers US aid Mitchell: wrote: and a two-state solution. There will never peace in the region or world until people understand that unity that what is needed not division. The Truth about the Holy Land. Israeli Palestinian Conflict. Let's Council the Holy Land. Let's Council the wHole World. When in 1967 that war erupted between Israel and Arabic States my farther said: They are still, like for centuries, fighting for the holy land. But imagine Maniuṡ, imagine the globe, imagine the earth from afar. Drain the whole water from its surface, all you going to be left with is a dry, solid ROCK!, dry solid land!. Wherever you put your finger on, on any place of this one solid land, it is going to land on the holy land. Isn't? The holy land is everywhere. The whole world have to learn and comprehend and accept it, especially people living in this particular area, people who live in Jerusalem, in the city of Peace. THE HOLY LAND IS EVERYWHERE! Not only in Jerusalem, Mecca or any other 'holy' shrine or place on Earth. Wake up people, wake up to the Truth, to the True image of The Holy Land. Stop living this distorted image our father's fathers lived for so long. Wake up and accept the Truth and Reality. THE HOLY LAND IS EVERYWHERE! In Peace Forever Marek Initiator of
73. Should we look for new alliances?
Ron B. ,   Lod   (01.09.10)
Alliances with China, India and Russia would arguably be just as advantageous, if not more so, to Israel's strategic needs as its alliance with America. (Incidentally, the very possibility of Israeli cooperation with countries like China and Russia would worry America sufficiently enough to cause it to think twice before cutting its ties with Israel.) To be sure, China and Russia are not the "nicest" or most enlightened countries, but allies needn't be best friends; history records more than one instance where strange bedfellows found common cause. Are the USA still our allies?
74. WOW! After recieving aid and making Israel what it is...
Rakib ,   UK   (01.09.10)
After making what it people are saying "KEEP YOU AID" lol! i think then you should repay it too. O and while your at it, break any treaties you have. Believe you me...the UK is growing very tired of Israel's behaviour. It lost the War in decemeber, i mean how was it victorious!?
75. netanyahu take lessons from ahmadinejad
usa gave up on iran ,   and now threatens us   (01.09.10)
all the usa threats against iran and ahmadinjad just kept on telling them to go to hell. apparently the white house finally clued in and realized he meant it.
76. Encouraging, but I'll believe it when I see it.
arik ,   usa   (01.09.10)
77. writing on the wall
Michael ,   Haifa   (01.09.10)
Sooner or later, even the most shortsighted people here may begin to read
78. #67 Nervous Laughter
Cynthia ,   USA   (01.09.10)
BS, you can't hold a candle to Hameed. That's why you don't challenge him. Actually, I haven't seen you effectively challenge one single pro-Israel poster on this site.
79. Thou art in a trap of your own making, #73
Cameron ,   USA   (01.09.10)
The rest of the world avoids you like the plague. You honestly think that China & Russia would jeopardize their ties with the Arab & wider Muslim World for some sort of alliance with Israel, Ron B? No, man, there are no alternatives to the US. We are your only friend on the planet. I'm certainly no supporter of Obama's, but you'll simply have to reconcile yourselves to accomodating his administration to a certain degree until we can run him off in 2012. There are no realistic alternatives.
80. The Terminators...!
Jojo ,   PRT WASH NY   (01.09.10)
Obama, Pelosi, Clinton, Mitchell; a hell of a team. It all started about a year ago, when America decided for the 1st time in it's history, elect a president of islamic descent, islamic upbringing and education. A candidate who landed in the US without a penny , and, within a year , flushed with $$$ travel around the world. And NO ONE bothered to check. A candidate who had/has for many years, a mentor, an advisor, a confident , an islamic bigot by the pompous title of Reverent Wright. This Wright felt very comfortable in his sermons, from his pulpit, to blast / insult Americans, Jews, and those who rejected his repugnant ideology. The media was only to eager to "give access" so he can spread his poison, in the name of freedom of speech of course. Also a 1st, a President of the US of A bowing and kissing the hand of a despot King (who is spreading same repugnant ideology in the US). A president who promised to run a transparent Govt. (lies). A President incapable in making a major speech without a teleprompter. A President who succeeded in spending millions $$ in order to conceal his past (a citizen or not). A President very comfortable with a Pelosi, a Napolitano (they fit). Uncapable of bringing to "his point of vue" N.Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, or preventing a Nasrallah (a terrorist gang) to join the UN, Obama has decided to pick on little Israel and decide for the Jewish people what they should have for a Capital, what borders will be " sufficient " for it's security, and how many houses to build for it's citizens. A friend ??.... Who needs enemies !
