Party leader Marzel
Photo: Dudi Vaknin
- The party abides by the principle of "the Land of Israel belongs to the People of Israel in accordance with the Torah of Israel, on all this implies."
- The party pledges to uproot terrorism and supports conquering the country and expelling the enemy, arguing that "removing the enemies from the country will provide a basic solution to all of the country's severe problems."
- The party's strategic objective is to establish a large Jewish majority west of the Jordan River, eventually introducing Israeli sovereignty over the entire area west of the Jordan. The party also wishes to encourage mass immigration and Jewish births.
- The party wishes to boost education that stresses Jewish and national notions, pledging to boost Jewish attachment to Jerusalem.
- The party pledges to prosecute the "criminals of the Sinai expulsion, the Oslo criminals, and the criminals of the Jewish expulsion of Gush Katif and northern Samaria."
Party history:
After being active in the now-outlawed Kach movement, party leader Baruch Marzel joined the Herut party ahead of the previous elections, but the party failed to win any Knesset seats. Two Years ago, Marzel established his new party.
Notable figures:
Baruch Marzel