Netanyahu: Best man for the job?
Photo: Doron Golan

Olmert far behind
Photo: Reuters

Livni: Tied for second
Photo: AFP
If elections were held today, the governing Kadima party would receive a mere nine mandates, according to a telephone poll carried out by the Smith Institute for Ynet.
While Kadima is collapsing in public opinion, favor is returning for the Likud party. According to the poll, Likud would triumph in hypothetical elections with a full 32 mandates.
Likud Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu was perceived as the person best suited to serve as prime minister, earning 34 percent support and beating out his competitors by a large margin.
After Netanyahu, those surveyed favored Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Labor Knesset Member Ami Ayalon, who each earned the support of 16 percent, then Ehud Barak with 8 percent. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert trailed with only 3 percent of the vote.
The survey, which was carried out Monday evening, questioned 500 adults over the age of 18 and had a 4.5 percent error margin.
Those polled pledged their votes for the political parties as follows:
Likud: 32 mandates
Israel Our Home: 10
Kadima: 9
Labor: 9
Shas: 8
National Union-NRP: 6
United Torah Judaism: 5
Meretz: 4
Pensioners: 3
Undecided: 24
Total: 120
The Likud’s reemergence after its failure in the last elections – when it received only 12 mandates – was particularly notable, as was Kadima's significant drop from 29 to only nine mandates.