81. Time to Call Obama's Bluff
Bill ,   Ft. Lauderdale USA   (01.09.10)
You should listent to #30, #71. Seventy-five percent of US Aid is military aid that requires Israel to purchase supplies from assembly lines in the US. You heard it - American jobs are at stake. I am sick and tired of the people that wail against US "support" for Israel. Fine. Let's say "no thanks" and spin thousands of workers in places like Mississippi, Kansas, and California out of work. Great job, Obama!
82. LOL
Elijah ,   Wheaton, MD, USA   (01.09.10)
Of course Israel depends on the U.S. You think we give them 3 billion in military aid a year for nothing? Where u think all their advanced weaponry comes from? Obama has fucked up on just about everything else form health care to the economy, but finally standing up at least somewhat to the radical militants running both Israel and Palestine, is about the only good think ive heard Obama do since he got elected. We can't be a peace broker if we so obviously favor one side. And more and more American Jews, such as myself, are realizing what is good for Israel (or most likely, the Israeli ruling class, as that is who most governments represent) is not what's good for America or the American people. If we're not gonna act neutrally we should just stay the fuck out of their business.
83. Jojo-When u put it like that.WHY did US vote for him?
84. To 79 Not true, India is certainly a possibility
The Dude   (01.09.10)
While many have ignored it, India the worlds largest democracy is definitely an excellent ally. We share a certain kinship with the state, as we have a certain parallel history, even wars occurred at almost the same time. India, is growing economically, is pluralistic, known for having a Jewish population that hasn't suffered anti-semitism or persecution, a place where numerous Israeli's come to decompress and so on. Also India and Israel both understand the importance of human capital. The fact is that India has basically one export that is almost completely unrivaled. The PhD student, literally there isn't a University in the world that doesn't have a handful of Indian students. The fact is that in the future, Israel could see itself looking east to the subcontinent. And this easily could easily become a good partnership, with investment on both sides, in technology, education, military, and so on. The fact is that Obama has caused America tremendous damage. It's not only the fact that he is picking on an ally that is viewed as completely dependent on the US. But the fact that Israel a country that is vehemently Pro-American, hates this president. If Obama visits I truly believe it will be the first time a broad spectrum of Israeli's are going to protest his visit and make it very welcoming. This is an accomplishment that even some EU heads of state who have been just as bad to Israel, won't even get. America needs change, but not what Obama brought.
85. Three-State Option?
Ari Rusila ,   Jyvaskyla, Finland   (01.09.10)
I wonder why still there is discussion about two-state solution, which from my viewpoint is empty statement - a dead road map. Already year ago U.S. ex-diplomat John Bolton proposed a “three-state” approach, where Gaza is returned to Egyptian control and the West Bank in some configuration reverts to Jordanian sovereignty. Why not start to look solution from new angle? (More about this solution e.g. in my article "The Three-State Option could solve Gaza conflict" -
86. those who say its no problem
Daran ,   UK   (01.09.10)
and make laughable threats about commercial contracts forget that this is aid money being discussed. That if the situation was so bad the Americans where cutting the aid budget you can bet your bottom (shekel propped ha ha ha) dollar that real sanctions from EU and US will not be far behind. I support Israel, get to the table before real strategic and existential problems which Israel is unable to address alone. Make this dispute of previous agreements (recorded ones) pale.
