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Tair Rada
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Photo: Avihu Shapira
Tair's parents near her grave
Photo: Avihu Shapira

Police: Laborer confessed to murder of teen girl

Dramatic development in investigation of Golan murder: Last person arrested in case, construction laborer working inside school, confesses to murder of 13-year old Katzrin girl, reenacts act. According to worker, girl irritated him, and when she refused to apologize he decided to pull out knife

Dramatic development in murder of 13-year-old Katzrin girl: Roman Zadorov, 26, the last suspect arrested by the police confessed during his interrogation Tuesday to the murder. On Tuesday evening he reenacted the act in the bathroom of the Nofei Golan school in Katzrin.


The police have thus solved the murder which took place two weeks ago and caused panic among the town residents.


Zadorov, a Katzrin resident, married and the father of a two-month old baby, arrived in the city about five years ago. He was employed by a contractual company and was recently engaged in flooring and renovating bomb shelters and basements in the school.


Like the two other suspects arrested and released, Zadorov was arrested due to his proximity to the scene of the murder, and at first denied the allegations.


However, his remand was extended and during his interrogation Zadarov claimed that while he was working in the school, the girl irritated and cursed him because he refused to give her a cigarette. After she refused to apologize, he decided to pull out a knife and kill her.

Zadorov during court hearing (Photo: Vadim Daniel)


Police Northern District Commander Dan Ronen said during a press conference held Tuesday evening that "this is one of the most complicated incidents which took place in the entire country: The murder of a 14-year-old high school student.


"We are now after the reenactment of the murder. It is very probable, with all the required cautiousness, that the suspected murderer is the person held in custody by the police for several days now. He confessed and reenacted the murder of Tair Rada. I promised the family that the Israel Police will do everything until we reach the person who committed such a terrible act."


Zadarov's attorney told Ynet that he was unaware of any development in his client's investigation.


"I met him the day before yesterday and he told me that he continues to deny the allegations. He was interrogated a great number of times and continued to deny the suspicions also in the interrogation and also to me. I plan to meet with him again tomorrow morning to see where things stand," he said.


Ahiya Raved contributed to the report


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