
Photo: Ofer Amram
Natan Zada's parents. Disappointed
Photo: Ofer Amram
Eden Natan Zada. 'No proof he murdered'

Jewish terrorist's mother: I distrust State

Dvora Natan Zada not consoled by arrest of seven Israeli Arabs suspected of lynching her son; ' I have lost my most precious thing, in most tragic and ugly way,' she says

The arrest of the Israeli Arabs suspected of lynching Jewish terrorist Eden Natan Zada did not comfort his family members. According to them, during the 10 months that have passed since the Shfaram shooting, no one has bothered to present them with proof that their son murdered four bus passengers.


The mother, Dvora Natan Zada, told Ynet: "For 10 months I am forced to wait for the results of the autopsy? They should come and show me proof that my son is a murderer. Even if today they present me with the autopsy findings of what happened there, I won't believe them."


According to Natan Zada, "I want to see all the investigation's findings, one on one. I want to see people's testimonies or something to point to what happened there."


Referring to the suspects' arrest, the mother said: "I am disappointed. They had an arrest warrant seven months ago, so why did they wait for so many months? Have you ever heard of such a thing? It was all in order to silence, so that they don’t lose anything in their elections. Why, there were Arab Knesset members who said 'God forbid if this incident is investigated.'"


The police investigation into the affair enraged Natan Zada: "They should have defended my son. They were there, he was handcuffed and 500 people were around, lynching him. Is that what they call defending him? When he is handcuffed and helpless?"


'They should show evidence'


"Why wasn't the police reinforced? They said there are no police officers, that they all went to guard settlements. Have you ever heard such a thing? Where are the police? Where is our army? Of course I'm angry, since they could have stopped the whole mess from the beginning. Why, I warned and I cautioned, why didn’t they so anything?


"How can it be that in the first seconds of the incident they determine that my son is a murderer? I see the tape in which the child is lynched. I want to see strong and solid findings that say he is the murdered. How can they call him a murderer without any findings? (Former Defense Minister Shaul) Mofaz should look me in the eyes and tell me that my son is a murderer. If he is a murderer they should show  evidence. Until today no one has updated me with anything. We are not considered bereaved parents, not to mention the burial disgrace," the mother charged.


Referring to the fact that the lynch suspects are now under arrest, she said: "This doesn’t comfort me. I am in an emotional state. I don’t know what will happen to them, whether they will be in jail or not, whether they will be released or not. My son is not alive. I died a thousand times, my life is over."


"Let's say that even if we assume that he did what they say, and that what happened did happen and my son is being accused of murder, we have a country governed by civil laws. There are judges, and if they rule and there are clear investigation findings about what he did, then he should be tried. That's what the court is for, not so that people take the law into their own hands," she said.


But Natan Zada's does not really trust the court.


"I don’t believe in the state anymore, as well as in the police and the army. I don’t believe in any institution in our state. I have lost my most precious thing, and in the most tragic and ugly way. Our state wants to look noble in the eyes of the whole world. For what? On our expense?"


Ahiya Raved contributed to the report


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