87. To: No. 82 - Part 1 of 2
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.09.10)
You are incorrect. First of all, the Palestine Authority is the single largest recipient of United States aid. Egypt also receives more, as does Jordan. United States foreign aid to Israel takes three forms: (i) cash in the form of interest-bearing loans. It may interest you to learn that there are only two countries in the world with a perfect repayment record. Finland is one. Israel is the other. (ii) military credits, which must be spent in the United States, and carry a back-end provision which requires Israel to make any enhancements and improvements available to the United States. Which it does. I remind you, by the way, that Israel provided the United States with its first look at the MIG-21 and the MIG-23; moreover, Israel provided the United States with its first look at the Soviet T-72 tank at a time when the United States did not have anything in its arsenal to penetrate the armor of the T-72. Israel is largely self-sufficient in terms of materiel, ordnance and weapons systems. (iii) by far the largest portion of the aid package to Israel takes the form of joint venture investment, which benefit both countries. Such joint ventures have produced roughly one-half of chemotherapy protocols in use for breast cancer, colorectal cancer, esophageal cancer, ovarian cancer and melanoma. Facial recognition software in use in virtually every airport in the United States is also a product of such joint ventures. A considerable number of military applications also came out of these joint ventures. You know, there are approximately thirty Palestinian organizations each one purporting to be the sole true representative of the Palestinian people. How does one select a negotiating "partner?" Besides, the one common thread in each of these organizations is that their charters all call for the destruction of the State of Israel and the extermination and/or expulsion of the Jewish people. Why on earth would Israel agree to negotiate with any organization unless it openly repudiates its charter and recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist in its ancient homeland? Why on earth is Obama so hell-bent on pushing the Palestinian cause? In case you haven't noticed, Israel has won six wars -- all of which were initiated by the Arabs. Israel has had to endure sixty-plus years of unrelenting Palestinian terror. Have you forgotten the suicide bombings? Six years of daily missile barrages in the north and eight years of daily missile barrages from Gaza? Passing strange, such allegiance to the Arab cause -- look how many Americans are dying in Afghanistan, Iraq, Waziristan and Pakistan, trying to bring stability and American-style democracy to a people who have no knowledge of it, no experience of it and no desire for it. Speaking of Iraq, though -- after long years of diplomatic effort failed to derail Iraq's nuclear program, Israel destroyed the Osirac reactor. It would have been quite a different Gulf War in 1991, had Israel not done what it did. Think of how many American servicemen and women did not come home in body bags, and remember who it is you should thank for that.
88. To: No. 82 - Part 2 of 2
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.09.10)
Do you remember September 11, 2001? Do you remember the news reports showing Israelis queuing for hours on lines that wrapped several times around the block in order to give blood? Do you also remember the new reports showing the wild celebrations in Gaza and in the Palestinian areas of the West Bank? Do you remember seeing people firing rifles into the air in joyous celebration? Do you remember seeing them distributing sweets? Do you remember the images of Arabs kissing pictures of Osama bin Laden? Do you really think the United States should be neutral? If so, why push only Israel? A good gesture would be for the United States to require any Palestinian organization that emerges in the fore as a suitable negotiating partner to repudiate its charter calling for the destruction of the State of Israel and the extermination and/or expulsion of the Jewish people and to recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist in its ancient homeland. Not likely to happen under the current administration, but -- well -- that's what happens when you vote a Moslem into the White House.
89. Where the Sun never shines...
Gideon Reader   (01.09.10) an ideal locus for placement of the AIDS the US provides. Maybe the **ONLY** secure and stable aircraft carrier in the entire Muddle East could provide certain restrictions and arbitrary limits on airspace usage and emergency aircraft servicing, arming and basing rights. However, a little game of Shesh-Besh is better that hardball. Come Motek. Let's play a bit.
90. Mitchell and his gangsterism
Brod ,   USA   (01.09.10)
Mitchell is NOT a diplomat. He is an AntiSemite gangster using the tool of gangsterism to achieve his goal. And so is the administration he represents. Israel should say NO to the dark forces.
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