Mitchell: Mideast stagnation endangers US aid
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 08.01.10, 19:58
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91. We do not take orders from the lebanese
jason white ,   afula,israel   (01.09.10)
former senator. Nor the moslim in the White House. Nor hitlery clinton. We aim to survive and hopefully in Jan,2013 there will be a real American President in the Oval office and not the jihadist. I am sure that our friends in both Houses will see the evil that this administration is. Maybe more eyes will be opened and the American people will see what an error they made in 2008.
92. Sarah B: Justice in Palestine
to prevent people like the Nigerian to attack America. they were "donating blood" because they left the buildings
93. this might not be a bad thing
steve from raleigh   (01.09.10)
Israel needs to wean itself from the US. Since the aid comes with the stipulation that 75% of it must be spent in the US on US companies, this is as much a jobs program for the US as it is anything else. I say fine.
94. Danny, I sent your threat to President Obama...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (01.09.10)
...keep those cards and letters coming folks. Danny just claimed that if the US levels sanctions against the rogue country Israel, said country will launch a NUCLEAR ATTACK on the Arab world! Talk about an Israel PR problem! Wingnuts coming out of the woodwork to threaten America over the little Apartheid state of Israel; keep on slapping the US President. It's all working out so well for you isn't it?
95. To: No. 53
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.09.10)
The Jewish people were more than happy to accept partition, which would have created a tiny Jewish state and a much, much larger Arab state in what was left of mandatory Palestine (after the British siphoned off a major chunk to create the Kingdom of the Transjordan and the French siphoned off a significantly larger chunk to create Syria and Lebanon). The Arabs rejected partition, and one day after Israel declared statehood, five Arab armies invaded the fledgling state. They lost. Too bad. Can't put toothpaste into the tube! By the way -- Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria is fully legal. Keep in mind that it never had sovereign status; since Israel acquired Judea and Samaria in the course of fighting a defensive war, Israel is free to retain the territory and to settle it. Read all about it here: Although you would benefit from reading the treatise in its entirety, feel free to skip down to the section titled "Law on Israel's Takeover of 1967 Lands." Read both subparagraph 1 and 2 -- the first examines the issue under Security Council Resolution 242 (and confirms that it is neither binding nor enforceable, as it was issued under Chapter Six of the United Nations Charter, and not Chapter Seven). The second section discusses Acquisition of Non-Sovereign Land in a Defensive War and concludes that international law does not preclude Israel from retaining AND settling Judea and Samaria and, in fact, fully supports Israel’s right to do precisely that. I believe you need to re-think your premise, as it is not based in fact. In the course of rethinking it, you may wish to consider that Israel has won six wars, all of which have been started by Arabs. Israel has also had to endure sixty plus years of unrelenting Palestinian terror. On the subject of war -- did the Allies allow Germany to set terms and conditions and make demands following the Second World War? Of course not. Germany was vanquished. Well -- the Arabs and, by extension, the Palestinians, have been vanquished six times. Why on earth would you think it would be a good idea to allow them to set terms and conditions for anything? They are not on equal footing with Israel. They are a vanquished people. Should have accepted partition. Although, in view of the fact that the Palestinians have rejected offers of a two-state solution no fewer than three times, surely even someone as poorly informed as you can draw no conclusion other than they want the whole thing. Well, that is why they will always have nothing. Israel is here to stay, and they cannot bring themselves to accept this. Six wars and sixty plus years of terror later, they are still a vanquished people and, like all vanquished people, they do not call the shots or set the terms and conditions for anything.
96. Hey BSNews are you going to also write Odumba about ...
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (01.09.10)
the illegal occupation of Cuba? Come one 112 years of occupation now. Or about the 51 year old embargo on the poor people of Cuba? Or about the fact that according to your logic the US is responsible for feeding, providing water, power and medicine to every single Cuban? Come on your country needs to clean it's own backyard first
97. #94: Ever heard of the Samson Option?
