
Photo: Tzafrir Abyov
Chairman: Amir Peretz
Photo: Tzafrir Abyov


Chairman: Amir Peretz



  • Party will act to renew diplomatic negotiations while fighting violence and terror, completing the West Bank security fence within one year, and maintaining Israel's security edge. In the event of a diplomatic freeze, Israel will undertake independent steps that would guarantee its security and diplomatic interests.
  • Negotiations will be based on following principles: Two states for two nations whose borders will be determined in talks between the sides. Large West Bank settlement blocs will be part of Israel. Isolated settlements not part of settlement blocs will be evacuated. Jerusalem, with all its Jewish neighborhoods, will remain Israel's eternal capital and Jewish holy sites will remain in Israel's hands.
  • Investment in West bank will end and unauthorized outposts will be removed.
  • Party pledges to share budgets fairly among all citizens, while setting targets for minimizing unemployment, raising minimum wage, and effective enforcement of Labor laws. Minimization of social gaps and investment in developing national infrastructures, job creation, and nurturing of small businesses.
  • Party pledges to introduce steps that would prevent gaps when it comes to education and guarantee high-quality free education starting from a young age, with an emphasis on science, democracy, and humanism.
  • Party will act to implement a fair relationship between religious and secular based on the reinforcement of Jewish character through educational means, separating religion from politics, guaranteeing freedom of religion and conscience to all citizens, and guaranteeing free access to all religious sites.
  • Party pledges to emphasize full equality and the elimination of gaps between Arab and Jewish citizens in all areas. Party will act to boost government transparency.



Party History:


The Labor party was established in 1968 after several parties, including then-governing party Mapai, joined together. In 1977, the party lost power to the Likud, headed by Menachem Begin. The party joined forces with Likud for national unity governments in the 1980s, and regained power in 1992, headed by Yitzhak Rabin, who was later assassinated by Yigal Amir. Before that, Rabin signed the Oslo Agreement, paving the way for the creation of the Palestinian Authority.


In 1999, Labor won 26 Knesset seats and again formed the government under the leadership of Ehud Barak. In 2001, after Barak quit and PM Ariel Sharon won the elections, Labor joined a national unity government headed by Likud.


In November 2005, Amir Peretz won the party leadership, replacing Shimon Peres, who quit the party and joined PM's Sharon Kadima party.



Notable figures:


Amir Peretz


Avishay Braverman


Ophir Pines-Paz


Isaac Herzog


Yuli Tamir


Ami Ayalon


Binyamin Ben-Eliezer


פרסום ראשון: 03.13.06, 18:18
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