
Gabriel Byrne
Original cast of BeTipul

We're on the couch

The American version of 'In Treatment' is gaining momentum. A visit on the set indicates the Americans are certain this will be a rare TV event. Gabriel Byrne, who will play the psychologist, says he's ready for therapy

While in Israel the crew is hard at work on the second season of the hit show "BeTipul" (In Treatment), the HBO version is scheduled to debut January 28. Everyone is keeping their fingers crossed in the name of the Jewish people and Zionist vision.


Casting director Libby, a Hollywood dinosaur who cast "Desperate Housewives" and "Six Feet Under," said Assi Dayan is the most charismatic, warm, sexy actor she's ever seen.


If that is not enough, Rodrigo García (son of noble laureate author Gabriel García Márquez) who directed several of the "Sopranos" episodes, said "In Treatment" is a once in a generation TV event.


Gabriel Byrne who plays the psychologist said "this may be the most exhausting role of my career, I am ready to see a shrink, yet I am proud to be a part of this. It's a brilliant concept especially because it contradicts everything TV is supposed to be. Two people sitting in a room, talking – who would believe it would be so interesting."


"In Treatment" is filmed on Stage 25, the same set used for "I Love Lucy," "Frasier" and "Friends."


פרסום ראשון: 11.09.07, 07:48
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