Haim Ramon
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Vice Premier Haim Ramon commented Wednesday on the final Winograd report
probing the Second Lebanon War, saying it "vindicated" member Prime Minister Ehud Olmert,
a fellow Kadima member.
Report's Aftermath
Ynet reporters
Politicians respond harshly to release of war report, call on Olmert to step down immediately. 'It would be irresponsible to let the PM stay in office. The political system must form an alternative government and send him home,' Meretz MK Gal-On says. Minister Avraham: Opposition owes Olmert an apology
"Unless (defense minister and Labor leader) Ehud Barak springs something dramatic on us, the report will be history by next week," Ramon told Ynet.
"No one in Kadima will rise against the prime minister… Barak will be better off coming down from the tree he climbed on; he wasn't exactly commended in this report," the vice premier said.
Meanwhile, most of Olmert's rivals within Kadima, including Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz and Knesset Member Avigdor Itzchak, remained silent following the release of the war report.
One party member who hoped the report would force Olmert to step down said, "To be honest, Winograd kind of took the wind out of our sails.
"(The report) pointed an empty gun in Olmert's direction," the Kadima member said."
Senior Labor officials estimated that the party would remain in the coalition.