
Rabbi places mezuzah on Casbah wall
Photo: Chabad website

IDF rabbi affixes mezuzah at entrance to Hebron's Casbah

Judea Brigade rabbi, soldiers and Chabad members hold religious ceremony at one of most sensitive places in West Bank. 'This place is strictly Jewish,' participant says. Peace Now: IDF has become Settler Defense Forces

A military rabbi, along with a number of IDF soldiers and Chabad members affixed a mezuzah last Monday on a wall at the entrance to one of the most sensitive areas in the West Bank – the Casbah in Hebron.


Judea Brigade Rabbi Captain Eliyahu Peretz presided over the unusual ceremony, which lasted only a few minutes. The IDF has launched an investigation into the matter, and the mezuzah has since been removed, Ynet has learned.


Ceremony in Hebron (Photo: Chabad website) 


Following the incident, Peace Now issued a statement saying "the rabbi and the soldiers who participated in the illegal and political ceremony must be put on trial.


"The IDF has turned into the Settler Defense Forces," the leftist organization said.


According to Yossi Nachshon, a Chabad member who took part in the ceremony, during his recent visit to Hebron, Rabbi Shlomo Rizel of New York "gave an order to morally support the residents and cheer up the soldiers" and place a mezuzah at the entrance to the West Bank town.


"The Palestinians never pass through this area anyway," Nachshon said. "This is a Jewish place, and we did nothing wrong. The area is strictly Jewish."


פרסום ראשון: 12.20.07, 11:14
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