Steve   (01.09.10)
I've got a copy of investigative journalist Seymour Hersh's book, "The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy." It is Hersh's contention that had the US continued to delay a desparately needed airlift of weapons - given the USSR's massive daily armament of Egypt and Syria - Israel would have no choice but to use her nuclear capability or otherwise face mass-slaughter at the hands of the Arabs; only 28 years after the Holocaust. Under these circumstances Nixon and Kissinger relented. While I disagree with Danny's implied threat - I would like to see an Israel independent of US foreign aid - it is conceivable, given the choice of annihilation at the hands of her enemies, Israel might have no other choice. Use of nuclear weapons to me is beyond the pale except in the face of mass-extermination or enslavement; something America did not face in 1945.
98. To: No. 61
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.09.10)
Are you forgetting all those wanted Nazi war criminals that were given safe haven in the United States because they convinced American officials that they were invaluable anti-Communists? Isn't aiding and abetting a war criminal to evade justice a war crime in and of itself? Yes, I do believe it is. No statute of limitations, either. Practice what you preach, John. When may we expect the United States' full confession in The Hague? I wonder what the penalty will be. Tack on sixty-five years of punitive damages and .... wow. By the way -- Israel violated the UN charter? How so? Seems to me that Lebanon allowing terrorist organizations to use Lebanon as a staging base for attacks against Israel is a MASSIVE violation of the United Nations charter and all kinds of international statute and convention. As if the United Nations actually matters, anyway. Here's a news flash: the United States needs Israel far more than Israel needs the United States. Here's another news flash: Israel is a far better friend to the United States than the United States has ever been to Israel. Israel is a sovereign nation. It's policies are set in Jerusalem, not Washington D.C. Deal with it.
99. Steve, how'd that work out for Samson?
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (01.09.10)
100. Gee, one of Israel's consistant PR problems...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (01.09.10)
Produce a UN resolution that shows the United States "occupies" Cuba. The United States is NOT blockading Cuba, it is simply preventing American business from operating there. Indeed, under President Obama, Cuban-American can visit their families and send money for the first time in decades. President Obama has also made it his policy to close down the detention center at Guantanamo - do you ever read a paper or any news that comes after about 1948? Do you even read this paper? You are a costly liability to Israel's PR image Gee. Keep on making those false accusations against the US President. From where I sit, I don't see it as working out too well so far. Israel can only push ANY American administration just so far, but you go on, keep on lying and pushing. Right now the sad and pitiful cries from people like you are getting the most play, and Israel seems to like it that way. Those that seek peace are ridiculed and vilified for daring to see the other side. But it won't last Gee. It won't last. Sanctions are coming. In fact, they've already quietly begun, see the Ynet article about Americans no longer being able to hold securities in Israel; it's said to represent billions.
zionist forever   (01.09.10)
1) Its Congress who votes on aid for Israel or not and they are not going to end just because of the peace talks 2) If Obama wants the jewish vote in 2012 then he can be sure that the jewish vote will be going to the Republicans. Obama should remeber Bush senior ended up a 1 time wonder president despite the fact he had just ran a very succesfull coalition war against Iraq which was over very quickly. 3) The US has mid term elections coming up in 3 months if Obama wants to cost his party votes he is going about it the right way. This speech has just proven that we can't rely on the US anymore and need to start being more independent. Notice as usual the Obama regime has nothing to say to the arabs despite the fact that its Abbas who is sulking and saying unless you accept my demands I wont even talk with you. They are not enough for Abbas but Bibi at least has made some concessions and made alot of enemies in the process. Where are the threats on Abbas .. I forgot Obama recently gave the palestinians millions in aid and have put no pressure on Abbas to do anything. They recently refused an Israeli request to buy Apaches on the grounds that Apaches were used in Gaza during Cast Lead but they agreed to an Egyptian request for some.
102. this is going to hurt US companies benefit Israeli ones
zionist forever   (01.09.10)
This would hurt Israel financially to a degree but not the same as it once would have done As finance minister Bibi negotiated an end to financial aid in exchange for an increase in military aid. If Congres votes to give millitary aid not Obama. Sure he can delay deliveries but what that will do is increase Israel pressure to build more of its own weapons which will also be exported as direct competition to the US version. So if military aid becomes unreliable then rather than US arms companies getting a subsidy they will not only loose that subsidy but they will have to compete with Israel in the export market. There are also plenty of other countries who will be willing to sell weapons to Israel at favorable rates like Germany. Even Russia, if Israel wants their weapons which are cheaper than the US version anyway they will be more than happy to sell to Israel no strings attached and then they will be upgraded by Israel to western standards. India & Israel already cooperate closely on weapons development & if the US become unreliable that will increase. In the post cold war world there are lots more choices for Israel when it comes to shopping for weapons. If Obama tries anything like this it will hurt Israel to a degree short term but long term the US will be the looser when Israel starts buying weapons from others it will increase political alliances with those countries the US would rather Israel did not have. Once weapons start getting developing weapons with countries like India the projects won't just be canceled overnight & there will be competition. The US arms companies will have lost $.25 billion worth of government subsidy and the billions that Israel pays hard cash for and helps the US economy. Its also ging to be a real vote winner selling arms to royalty and arab & muslim countries run by royalty or dictaitors but refusing to sell to traditional ally Israel.
