
Hamas securiy officers
Photo: AP

Hamas looking to make peace with Fatah – report

Al-Sharq al-Awsat says Islamist group's new proposal calls for temporary transfer of control over its security forces to Egypt until formation of joint Fatah-Hamas force, reestablishment of PLO institutions

Hamas has formulated a new plan for reconciliation with rival Fatah following the crisis in the Palestinian Authority since the Islamist group's violent takeover of the Gaza Strip last June, the London-based Arabic-language newspaper Al-Sharq al-Awsat reported Friday.


According to the report, Hamas is willing to initiate dialogue with Fatah and transfer control of the border crossings to Egypt.


The report, which presents the general outline of Hamas' plan, said the organization has also expressed its willingness to temporarily transfer control of its security forces and the border crossings in Gaza to Egypt until the formation of a new PA security force with consent of both organizations.


The plan also calls for an end to the mutual smear campaigns in the Palestinian media and the scheduling of a meeting between Hamas and Fatah representatives in one of the Arab countries. Fatah has yet to reply to the proposal, the report said.


Hamas' plan also touches on the sensitive issues that have been discussed by the both sides in the past, such as the reestablishment of a unity government based on the Cairo and Mecca accords, and the fate of the prisoners captured by both sides during and after Hamas' takeover of Gaza.


The plan also calls for the reestablishment of the Palestinian Liberation Organization institutions, as specified by the Cairo accords, as well as the acceptance of a number of principles, including the territorial unification of Gaza and the West Bank and the "rejection of any attempts to divide the Palestinian people".


פרסום ראשון: 09.28.07, 08:39
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