
'Military operations will not solve Israel's problems with Hizbullah.' Mubarak
Photo: API

Mubarak: US response to war too little, too late

Egyptian president says in Time Magazine interview ‘Lebanon crisis could have been contained at its early stage; Israel's military offensive in Lebanon went way too far’

In an interview with Time magazine Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak complained that the crisis in Lebanon" could have been contained at its early stage and that Israel's military offensive in Lebanon "went way too far" and has "triggered an increasing rage within the Arabs, Muslims and worldwide."


"There is no light at the end of the tunnel," he said.


When asked for his opinion on the US and international community’s response to the conflict, Mubarak said “A bit too little, too late. The situation could have been contained at its early stage. Instead, it has been allowed to aggravate, with little effort being exerted within and outside the Security Council.


“Now is the time for the Council to shoulder its responsibility in the maintenance of international peace and security. The US and the other permanent members have to assume a particular responsibility in this regard. An urgent and serious demarche by the international community is most needed” the Egyptian president told Time magazine.


“Military operations will not solve Israel's problems with Hizbullah. An immediate cease-fire is the utmost priority. Cessation of hostilities would create the environment conducive to addressing such problems in a candid manner. The bloodshed and the heavy toll of Israel's operations must be brought to an end.”


פרסום ראשון: 07.29.06, 21:09
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