103. Not well informed
Serge ,   Antwerp, Belgium   (01.09.10)
I suppose Mitchell is not well informed. Only today Saeb Erekat, chief Palestinian negotiator, declared Palestinians will not return to the negotiations unless all their precondintions are met. So he is threatening Israel about Palestinian refusal to negotiate.
104. To: Serge at No. 103
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.09.10)
Quite true. One does wonder why the Palestinians consider themselves to be equal so-called "negotiating partners" with Israel. Seems to me that having won six wars -- all started by the Arabs, by the way -- the Palestinians do not have a right to set pre-conditions. Can anyone think of a single instance where the loser of one war, let alone six, was permitted to set terms and conditions about anything? I certainly know of none. The Palestinians are a vanquished people. They set nothing. They get whatever crumbs Israel may generously decide to toss their way. Or they get nothing. There is no reason whatsoever to reward Palestinians for six wars, sixty-plus years of terror and three rejected opportunities for a two-state solution. If they don't like it, they should move to a country whose policies are more to their liking. Simple enough.
105. To: No. 92
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.09.10)
Sounds like you are threatening the United States. Easy enough to do as long as you hide behind anonymity. What justice do you think the Palestinians deserve for having been the architects of their own misery? Did they not reject three opportunities for a two-state solution? Did they not agitate six wars, all of which were won by Israel? What sort of justice do you think people who send suicide bombers and daily missile barrages -- six years from Hizbollah eight years from Gaza -- and have engaged in unrelenting terror for over sixty years deserve? In most places, the only justice such people would receive would come on the gallows at the end of a rope.
106. Aid Cut to Israel
Dave ,   Castle Rock, Colorad   (01.09.10)
Sure, Israel is our most important ally in the MidEast so we must punish them. The Palestine Authority is a potential enemy so let's give them money. This makes sense under Obama. By the time we can get him out of office we may have no friends left. Some of the changes Obama promised. I wonder how many more we can survive.
107. Holding aid hostage!
Bill ,   Belize City, Belize   (01.09.10)
Why doesn't Israel make this the last time it allows America to disrespect the Jewish State. Tell Mitchell, Obama and Company to take a hike and put their "Aid" where the sun don't shine!!
108. BSNews spare us your impression of a 1st grade class monitor
flyingdoc57 ,   Florida, U.S.A.   (01.09.10)
...'Ooooooohhhhh, I'm gonna tellllll'. You jackass! You cruise the Israeli newspaper websites 24/7 for the purpose of taunting and threatening any pro-Israel posters. What kind of demented idiot are you? Do you have any clue what a fool you 'look like' each and every time you state "I've sent your comments to President Obama" or, as in the case of Sarah B, "I've sent your comments to the partners of your law firm"? Would you care to estimate how many pro-Israel comments you've "sent to President Obama" during the past year from posters on Wall Street Journal, Ynet, JTA, Haaretz and other sites? It's got to be in the hundreds. There's probably a trash bin at the White House dedicated exclusively to your correspondence. An just WHO the f--k do you think you are anyway? Who died and left you the chief of Gestapo assigned to restrict Jews' freedoms of speech on Israeli newspapers' websites? Who invited you here? Go spew your anti-semitic hatred on neo-nazi websites, where they'll be appreciated. Coming here and calling everyone "wingnuts", "usefull idiots", etc. serves no purpose at all. For your information, those of us who are passionate about our support for Israel, and disdain for the Muslim schmuck currently (illegally) occupying the White House, personally submit our comments to him every chance we get. I know I have sent Obama a multitude of e-mails letting him know that he's an anti-American fraud who has no right (legally or morally) to sit where he sits. Funny, though, all I ever get in return is a cookie-cut e-mail thanking me for my correspondence. So do me a personal favor, Gestapo agent Hess. Please send THIS comment to Obama as well. Tell him we Jews think he's an evil bastard seeking to destroy America, and not just Israel. P.S. Where have you been for the past couple of days, Gestapo agent Hess...neo-nazi convention or attending the funeral for the holocaust museum shooter?
109. Obama will be voted out in 2012, and his socialist friends.
Jim S ,   Green Bay, WI   (01.09.10)
Obama is screwing the citizens here in America. With Health Care and Cap & Trade. Everything Barrack Husein Obama touches gets screwed up. I guess its your turn now. Give up no land, make no peace, build your homes and screw Obama. You do not want his kind of help. In 2012 we will elect someone else. Maybe a conservative this time. Or else America will be another Tyre.
110. Why?
Danny ,   Florida   (01.10.10)
Why do so many israelis post their locations as american? I know american jews are not so radical and vicious. We just want it over with so everyone can get on with their lives. Ever heard of Win/Win? SEIZE EVERY OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE PEACE. COOPERATE AND MAKE IT HAPPEN. LET'S GET IT DONE AND OVER WITH.
111. #109 Sure Jim sure
Paul ,   Florida   (01.10.10)
"Obama will be voted out in 2012, and his socialist friends." And we went through 2 terms of Dubya, why?
112. To: FlyingDoc57 at No. 108
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.10.10)
I don't read his posts, so I had no idea! Wow. That would certainly explain the extremely generous 2009 bonus and the impressive salary increase for 2010! Who knew?
113. #109 - Just waitin for the republicansatzgruppen
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (01.10.10)
to rise like the Phoenix eh? You are twisted my friend, Bush and Co plus C street are done. The moral majority es kaput which is good because it never moral nor a majority anyway. You Joe the plumber types are nothing more than fascist that hate America anyway .
114. #67
but i am not israeli and not jewish also. so, i have no motivation to be on israel or arab side. i still say that what i wrote is the total relity of the situation and that you, sir, have lots to learn about israel. i have been there. i have friends there as i have in iran and la, usa and i read quite a lot, something that, in light of your erroneous post, makes you not only an ignorant person, but one whose stupidity and lack of knowledge is very very apparent. hameeda aboughaze, iranian
115. To: No. 110
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.10.10)
How do you make peace with people sworn to the destruction of the State of Israel and the extermination and/or expulsion of the Jewish people? Why do you think it is a particularly good idea to reward people for over sixty years of unrelenting terror? Why do you think that the Palestinians constitute an equal partner in any process? I remind you that each and every one of Israel's six wars were initiated by Arabs and won by Israel. I don't recall the Germans being accorded equal negotiating status to the Allies following the Second World War. The Germans and the Japanese did not get to set terms and conditions for anything. Why would you think it a particularly good idea to establish a different set of rules that apply solely to Israel? I do agree with you that it would be nice to get it done and over with. As with all victors in any war I can think of, the vanquished have no say in anything. So, sure, let's get it over and done with -- as long as it is exclusively on Israel's terms -- after all, Israel did emerge victorious from each war. That's how the world works, dear.
116. "republicansatzgruppen", #113?
Cameron ,   USA   (01.10.10)
Bonehead, you do seem to get off throwing that s... silly term around on YNET at times. You start using that foolishness in the real world, and someone will most certainly send you running home with your teeth in your pocket, son.
117. Losing "O's" Luv...
Leslie-Ann ,   Vancouver, Canada   (01.10.10)
Israel should be so lucky. Let's hope he directs it elsewhere...Iran perhaps?
118. Cameron - Typical terror tactics
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (01.10.10)
republicans and tea-baggers are the American evangelical Taliban,, nothing more. Violent extremist. you shall not satisfy your terror-lust from me my friend.
119. Hey BBS Moron...
Leslie-Ann ,   Vancover, Canada   (01.10.10)
Please send all my talkbacks to the Jihadist in the White House.
120. Borders
pageyahu ,   U.S.   (01.10.10)
East Jerusalem has always been Israels please dont give it up, becouse it will always be Israels. The temple will will built there remember that, it is going to be built in the near future.
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